Once in a great while I’m tempted to post a photo that kinda grabs me for some unexplainable reason but that I feel pretty confident won’t have much appeal for my readers. Nearly always I’m able to resist that temptation, but not today.
1/3200, f/7.1, ISO 500, Canon R5, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS II USM + 1.4 tc, not baited, set up or called in
I took this photo of a Lark Sparrow on sagebrush a few weeks ago and while I was culling images it very nearly ended up in the delete bin. But I impulsively decided that it might have some redeeming qualities so I saved it for a closer look at a later time.
I can’t really explain why I keep coming back to it, other than I like the pose and the complementary rosy hues of both bird and background. And then there’s the harlequin face of this species that has always appealed to me.
Besides, it’s been over a year since I’ve posted a Lark Sparrow photo. It’s overdue.
Thanks. I love Lark Sparrows too.
This is a great photo! I’m glad you shared it. I hope your post op recovery is going well and that you’re feeling better. I finally narrowed down photos I would love a print of a few weeks ago but didn’t want to bother you with it right before surgery. Here are the ones I love the most – 11/17/21 Sparrow, 1/5/22 Chukar, 3/6/22 Western Kingbird or 6/10/21 Lazuli Bunting. Honestly I would love probably any photo you’ve done. It was hard to narrow it down. I love the Chukars, Sparrows and Buntings as we see them often in our yard. So, any photo of those that is easiest for you to order a print of would be wonderful. Thank you! Take care!
Bobbi, I’m afraid I need more recovery time before I go back to considering doing prints. Right now that’s the last of my priorities.
I enjoyed Stephen C.’s message and I would be interested in hearing what bird species it was that your other followers first ‘fell in love with’. For me it was Barn Swallows and I was likely 4 years old.
Maybe you can find a way to coax an answer of such out of your friends as part of a post. Thanks. I too enjoy the above photo.
William, my “spark bird” was the Green-tailed Towhee. The spark occurred while I was a college student over half a century ago.
Jeeez!! You nearly deleted this? I love it . It’s a wonderful photo of a Lark Sparrow!! I love sparrows. I’ve only seen a Lark Sparrow once and it was a real treat. I’m glad you didn’t throw this picture away!
“I’m glad you didn’t throw this picture away!”
Based on the reaction to it here, I’m glad I didn’t too Joanne.
Well it certainly appeals to me – a loverly shot.
Thanks, Gary.
Love the photo — and the Lark Sparrow! No drab LBB here! Thanks, Ron.
Thank you, Ellen.
It’s a keeper to me for my “Birding” files. Thank you for deciding to share. It so clearly shows its markings and colors. Otherwise, hard for my ol’ eyes to focus on.
I get that “ol’ eyes” thing, Barbara, sadly.
You nearly deleted this one???
Hiss and spit.
I am so very grateful that you didn’t. And that you shared this small and subtle beauty with us.
Only nearly, EC. Isn’t that the same as almost? And you know what they say about almost. – something about horseshoes and hand grenades. Almost doesn’t count…
awesome picture. I’d echo everything Lyle Anderson said, but he already said it better!
Lyle tends to do that, David.
I sure like the photo. It is kind of calming to me!
Good. Thanks, Trudy.
Definitely post what you like regardless of how you think it will be received. As you can see, we tend to agree with your take on these kinds of shots.
Beautiful sparrow, perch, and background. I especially like the slightly dropped wing that gives a full view of the tail and a little peek at the edge of the other wing.
Marty, to be honest I’m very surprised by the positive response to this photo. Just goes to show how much I know about what folks will like and won’t like.
What’s not to love about this photo?! Great pose, interesting bush perch, and pretty background color. Thank you for posting
“What’s not to love about this photo?”
I could mention a thing or two, Kathleen. But then EC would call me Captain Picky…
I’m glad you posted this photo. Lark Sparrows are always a welcome sight and this photo is especially appealing.
Thank you, Dan.
It’d be nearly impossible for you to post a photo that wouldn’t appeal to your followers, so keep those near-rejects coming. There is something so lovely about this – maybe it is the painterly quality that some others have referred to.
The sagebrush is almost as wonderful as the bird!
Hope your back is feeling better.
“t’d be nearly impossible for you to post a photo that wouldn’t appeal to your followers,”
Ha, don’t tempt me, Carolyn…
Believe me, I could do it easily.
Post the simple and plain!
The sparrow is the first bird that I fell in love with in my back yard. As a nest came down from a tree I (with the help of the “World Book Encyclopedia”!!) fed and nurtured my “baby birds” until they could fly away on their own. Their mother would come to the cardboard box on the patio where I had them each day to check on them. I will never forget how I felt the day they all flew away together: a sense of loss, a sense of pride, a sense of gratitude from the mother. I am very fond of these simple and plain birds. Keep them coming.
And as Connie said, we are all (most of us) like these plain and simple sparrows.
Best to you and all of the sparrows that follow you,
Loved your story, Stephen. The experience obviously made a strong impression on you.
Well I love it! Right now I am in sparrow anyway?
I meant to say, right now I am in sparrow mode anyway.I am looking for Henslow’s, grasshopper and Savannah. Anyway it is a pretty photo, love that face! And how are you feeling?
Thanks, Connie. I have good days and not so good days.
Its a great portrait Ron, and you described it’s qualities perfectly. Agree on all points. It’s a keeper.
“It’s a keeper.”
And to think how close it came to not being one…
They are such pretty birds, look forward to them every summer.
So do I.
I know exactly why I love this photo. It’s the color of the bird’s body, visible against the same color background, and the bold striping against the plain and simple. One of my favorites of recent shots! Almost like a Japanese watercolor. Only better.
Thanks very much, Sallie.
I may be the odd one out then but I too like this one for the same reasons. It could almost be one of those iconic shots without being cliche.
Thanks, Granny Pat.
All the elements are there for a well-composed photo: the subject is perfectly placed within the frame; the bird’s colors, as well as the shrub, are crisp and well-defined against the rather high key background; the backward gaze certainly adds interest; the overall simplicity and unclutteredness contribute to the overall appeal. And, as you point out, the harlequin face and rosy hues really elevate the image beyond the ordinary. And, of course, the eye catch is there to animate the subject. Other than that the photo doesn’t have much to recommend it.
Your kicker sentence made me smile, Lyle.
Fell in love with Lark Sparrows when we lived in West Texas. Here in Florida we rarely see one during migration. For a “little brown job” it is, in my opinion, extremely handsome.
Thanks for not hitting the delete button. It brought back a memory and serves to remind us we can find beauty in unexpected places.
“For a “little brown job” it is, in my opinion, extremely handsome.”
Well said, Wally. I agree.
I like the convergent and divergent lines in the composition. Not just the stripes on the head, but the angle of beak, tail, ‘shoulder’ & etc. Ron, you just keep posting; we love the variety of greetings every morning!
I appreciate your description of why you like it, Cheryl. Thanks.
One of my favorite Sparrows! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Ahh, another Lark Sparrow fan. They may be my favorite sparrow, for their facial markings and for their unusually interesting behaviors.
It has an almost 3-D quality about it.
And I can’t be alone in thinking that I WANT to see those photos that grab you for some reason. My husband unit is always reminding me that I shouldn’t make up other people’s minds. Stop that.
Your h.u. is a wise person. I need to remember that motto, too.
“I WANT to see those photos that grab you for some reason”
Arwen, based on the unexpectedly positive response to this photo I may have to post a few more of them.
I would not have thought of the harlequin effect nor Mary’s postcard feel, nor Bob’s Audubon, but all three fit, Since I am only half way through my first cup of coffee my creative side is not yet operating. I will say though that “Plain and Simple” is often the best, and this is a good photo.
Glad you like it, Everett.
I love this! Definitely has that classic postcard feel, which is a compliment. Postcards are postcards for a reason.
Mary, I don’t know about you but I miss postcards. And 3 cent stamps…
It’s always a pleasure to view your photos. Thanks for sharing
Thank you, Cindy.
Just a pleasant picture all the way around!
Glad you saved it!
Thanks, Judy.
I like this pic. Nice classic photo… almost Audubon style.
Well, that’s two of us…
Thank you, Bob.