The return of Yellow Warblers in the spring is almost like having the sun come back after its long winter absence.
1/4000, f/6.3, ISO 800. Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
A few of them have been around for a while now but this male is the first one I’ve seen up close in my viewfinder since last summer. Two days ago in the mountains he made a surprise appearance in a willow right in front of me.
In the fall Yellow Warblers migrate very early so they’ve been gone for an unusually long time for a migratory songbird. In this shot he’s pretty tight in the frame but after such a long absence I enjoy all the cheery detail provided by such a close look.
With his bill open and the good eye contact it almost makes me think he’s happy to see me too.
1/3200, f/6.3, ISO 800. Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
Around here I see them mostly in the mountains where spring appears significantly later than it does down here in the valleys. Many of the willows and other bushes and trees up there are just beginning to leaf out. Here he’s butted up pretty close to the vertical twig directly in front of him but this shot allows a good look at the developmental stage of the willow leaves and catkins.
1/4000, f/6.3, ISO 800. Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
He posed one last time before flitting off to another tree.
Not long after I took this photo the kingfisher I posted photos of yesterday appeared unexpectedly. For years kingfishers were a nemesis of mine but I was just as happy to see this Yellow Warbler up close as I was the kingfisher.
That tells me how much I’ve missed these little hyperactive bundles of sunshine.
Gorgeous ball of sunshine to brighten my day — thank you!
All three poses are charming, including the cheeky little pose at the end just before takeoff. 
“cheeky little pose at the end”
Thanks, Marty. Cheeky indeed, in more ways than one.
So VERY beautiful! Thank you for that bit of sunshine this morning.
Glad you enjoyed it, Laura. Hope you’re feeling better…
LOVE that cheery splash of sunshine. Thank you.
Thanks, EC.
Man, that’s a lot of yellow. There even looks to be a bit of yellow on those toes. Here, It’s actually a relief to see the American Goldfinches replacing all but a smattering of Pine Siskins.
I always love the Yellow Warblers. They are not around our yard but the river is less than a mile away and I can find them there if I look hard enough. But we do have lots of bright yellow in our backyard right now with the American Goldfinches. They are quickly draining our feeders. The numbers vary but we currently have as few as ~30 to sometimes more than 90.
Holy moly, that’s a lot of goldfinches for one backyard! I saw a single one in my backyard yesterday.
Good thing you have your own store for buying bird food!
Beautiful! Very good shots for such busy birds.
Thanks, Kathryn. “Busy birds” indeed. I swear they’re on steroids.
This bird makes me so happy this morning. Bright bits of sun! I saw a goldfinch yesterday. I really like the way that yellow catches my eye.
Arwen, I had a single male American Goldfinch in breeding plumage in my yard yesterday. He wasn’t close but man did he ever stand out with his bright yellows!
I love the arrival here of the Yellow Warblers, Summer and Western Tanagers and the Bullocks Orioles. They always seem to arrive at about the same time. I have seen a few of the Warblers, but have not gotten a good opportunity for a shot yet. Beautiful shots Ron, very sharp. In that first photo you can even see a tiny bit of insect or plant residue on his beak.
“In that first photo you can even see a tiny bit of insect or plant residue on his beak.”
Good eye, Everett. In one of my other shots of him I can see that tiny blob of stuff on his bill a little better but I still couldn’t tell for sure what it is.
Beautiful little birds – I DO enjoy watching them.
Posed very nicely for you.
Not here yet – Golden Willows leafed out but smaller ones on the banks of the creek just starting. Gorgeous House Finch a couple of days ago….
“Not here yet”
I’m not surprised given the weather you’ve been having up there.
We have rain this morning, once again. I’m beginning to hope it’s putting at least a small dent in our severe drought but that’s probably being too optimistic.
Yep – hoping this isn’t the last rain we get……..