The first bird I photographed with my brand spanking new Canon R5.
Not long after I arrived home with the new Canon R5 I strapped it onto my 500mm lens and went looking for a bird Any bird would do, my only intention was to see if if it would take sharp photos while attached to my favorite lens. At that point I knew absolutely nothing about the camera, including the functions of the buttons and dials. I immediately found a female Common Grackle perched on matted phragmites with a pond in the background and took a few shots of her before heading back home.
The photo below is one of them. I decided to post it today because it almost perfectly represents my experience over the last two days with a fancy-ass new camera and my clunky old computer that’s on its last legs – exasperation!
1/2500, f/6.3, ISO 800, Canon R5, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
Hands on hips, wide stance, a jaundiced eye and a stern look – that’s exactly how my mother used to look at me when I’d screwed up as a little kid. Which was often so I still recognize “the look”, even after all these years. To me this photo has “exasperated” written all over it, especially because it looks like the bird has her ‘hands’ on her hips.
Body language can be highly communicative in both humans and birds. And sometimes it overlaps.
“Exasperated” is my middle name right now. Here I sit with a brand new camera that I need to learn how to use and I’ve had to spend most of my time trying to nurse a seriously ill computer back into a functional state so it will last long enough for me to buy a new one and get it up and running.
Hopefully today will be better than yesterday. That shiny new camera sitting next to me is calling my name.
Playing catch up. This made me HOWL! That is a perfect excuse for anthropomorphization if ever there was one!
I love this image! A perfect post with your new camera!
I love this bird!! What a delightful attitude. You certainly captured her attitude. Looks like the new camera will fit right in. Congratulations!
Your captions are always entertaining, but that one is brilliant! I laughed as soon as I saw the picture, and still chuckling. Absolutely love that bird’s pose!
Thanks, Michael.
Hi Ron! Great photo! So clear colors Bright! That looks like the stance my mom and myself when we had kids! Have a great day!
Thank you, Sybill.
It’s always somethin’! Nice first post with the new cam. Ah, technology. Love it or hate it, we’re stuck with it (at least until doomsday)!
“at least until doomsday”
Then it might not be for long, Brett.
Wow, Ron. This comment stopped me. Yes, possible that “…it might not be for long”. I remember the early 60s when I felt the same way. So sad and strange that some humans are so wonderful and some so awful. Sigh. And at my age…I’m so sorry for so much of the world our children inherit. Anyway, we are lucky to have the beauty and learning of your photos. Best wishes and appreciation! Mary
Going from Canon to Sony, mostly because of my declining strength as I age, I can easily relate to your frustration. Sounds like your adaptation didn’t solve all of that switch problem. Thank goodness for friendly videos!
Also, my desktop computer no longer can handle Thunderbird despite turning it off, deleting and re-loading the program, etc., etc. Without my laptop, I would have a serious social problem. I guess I’ll have to face the computer problem in the next few days or risk disaster.
Nancy, I use Thunderbird too. My impression is that it’s a computer hog but otherwise I like it.
I also use Thunderbird – at least I can set the folders I want in it…….
Great pic! I think Looney Tunes was doing that “exasperated bird” thing—with a chicken, maybe?—back in the 50s and 60s, so I recognize it too! That’s what this lady grackle reminds me of, anyway, because of course my mom was *never* exasperated with me.
I’m so glad the camera isn’t the major frustration factor for you at the moment; but keeping fingers X’d for your computer woes.
“I think Looney Tunes was doing that “exasperated bird” thing—with a chicken, maybe?”
Foghorn Leghorn maybe?
Oh boy, sending me down that (Bugs Bunny) rabbit hole was a mistake! But yes, I guess I was remembering old FL…
Now comes the time for patience! The R5 is like a computer with a lens stuck on the front of it.
John, I still have patience with the new camera. It’s the *&%# computer that’s been taxing most of my patience.
Laugh out loud! The photo is so sharp..pretty.
Take Care,
Thanks, Kaye.
Wonderful first post with the new rig! Just replaced my Mac. Old one lasted 9 years which I think is a good run. When I buy computers & phones tend to get the best available at the time so they will last a long time.
Congratulations to you for planning your retirement so well! You have the funds to enjoy life which is a huge blessing. Another great teaching example
I ‘may’ retire next year. We’ll see how the economy shakes out in the coming months with war upon us.
Kathleen, retirement was scary for me because you don’t really know how it’s all going to shake out financially until the deed is done.
Thankfully, for me it all turned out well enough. So far at least but I’ve been retired for 15 years and I’m not complaining yet.
This is the international “mom look.” She is NOT amused! (I had a Queen Victoria stamp that said, “I am not amused,” under her image that I’d use when stamping HW if a kid completed the paper, but totally half-assed it. I alternated that stamp with my skunk stamp for the same purpose. They got the credit, but they knew that I knew.)
That is hilarious Marty! Think I’d half-ass a paper just to see the stamps LOL!
Love it, Marty! Kathleen’s comment – “Think I’d half-ass a paper just to see the stamps” is probably exactly what I’d do.
Absolutely love that look! Do you love your new camera? My son just got a Nikon Z7ii. Having a few issues with center focus though.
“Do you love your new camera?”
It’s too early to tell, Connie. But so far I’m mostly encouraged.
“Take the picture already, I’ve got things to do”
Beautifully sharp
“Beautifully sharp”
And that was a relief.
WOW– made me laugh out loud– hadn’t even had a cup of coffee yet !
Good luck with your new learning curve……..
Kris, if you’re like me even a smile is a rarity before coffee. An actual laugh is a bonus.
Not only do I see my mom, I recognized myself!
Me too, Karen – almost immediately.
Bon courage! And what a fun, wonderful photo!! Thanks so much, Ron
à bientôt!
Thanks, Mary.
Says the Grackle: “So the man bought all this fancy new gear, let’s see him take a photo of a plain bird like me that justifies the expense.” And so the man did.
Lyle, I accepted the challenge and it actually worked out.
Nice pose. Handheld?
Thanks, James. I was shooting from my pickup using a pool noodle as a lens rest.
Hilarious and gorgeous photo all at the same time. Her body language really is something!
Ps, Congrats on the new camera— I’m sure you will put it to great use!!!
“I’m sure you will put it to great use”
Tori, I hope to eventually. But I’m sure not there yet.
Too funny Ron. Exasperated for sure. What a look. I think most people and maybe especially boys can picture their mom looking exactly like this.
I rarely ever take their pictures here because they are so annoyingly common. At a Fry’s super market that is located not far from our Willow Lake they are everywhere in the parking lot making lots of noise and poop. When you forget your prejudice, they are actually very handsome birds.
Good luck with the new camera.
Everett, I actually like to photograph grackles when they’re preening as long as I have a natural-looking setting. Some of their preening poses are incredibly exaggerated and interesting.
I have just experienced the agonizing slow death of a desktop computer and the need for a new one. You keep trying to force the dying one to live another day and in my case I even lugged it out to Fashion Place to the Apple Store “Genius Bar” (and yes that moniker gripes me just as much as it gripes you). In the end, I have a shiny new iMac on my desk and am very happy.
Happy for your new camera, kiddo! Enjoy it and this apparently last day of spring-like weather for a few days.
The entire process is agonizingly frustrating isn’t it Sue.
Yes it is. There are now three iMac desktops in this house. Bill uses the oldest one, and it’s plugging along mainly, I think, because it has not installed any system updates or upgrades since I passed it to him. The middle-aged one just couldn’t handle the latest system upgrade. I really hate how the companies use that to force their products into obsolescence. Blah blah blah
I couldn’t agree more.
Thank you, I can see it now, terrific!
You can’t complain about sharpness, very impressive detail.
Thanks, Sterling.
My desktop is showing signs of needed replacing also – HATE that process.
“HATE that process”
So do I, Judy – which is why I’ve put it off for so long. Hopefully mine will last another week or so to give me enough time to slog through it all.
Great shot! I have no idea what it’s doing, though; I can’t visualize that wing position from other sides. Is it about to fly, or to settle, do you know?
Cheryl, she was preening, I believe after a bath. Her face and tail appeared to still be a little wet.
Perfect post for today!
I thought so. Yesterday too.