I get image requests, lots of image requests, but this one is special.
In mid-May of this year I received a request for use of one of my Barn Owl photos from someone named “Eric Chivian M.D.”, who modestly described himself as “a former Harvard Medical School professor” and left it at that.
It turns out that Eric was being modest indeed. His list of highly impressive accomplishments is jaw-droppingly diverse and extensive, including the fact that he’s a Nobel Peace Prize winner for his campaign against nuclear weapons, he was named by Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world and he’s a leading proponent of efforts to create a greater awareness amongst policy makers and the public of the importance of biodiversity to human health. Eric of course didn’t tell me any of that stuff. I had to dig it all up on my own and what I’ve mentioned is only the tip of the iceberg. If you want to see the whole shebang, check this out.
In a series of communications over four weeks we developed an unexpected friendship as we discussed things as diverse as my medical situation after back surgery (he suggested a particular “contraption” his wife used after neck surgery that allowed her to read comfortably), his reading recommendations for me as I recovered (including “D’Arcy Thompson’s On Growth and Form – get the Cambridge Canto edition with John Bonner as editor. One of the greatest biology books of all time.”) and the soft spot I have for Harvard because my grandfather x 10, Governor Thomas Dudley, was one of Harvard’s founders and in 1650 signed its original charter.
When he learned I was fascinated by my family history he also made some suggestions about folks I might want to investigate as possible shirt-tail relatives of mine, including essayist, novelist and friend of Mark Twain, Charles Dudley Warner and Sarah Whitehead Dudley, who married George Plimpton.
But after telling you all this, it wasn’t his accomplishments that made his request so special for me. Instead, it was his intended use of my image.
This photo of a Barn Owl in flight is the image I agreed to allow Eric to use in a booklet titled “How Sustainable Engineering Solutions Depend on Biodervisity” that he and his colleagues were preparing for an upcoming United Nations meeting. When he told me the booklet would be “making the argument that we must preserve the living world or we will lose critically important sustainable engineering designs that we can’t afford to lose” I was all in.
My Barn Owl photo was used in the context of modeling wind turbine blades after owl feathers that produce silent flight, resulting in much quieter wind turbines and reducing objections to them because of the noise and air vibrations they typically produce.
Eric Chivian speaking to UN General Assembly on 7/19/22, holding up ‘the booklet”. Image used by permission.
So a week ago yesterday, on July 19th, Eric spoke before a special meeting of the United Nations General Assembly called “A Moment for Nature” on the importance of biodiversity to engineering solutions that might sustain us in our increasingly threatened world. Copies of “the booklet” were presented to the delegations from each member state and various other UN officials.
If you’re interested, here’s a link to a PDF of the actual booklet, including my photo in the ‘chapter’ called “Owls and Silent Wind Turbines”.
It’s hard for me to imagine a use of one of my images that I’d be prouder of.
- Eric and Carl Sagan were friends from their days in anti-nuclear work. Eric told me that these words from Carl are “perhaps the most eloquent and moving statement about our position in the universe that anyone has ever said.” From my more limited perspective, I agree.
- After all is said and done, what I like best about Eric Chivian is the fact that I can tell he’s a nice man. And a kind one.
Ron, this entire post is just fantastic – thanks for sharing. And congrats on having your beautiful photo included in an important work.
How fantastic and exciting! Congratulation! What a great story.
Wonderful and congratulations. Also that is a story that is very heartening for all of us.
WOW was my first reaction. Great post & picture.
Good morning from New Zealand.
Your posting was a wonderful and moving way to start the day – well done.
Let’s hope the UN takes note of the presentation. The comment by Carl Sagan reminded me he was taken too soon.
I wish a bigger word than WOW could describe my reaction to this one. So wonderful in so many ways — fantastic photo and use of it. You are indeed making a difference in the world. Thanks for all the early morning rises and work. You are a model for all.
Goosebumps. And tears of hope.
Who knew you would have such a distinguished international audience, via the booklet? To quote Carl Sagan, you’re a “superstar…on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.” (Just to put it in perspective
Next up: a new edition of the booklet showing how yesterday’s photo is being studied for some technological application.
Jaw droppingly wonderful.
I cannot think of a better use for this incredible photo.
And thank you for also including Carl Sagan’s words.
Deeply felt gratitude for all you give.
Thank you so much,
What a great honor. I have come across the Carl Sagan piece several times recently in connection with the Webb telescope story but didn’t know of Dr. Chivian’s work, his Nobel history nor his connection to Sagan. What our lonely, Wee Blue Speck could use right now is a whole lot more humble and kind. Not too shabby to have an inclusive, creative and inventive world view too. All of “the answers” are right in front of us. It is up to us to notice. Dr. Chivian is clearly one who does. An articulate prod to us to always broaden our horizons–search for the bigger picture.
Exceptionally Inspiring post…
…and that owl pict is pretty nice too!
Congratulations, pal!
Love this guy, Dr. Chivian, and love the fact that you are still making an impact as a conservationist as you did your whole professional career. I know you struggle with the daily grind to share your work with all of us and the rest of the world. Here is solid proof that what you do educates and stimulates many others to appreciate, honor and protect our mother, nature.
Thank YOU, for this post and for this site. It is a gift to the world.
Very neat, congratulations on the photo being used in such a wonderful way. I am also happy about your new relationship with a very interesting person.
Ron, what a fantastic story! You’re so fortunate to have met up with such an interesting fellow. (And wow! he has great taste in owl photos!)
Love the use he put the photo to — I can see how evocative it would be for that subject.
And hey! At least one of your fans would like to know more about the medical “contraption,” please.
Ellen, regarding the contraption, here’s the two links Eric sent me.
That’s an inspiring story, Ron, and an incredible format in which to share one of your photos. Congratulations!
You are in good company indeed! Like attracts like.
Congratulations! A well-deserved honor. It’s a beautiful photo that now can help us toward a better world. I’m very pleased to see this post this morning.
What a wonderful life experience – generated from your photography. Your work, art and passion touch so many Ron. Am very grateful for you.
I can’t think of a better use of one of your fabulous images, Ron. Thanks for the link to the booklet. I’m enjoying reading about bird flight and how it inspired better human technology.
Awesome use of your photo! Congratulations
Ron. WOW. Congratulations on your connections and contributions. You must be proud.
Wow! Fantastic! It seems strange to say, but it must have seemed like a privilege to be asked to donate the image of the owl for this purpose. And it is a wonderful view of the owl in flight.
What a well-deserved honor Ron. Congratulations. I’m sending this blog to a lot of relatives and friends. Delighted you found each other!
WOW! What a wonderful story and use of your photo! I’ve been aware of the fact much engineering, at least for flight, is based on the natural world.
Great to add a new friend also……..
I am thrilled for you. My grandmother always said ;”Quality will find quality”.
She was referring to people and work– and I think that your meeting of minds is a fine illustration, in both senses of that word.
Wow, a very different and educational post this morning. Dr. Chivian of course can be very proud of his lifetime of achievements, but you too can be proud to have your excellent owl photo chosen to be included in his booklet about Sustainable Engineering Solutions.
Also the mention of George Plimpton brings back fun memories of his experimental sports exploits and his famous Paper Lion book.
Wonderful post and beautiful photo! It is so nice to read about people trying to make a difference on this planet. Thank you Ron for sharing your adventures… it’s so inspiring for fledgling wannabe nature photographers!
This made me tear up it demonstrates the power of your photos and their impact for making a better world.
Take Care,
Well, heck. That is way beyond cool. Being made part of a worldwide effort would be quite humbling for me. Congratulations.
Beautiful story and inspiring conversation. Am following up on all references. I am grateful.
Chuck, here’s a broader link containing links to other pertinent info on Eric’s efforts and the UN meeting itself.
Wonderful story and fascinating story of a new friendship. Serendipity !
Biodiversity needs our full attention these days as there are endless lessons we can learn from our natural world. I can’t imagine all that you have witnessed while studying birds etc.. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work.
Wow! What a privilege to have your photo used to promote something you care about so much. And to make such an interesting friend and through him to learn so much and get the opportunity to learn so much more about your family tree . . . Wow, just wow!
I am delighted that you and he found each other. Bravo!
What an honor for your photo to be used in such a constructive way !! Congratulations Ron !! How did he happen to find your image ??
I don’t know how he found my image Gary. But I could tell from our conversations that he spent a lot of time looking for an owl photo that “shows the size of the wings in relation to the body, and the leading and trailing edges.”. He narrowed it down to two Barn Owl photos of mine and in the end chose this one.
I imagine he found them by googling “owl photos” or “barn owl photos” or something similar but that’s just a guess.
I am speechless with awe and delight. From EM Forster:
Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its highest. Live in fragments no longer.
Also your shirt tail relative Charles Dudley Warner wrote a highly quotable- from wonderful book My Summer in a Garden. Highly recommended
Frances, My Summer in the Garden was one of Eric’s reading recommendations for me. Here’s what he said:
“Also I came across Charles Dudley Warner’s My Summer in the Garden (published 1898) which is just terrific. Relation?”
Further evidence although far from needed of what a great human being Eric Chivian is.
Thank you Ron for what you do.
Thank you for sharing, beautiful photo, with a beautiful message. I am deeply moved by this and look forward to reading more.
This is wonderful! I am not surprised though. You are a kindred soul with him from the sounds of it. So happy for you!
It is amazing how photography leads to unbelievable meetings and friendships. Congratulations!
Pale Blue Dot is wonderful, thank you for sharing.
Very cool, Ron. It makes me happy to know that people are looking to nature and biodiversity for inspiration in solving engineering problems, and Eric Chivian does indeed sound like one of the good guys. (Nice to hear a little about your family history, too. I can believe you might be related to Mark Twain!)
Absolutely amazing! What an awesome connection and request, that has paved the road to many more moments than a simple image request. Your work and passion is one for the books (and booklets)!
Wouldn’t it be amazing if your owl photograph ended up actually changing the design of wind turbines blade! It’s kind of a “ Six Degrees of Separation “ moment. Who’d have ever thought the work of a preeminent photographer such as yourself would connect with a Nobel prize winner interested in designing turbine blades based on owl feathers. Simply amazing.
We need more people like Eric Chivian and you! We may be related, distantly. My brother’s and grandfather’s first names were Warner, a family last name. I suppose somewhere back there, we are all related.
Unbelievable! And to think I’ve been following you since before you became a world renowned bird photographer . . .
Excellent, Excellent, Excellent! I can’t find any other word or words that says any better what I am thinking!!
Wow, Ron – what a wonderful post!! What a beautiful experience & important new friendship which is so beneficial for both of you. I can see where you both have gained from what started out as a “simple” Image request!!