Bobbi Jaramillo – My Hero In The Medical Imaging Center

This was as close to a miracle as I’ve experienced in a very long time. It came from out of the blue.

Two days ago, in my first blog post in nearly a week, I provided a medical update that explained that I was waiting to get in for an MRI before having surgery on my back. Medical imaging services around here are seriously backed up so I was told that it could be up to 3 weeks (“about 13 working days”) before they’d call me for an appointment. My pain levels vary from moderate to severe so I wasn’t looking forward to having to wait that long before even being able to discuss the timing of my surgery with my orthopedic surgeon. I was highly discouraged.

Then, yesterday morning as soon as I got up, I noticed that during the night someone named “Bobbi” had made the following comment on my medical update post.

“Hi Ron, I could get you in tomorrow for your MRI. If you call 801-XXX-XXXX I’ll be there scanning tomorrow. I did your MRI last time. Depends upon insurance authorization but we can get the girls working on it ok.”


Whoa, what’s going on here? Is this some kind of scam or spam or pfishing attempt? My first clue that it might possibly be legit was the fact that I didn’t have to approve her comment, which meant that Bobbi had made at least one comment on my blog sometime in the past and I had approved it. Then I remembered that 11 months ago, when I had my last MRI on my back, the technician had been very interested in birds so I had probably told her about my blog. Maybe Bobbi was that technician?

To make a long story somewhat shorter, by coordinating with my surgeon’s office regarding insurance and doctor’s orders and calling the number that Bobbi provided, I was able to set up an appointment to have my MRI done at noon yesterday. And it was Bobbi who made it all happen.

My MRI is now behind me and my orthopedic surgeon already has the interpreted results!



And this is Bobbi, my hero. She graciously agreed to a few photos before I was slid into her incredibly noisy and confining ‘tube of madness and miracles’ for nearly an hour. I’ve now had two MRI’s from Bobbi and I can vouch for the fact that she’s very, very good at what she does.

As I suspected when I was told that my appointment would be at noon, Bobbi gave up her lunch break to administer my MRI. She claimed it was “no big deal”.

It turns out that she’s been following my blog ever since I had my first MRI nearly a year ago. She loves nature and birds (especially Chukars) and her home is high on the east bench where she has an excellent view of what’s left of the Great Salt Lake. So she’s very concerned about the environmental consequences of losing the lake, a concern that we share.

As a feeble way of showing my gratitude I’ve offered Bobbi a print of one of my photos, any size and any photo of her choice. I hope she takes me up on it. Based on her reaction I think she will.

Thank you, Bobbi – for potentially saving me from several weeks of pain and discomfort.




  1. Yay for you and mil gracias for the above-and-beyond care offered by Bobbi! Special people like her offer hope in a world where hope seems to be a diminishing commodity.

  2. Charlotte Norton


    Charlotte Norton

  3. Wow, what an uplifting and wonderful story. The bird community is full of some really great people, including you and Bobbi! I am so happy to hear you are one step closer to healing. For the record, I am not surprised she has followed your blog for the past year. It is truly remarkable and well done.

  4. So happy you’re a step closer to getting help😊 Bobbi, thanks for skipping lunch to help a friend❗️

  5. Arwen Professional Joy Seeker

    This Bobbi @Bird@ deserves a shout out. What a terrific thing to do. Way to go, Bobbi!

  6. Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery so you can get back out and do what you love the most, pain free!!

  7. That is great news. Just wishing you didn’t have to go through surgery Either way we are all wishing you the best

  8. My eyes are leaking happily here. I saw that comment and hoped it was legit. And it was. Happy dances.
    And how I loathe MRIs. My claustrophobic, noise averse self freaks out in them.

  9. Ellen Blackstone

    Wow, goosebumps! Seriously good karma. Wishing you the best in the next steps, too.

  10. In addition to the print, I think you might also owe Bobbi a lunch to replace the one she kindly donated. I’m thinking a BLT come this summer (hopefully, you’ll be healed in time for tomato season!). 😉 I hope you’ll also share the image she selects.

    You’ve built a very loving and giving community here, Ron. Like attracts like. You seem to find kindred spirits wherever you go. ❤️

    • Marty, I’m afraid garden tomatoes will be only a pipe dream for me this summer. At this point I don’t dare till the garden and then plant them for fear of really doing damage to my back. And after an extended surgery recovery it will be too late.

      It’ll be the first time in over 50 years that I haven’t had garden tomatoes.

      • No-till tomatoes? You might just be trading one kind of back- breaking work for another tho.

      • Perhaps a good samaritan will show up to help with that….;) If I lived closer I’d be happy to do it for you!

      • Perhaps one (or more) of your lovely neighbors will read this and, knowing your birthday is coming up, will offer to plant and cage a couple of tomatoes for you. 🍅

  11. Mary Walton Mayshark-Stavely

    Good karma you have, Ron! Thanks to you both!

  12. Compassion and friendship. Two of the best gifts we can offer one another.

  13. Great news! I’m so glad someone stepped up to help you start this journey sooner. As someone who has been through a somewhat rough and scary road myself, I can assure you that there is light at the end. The doctor heading my case once told me that he can never use the word “cure” for my condition. He just told me last month that he is going to break that rule and tell me I’m cured if my number continue the same. That happened because of a great medical staff, strong support from many people, and a refusal to accept defeat on my part. You certainly have very strong, loving support and I suspect the rest is in place as well. It looks like a good start and we are all behind you as you face this challenge.

    • “As someone who has been through a somewhat rough and scary road myself”

      Now that’s what I’d call an understatement, Dan. I know a little about your medical background so I feel like I’m in a position to make that statement. Thank you.

  14. A truly kind, generous, healthcare “angle”. Goes to prove that there are still kind people out there! I hope she takes you up on your offer for a print. Goes to show us that our passions have a unique way of influencing others!
    If you see this Bobbi – a salute you and hope you will always have a kind heart in dealing with folks that need assistance – thank you!

  15. I’m so glad it worked out yesterday and honestly it was absolutely no big deal at all to get you in. It was a team effort with our scheduler as well. I hope you get on the path to recovery and feeling better very soon. I’m so glad you told me about your blog last year. It’s the absolute highlight of my day to see your photos. What amazing friends you have on here also. Such nice people to comment. Now I’m going to spend some time looking at your photos. So many amazing ones it may take me a while to choose one. Thank you Ron 😊

    • Thanks again, Bobbi. You don’t know how it picked me up to get the MRI behind me.

      I hope you find a photo you really like, and that it’s one that will look very good printed. Take your time, but don’t forget.

    • Bobbi, thank you for helping Ron and for being part of the FP “family.” ❤️

  16. Yayyy Bobbi!!! Fills my heart with joy to know people still care about people.

  17. Michael McNamara

    Happy for you Ron. All the best with the upcoming surgery.

  18. Ron, I’m so happy for you that I’m a bit tearful right now! You bring so much joy to others and have so much love for the lake and environment that you really deserve a miracle worker in your life. Bobbi is obviously that magic fairy.
    I hope she’s reading all these comments. Now for the next step: getting you out of pain! May you get great relief from a surgery that’s scheduled sooner rather than later! Remember that there’s a whole flock of us out here chirping encouragement.

  19. Getting ready to leave for a doc appointment of my own but had to read this and now add — YAY! And thanks to Bobbi for her beyond-amazing efforts to get our favorite raptor/bird photog/blogger on that interstate (faster than any road) to recovery! 💥

  20. The beauty and kindness you provide to the world has fittingly been returned to you. So glad this step is behind you and you can move forward in healing.

  21. Everett F Sanborn

    So the blog is far more valuable than showing us your remarkable bird and wildlife photos. Three cheers, a couple high fives, and a toast to Bobbi. The right person at the right time to make it happen for you Ron. You are certainly deserving of a break in our medical system. Let’s hope the MRI provides your surgeon with exactly what he or she needs to fix that back once and for all.

    • “Let’s hope the MRI provides your surgeon with exactly what he or she needs to fix that back once and for all.”

      That would be wonderful, Everett. At this point I’d even settle for a significant improvement.

  22. You never know who you touch with your blog, and in this case, it was someone who could help. Awesome job Bobbi, I’m glad you reached out!

  23. Congratulations Ron! I am waiting on getting my MRI scheduled for lower back pain. I am confident that I am not in as much pain as you are, but I do have problems with standing and walking and get sudden sharp pains that make me collapse to my knees. This is just another reminder that age is creeping up on me! Good luck with whatever course of treatment your doctor will recommend after the MRI is completed. We all want you to heal up so you can get back in the field doing what you do so well!

  24. Imagine a doctor calling and saying “I think I can fit you in”. Doesn’t happen, which makes Bobbi all the more one of the good ones. I hope the images show a clear path to a positive outcome, especially after an hour in what you euphemistically call the tube of miracles. I’ll have to remember that the next time I get inserted into the clanging beast.

    • “Clanging beast” is an accurate description, Lyle – obviously you’ve been there.

      I know that some folks, because of either their claustrophobia or their aversion to loud noises or both, really hate MRI’s. But oddly enough, as long as I have ear protection I find the noise, that I can feel almost as well as I can hear, almost soothing. After a few minutes of acclimation it actually helps me to relax.

  25. Wonderful news. However. If I may, let me say that this is not really how medicine should work – getting excellent care because of connections can be problematic. Really sorry to be such a downer here and please don’t block me and I of course would have been gleeful at the chance to get faster relief. But the problem here is the back up and our unbelievably broken miserable medical system. The other problem is that our backs were not designed quite well enough. But I am veering off course. Mainly, congratulations and thank you to Bobbi because I am addicted to FP.

    • Frances, no one said, or even implied, that “this is how medicine should work”.

      Yes, the system is broken or close to it. That’s the reality and for now at least we have to live with it. Or suffer and/or die because of it.

      But Bobbi giving up her lunch break to do my MRI didn’t infringe on anyone else so I have no problem with how it all turned out. I’m just grateful she reached out.

  26. That is wonderful! Cheers to Bobbie. What a great and caring person.
    Take Care,

  27. Yay! There are really good people in this world.

  28. You just never know what doors “true love”– in this case mutual admiration of birds–will open ! I’m so happy that you and Bobbi made such a connection
    a whole year ago, and every time her gazed alights on your print in her home,
    she’ll be rewarded for her act of kindness to you– take him up on it, Bobbi !

  29. Good to know there are stlll heros who go above and beyond in the world.

  30. What a miracle! I’m so glad you contacted her. I would have thought it was a scam.

  31. WOW! Just never know where connections made are going to come back and prove useful! 🙂 YES! Yay, Bobbi for working to expedite your MRI….obviously a WONDERFUL person. Now to get the surgery scheduled…..

  32. That’s great news, Ron. Thanks to your love of birds and photography, you have friends everywhere.

  33. Yeah Bobbi!! What a kind thing to do! …and I would take him up on a print – my son has one in his room and we all love it!

  34. Oh this is a happy story! Congratulations Ron on fasttracking your MRI and moving closer to a solution for your back pain. And thanks to Bobbi for making it happen. Reading about her compassion and willingness to help makes me feel good. This is a great positive note to start the day. Nice photo too!

  35. That’s so great, Ronnie. May things continue to move along apace!!

  36. I saw that comment and wondered about it. Given the sort of odd connections that can be made through blogs, including a couple that I’ve experienced, it seemed at least possible that you might have found an advocate — and you sure did! It’s wonderful! Thanks to her for taking the initiative to help out.

    • “I saw that comment and wondered about it”

      “Wondered” is exactly what I did, Shoreacres. Scammers are incredibly innovative in their methodologies so at first I had serious doubts. I’m glad I followed through. I almost didn’t.

  37. That is so great, Ron. I don’t think it’s any surprise to your readers that you seem to attract good people who do good things. 🙂

  38. Hmm, Bobbi knows the insides of a secret organization!! So how much further away in miles was her MRI facility from the overburdened facility that you had to wait on for 3 weeks!!????

    • Terri, actually I believe it’s the same facility. Bobbi just cut through the red tape by reaching out and giving up her lunch break to administer my MRI. And that facility is only about a 15 minute drive from my home.

  39. I’m applauding alone in my office this morning. What an amazing outreach from Bobbi, and I’m sure many of us are thankful for her this morning. So happy you didn’t have to wait so long, and improvement may come sooner than later!

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