A Pause

I had another post planned for this morning. I couldn’t concentrate on writing it.


A dove, a symbol of peace, perched on barbed wire whose symbolism is obvious, is as close as I could come to an appropriate image for this morning. The struggle is epic and real. And suddenly upon us.

My heart aches for the Ukrainian people. I wish them wisdom, strength, courage and  perseverance in their perilous journey. The US and the rest of the world, also in peril, could use generous portions of the same.

As for Putin, he can go to hell.



PS – Apologies to my readers, many of whom rely on Feathered Photography as a welcome respite from the troubles of the world. Today, my priorities became temporarily rearranged.



  1. I’m late, but I wanted to be with my folks by commenting too. Thanks to you, Ron, for posting this photo, and for being the kind of person you are. Thanks also to your readers. This is a place where I always feel at home.

  2. LOVE the image and I completely agree with your thoughts behind it.

  3. Ronnie, my grandparents and great-grandparents immigrated to the US from around Kiev (now Kyiv) at the beginning of the 20th century. They were fleeing the Tsar’s pogroms. Putin is emulating both the Tsars and Stalin in his desire to return to a history that only he thinks was a good time. It makes me utterly sick with despair.

  4. Those very brave “regular people” risking arrest and worse are stepping up to demonstrate and protest against this act of terror and greed by Putin a megalomaniac. A very sad day.

  5. Thank you for posting this! You captured what so many of us are feeling today. And, yes! Let his cheering squad go to hell with him.

  6. I would expect nothing less from you on a day like this, you are — as we all know — a caring human being as well as photographer, and you have used your art to great effect here. Thank you for your post, which also offers your FP followers the opportunity to express their own feelings of despair … and hopes for a less-than-catastrophic conclusion to this tragic turn of events. Is that even possible? 💔

  7. Thank you Ron for the heartfelt post. Your heart and mind is in the right place, and so too are many others. May all those in harms way be in our prayers and meditations.

  8. Arwen Professional Joy Seeker

    I woke up to the news I knew was coming. And I realized if we had a different administration (when did that word turn into a euphemism?) we would probably be backing Putin. It’s a scary world, y’all. Be safe.

  9. Nicole Haller-Wilson

    I stayed up doomscrolling and then couldn’t sleep.

    Effing Putin.

    If we respond, everything escalates and lots of people die/lots of environmental destruction; if we don’t respond, which countries will be invaded next? All of the former USSR republics?


  10. Thank you, Ron, for your post. Your choice of photo is perfect. The human race definitely needs a time-out. My heart aches for the Ukrainian people and the collateral damage to the animals and birds too. Putin and Trump can go straight to Hell…I’ll even pitch in for the limo!

  11. My Dad was on the ground as part of the US forces taking back Germany in WWII. He never wanted to say much about the horrors he saw but he did talk about how much the German people welcomed out troops. It’s so sad to think that history seems to be repeating itself. Thanks for a meaningful symbol.

  12. All I can say is “Amen.” It’s just one more thing.


  13. Sad….sad….sad. You and everyone else here have said all that can be
    expressed about this criminal situation. I wonder if he planned this action in midwinter just to make it more punishing and harder to mount an effective
    resistance ? As the temperature is at zero right now in Cedar City– all I
    can think of is all those people– children, adults and elderlies– trying to
    flee this action, and to hope that it’s at least a little more temperate in Ukraine
    than it is here………

  14. Thank you for this post. I am sick thinking about the future — for Europe and for us.

  15. Beautifully expressed, Ron, and the perfect photo. All the pain and suffering for nothing!

  16. Your symbolism may be obvious but is nonetheless powerful.
    For some reason I thought of the old Donovan song “Universal Soldier”. Did a search for it. The first page returned the inane sci-fi film full of death and destruction. Made me think of the Pogo/Walt Kelly line “We have met the enemy and he is us”.

  17. Thank you for this post Ron, I couldn’t agree more!

  18. Ron, there is no need to apologize. Your photo says more than words can say, and your words touched me as well. Thank you for this post.
    I knew you had a sensitive side!

  19. I totally agree. Thank you for your wise words.

    Take Care,

  20. Thanks Ron – Putin is a power driven greed driven idiot who would risk sending us all into WW3

  21. Mary Walton Mayshark-Stavely

    Thank you, Ron! Peace, prayers, hope, and action for peace!

  22. Amen!

  23. I agree, Ron. A sad time for the world.

  24. Thank you for this post, Ron. Last night I watched this invasion on CNN begin in real time and could barely sleep. I also watched the Ukrainian Ambassador directly confront the rep for Russian Federation calling him to step down from the Security Council. I fear this will escalate into WWIII. I hope I am wrong. I can’t believe Putin is so egotistical to invade Ukraine, attack peaceful people and put so many lives at risk. There will be thousands of refugees and this move from Russia will affect everyone in the US and the World.

  25. Well said, Ron. I’m feeling sick at heart this morning. So much suffering has been unleashed.

  26. Thank you, Ron, my feeling totally!

  27. Diane K Intravartolo

    Thank You for putting this post out there this morning. We are all going to be mourning what happens in the coming days. Our fathers fought in WW II and I sure hope to we don’t see a full scale World War III

  28. Good morning, Ron and thank you for this post.

  29. A MOURNING Dove.. You are spot on again this morning. Couldn’t agree more.

  30. AMEN! And take his cheering section with him…… 🙁

  31. Ron, thanks so much for this post. What a tragic morning. My mom and her family fled Ukraine when Hitler rolled in, and after spending time in work camps, made their way to America. She is 95 years old and watching this happen again under another tyrant. The dove is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes as I watch the evil on TV. Thank you.

    • Your poor mom. I can only imagine how very personal and difficult all this is for her. Thanks for mentioning her experience, Carol.

    • Easy to forget the real people involved and what they’ve suffered. To have those memories brought back as “current events” IS awful……. 🙁 My heart breaks for her.

    • Thanks for sharing her experience. I think being able to learn from others will eventually make the difference in this difficult time.

  32. Thank you, Ron. I couldn’t agree more.

  33. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  34. Christine Bogdanowicz

    Thank you Ron, your post is sobering and so appropriate…

  35. Cindy Intravartolo

    Great post, Ron, my sentiments exactly!

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