Here I go, using that word ‘cute’ again.
1/5000, f/6.3, ISO 500, Canon R5, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS II USM + 1.4 tc, not baited, set up or called in
But they ARE cute, don’t you think?
Three days ago I spent a few minutes with an adult Yellow-bellied Marmot and two of its sibling pups in a remote area of northern Utah. The adult was a little scroungy-looking, possibly due to a skin condition such as mange or something similar, but the very shy pups were extremely photogenic. They stayed close to the entrance to their den in the rocks and were usually partially hidden by them but I thought their furtiveness was part of their appeal.
The den of the marmots I usually photograph is in a limestone rock pile and I don’t think the limestone is particularly attractive in my photos but for my tastes these darker, lichen-encrusted rocks make a much more appealing setting. And demonstrate once again how very effective cryptic coloration can be as camouflage.
Even though they were close to me and I knew exactly where they were, these guys were so effectively hidden I had a hard time finding them again every time I looked away for a moment.
It was frustrating but I’m glad their camo works.
I have this urgent need to boop their noses and then kiss their noses.
Luckily for me, they are too fast for that. I would lose a nose to sharp little teeth.
You definitely don’t want rodent teeth chewing on your nose, Arwen!
Adorably cute! Sorry about the mange, tough problem.
If that’s what it is. Looked like it might be.
I’ve looked at the synonyms for “cute” and really, none of them is as appropriate a description for these guys as your original term. They’re “endearing” and “appealing” because they’re so darn cute! Thank goodness for their camouflage tricks, because I’d imagine they’re mighty appealing morsels to others of the predatory kind.
Yup, most every carnivore would eat them in a heartbeat, Chris. Although the adults are a little too big for some of them.
Here is an interesting discussion of the word cute:'s%20history%20argues%20for%20leniency,know%20it%20had%20been%20clipped.
An interesting article, Frances.
Heart melters. Cute they are. And it is nice (and sadly rare) to see that over used word used appropriately.
And how lovely that their camouflage works so well.
And I just noticed that I ‘copied’ Marty. Huge apologies.
Just goes to show how like-minded we are, my friend!
Thank you Marty.
No worries, EC. There’s no such thing as plagiarism around here!
Cute they are! (Said in my best Yoda voice — if Lyle gets to be Darth Vader…)
Marty, I believe this is the first appearance Darth has made on my blog!
Yep, they are cute.
We could use a number of synonyms such as adorable, endearing, lovable, appealing, etc, but cute sounds just about right, and these two are all of those and more.
You have an excellent vocabulary Ron. I have not heard nor seen the word furtiveness in ages and I read a lot. Very familiar with cryptic because I used to handle cryptic communications in the Navy a long long time ago.
You know these two are going to be in that immediate area, but I would guess that most people just glancing around the area probably would miss them.
Thanks for posting these two again.
Thanks, Everett. I work on my vocabulary but you might be surprised how often I have to look a word up to make sure I’m using it correctly. When I screw up in a public forum like FP it can be embarrassing.
How about “adorable” ? I can’t imagine why I haven’t seen children’s
toys in this image– I’m especially charmed by their little white “masks”
( the reverse of the usual dark hue of most critters’ masks ) !
I suppose “adorable” works Kris. But personally, of the two I think I prefer cute. It seems slightly less… fawning.
I cannot come up with a better adjective than “cute”. Back in the 60s I believe there was a cartoon character with the name Precious Pupp. My Dad loved that character and would have designated these cuties with that moniker.
“Precious Pupp” is a new one on me Melanie, even though I’m definitely old enough…
Catching the Bobbsey twins in this pose makes them doubly cute. I don’t know why but, as a guy, I squirm a bit at using that term, so imagine my voice is like James Earl Jones’s, to give it some serious gravitas.
“as a guy, I squirm a bit at using that term”
So do I, Lyle. That and the fact that I think the term is overused is why I’m usually hesitant to use it. But sometimes no other term works as well.
“Cute” is the best term for them…….
The cryptic coloration, even if frustrating to us at times trying to spot/lock on a critter, IS essential.
Fun capture…..
Thanks, Judy. They blended in incredibly well.