You never know what you’ll find, or see for the first time, when you go back and look at older images.
1/2000, f/6.3, ISO 500, Canon 7D, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
This photo of a displaying male Yellow-headed blackbird was taken eleven years ago this month, probably at Farmington Bay WMA. I’d forgotten I even had it until yesterday when I stumbled across it while looking for something else. I think it’s an interesting behavioral shot of acceptable quality so I suspect the reason I’ve never posted it to my blog is because of the bleached-out cattail stems in the background. Eleven years ago I probably dismissed the image out of hand because I thought they were too white and distracting. If so I’ve changed my mind.
When I’m processing an image for posting to my blog I have to pay a lot of attention to detail. Last night while I was processing this one something jumped out at me that I’d never noticed before – an apparition of a menacing ghost or ghoul skull in the plumage of the blackbird above and to the right of his tail.
Do you see it? Did you see it before I pointed it out? Once I saw it I couldn’t unsee it. Even this morning, 12 hours later after a reasonably good night’s sleep and two cups of coffee, it’s the first thing I notice when I look at the image.
I’m not saying that’s a good thing or a bad thing, it just is. And I found it interesting enough to share.
Who knows, maybe I’m the only one who sees it. Won’t be the first time.
LOL! I thought I saw “something” odd as soon as I looked at picture (given your title), and once I read your text … well, now it’s about all my eye is drawn to. But I do think even the YH Blackbird himself looks a tad spooky! Possessed?
Cool photo!
“well, now it’s about all my eye is drawn to”
I’m in the same boat, Chris. That’s the curse of something like this.
A “Planet of the Apes” Monkey crying out. I wouldn’t have seen it without the title but did see it before you pointed it out because I was looking for a ghoul!
“A “Planet of the Apes” Monkey crying out”
You’re right. Good one, Stephen.
Beautiful markings, although I see nothing other-worldly. Of course, I could never see those “hidden pictures” from the 80s and 90s either.
OK, that being said, I just went back to take another look and I think I can see it. Is there a little vertical white bit between the “eyes?” Is it above the bird’s right foot? If not, I’m definitely seeing things!
“Is there a little vertical white bit between the “eyes?”
Nope, look for two small black areas that are the sunken eyes of the ‘skull’. Between and below them is a white nose with a mouth below that.
I had to have it pointed out to me. And even when it has been pointed out I lose it unless I focus.
Sometimes less than stellar eyesight has its pluses. Sometimes.
Love the bird though. A lot.
You can’t see it and I can’t unsee it. No wonder ‘art’, especially some genre’s of art, means such different things to different people.
I think you’ve outdone the face on Mars and Jesus on toast. Still a classic phot of a beautiful bird in its habitat.
Thanks, Lyle.
I like the pose on the bending cattail. I don’t think I would have noticed it unless pointed out. You must have been good at finding subliminals in the ice cubes of alcohol adds in the 70’s.
I believe I did find one or two of them in my day, April…
Wow I don’t know about those! Will have to look for them on line. Definitely see the ghoul once you remarked on it. Love the bird as well. These are my husbands favorites.
Lovely colorful photo! Looks like a spirit face – good luck in Inuit culture.
Thanks, Kathleen.
Now that is a very interesting tidbit of information, about how the Inuit culture sees it. I shall have to look that up and see if there is more info on that. So much to learn. So little time. And it started with sharing the sight of a beautiful bird. Life can be so exciting.
Definitely didn’t see it before you mentioned it. Can make it out, now that I’ve looked hard to see it. My eyes are definitely less acute than they once were. I no longer can be corrected to 20-20 vision. The vision is not nearly as ghoulish or scary to me as others describe… perhaps because of my sight, but maybe because I see a face rather than a skull.
“My eyes are definitely less acute than they once were.”
Join the crowd, Nancy. Many of us are in the same boat. I used to have eagle eyes so I really know what I’m missing.
Definitely see it after I realized it was not the black on white in the feathers. The image takes on skull look to me. Then as I look at the at the entire photo I see what appears to be a ghoul’s eyes peeping out of a hole with his gnarly fingers reaching over the edge.That image I see is formed in the area where the bird’s feet are. The two open spaces above the end of the cattail look like eyes peeping with the little black spots being the pupils. Don’t know if you see that…oh the tricks our eyes play on us. I really like the photo overall…even the bleached cattails.
Thanks, Kathy. I’m still working on trying to see your ghoul’s peeping eyes near the feet of the bird…
OK, I see them now.
Excellent photo buried in the archives for eleven years. Did not notice the skull like appearance nor the bleached out cattails. My eyes were immediately drawn to the bold yellow/orange head and the white on black uplifted wings. Noticed the cattails, but probably would not have even mentioned them when describing this photo.
Thank you, Everett.
Agree, can’t unsee it!
Yellow-headed blackbird, btw.
Thanks for the heads up on my error, Thomas. I got it right in my title so I don’t know how that slipped into my text. Probably needed three cups of coffee instead of just two. Fixed.
Ohhh. I kept looking at the white spot on his far wing but can now definitely see the creepy ghoul for sure.
Pretty spooky-looking isn’t it, Cathy.
Most definitely.
Angry Cockatoo?
The pose of the bird may look like an angry cockatoo but I’m talking about the apparent ghostly, almost skull-like apparition “in the plumage of the blackbird” above and to the right of his tail.
Noticed what appeared to be damaged feathers on it’s side but didn’t make a ghost out of it until mentioned..
With the number of photos you process at any given time it would be easy for something to be missed. Agree on the once seen, can’t “unsee”… 
Judy, I think I know why I didn’t notice it earlier. It isn’t so obvious in the unprocessed image but during processing I increased exposure on the blacks slightly and it popped right out at me.
I see a crane of the Japanese variety.
In the eye of the beholder…
I was looking at the wing. I see the skull. Very goblin-like!!!
Saw it but can “unsee” (ignore) it too. My eye is more drawn to the orange head and white wing detail. I don’t mind the cattails either. Nice shot.
Thanks, Granny Pat. At least there’s two of us…
I love this image and especially love the wee ghoulie you pointed out to us. I have a similar ghoulie face on one of the trees close to my house. Makes me chuckle. Nature has a sense of humor.
“wee ghoulie”
And I like that.