I love getting our shaded Wasatch Mountains in the background when I’m photographing Bald Eagles in flight.
A short post today, at least that’s my intention as I sit down at my keyboard this morning. Sometimes ‘life’ has a way of becoming prioritized over longer and more detailed blog posts.
1/1600, f/6.3, ISO 500, Canon 7D, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
This is an older photo of an adult Bald Eagle flying over the ice at Farmington Bay WMA. I’m always there in the morning and with the mountains to the east I’m either dealing with back light or side light when I have the mountains in the background so exposure is usually tricky at best – especially with a very dark brown and white bird.
I think this one turned out pretty well. I like the arc of the wings, the subtle light and detail in the darker plumage and the head turned my way, even though that head turn made the whites on the left side of the face pretty bright (I toned them down a little).
But for me the dark mountains in the background made all the difference. Without them I think the photo would have been pretty run-of-the-mill.
PS – For months blog followers have put up with me bellyaching about our current severe drought and disappearing Great Salt Lake so I thought I’d share a bit of good news in that regard. For the last three days we’ve been getting significant rain and even wet snow so springtime is really beginning to pop around here. Trees are leafing out and I’m even seeing green grass again. As I type this in the dark robins are singing outside my window.
I’m so encouraged I even bought a rain gauge for my vegetable garden yesterday afternoon so I hope I didn’t jinx the fortunate turn in our weather. The stormy weather keeps me from photographing birds but humans and birds alike desperately need the moisture.
I soooo understand your delight in the rain. I am never, ever sorry to see it. And love the smell of rain washed air.
I don’t think (just for the record) that I have EVER seen a photo of yours I would describe as hum drum.
Thanks EC but you give me too much credit. I’ve posted at least a few real stinkers, at least when it comes to image quality.
Rain. Lovely, glorious, life-giving rain. I’m so happy for your neck of the woods to finally be getting some moisture.
Thanks, Nina. It’s been a long time coming.
Beautiful photo! Can I add to the complaints? Farmington Bay will never be the same but now the main gate is not open before 8am and closes at 5pm. they ticket cars there earlier or later. The only time it is open for good light for photos is during hunting. We get one or two weeks with all the gates open and no hunters. I wish the main gate was open all year round at sunrise to sunset like the old days.
I agree, April. It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is. Hunting and hunters rule the roost, everyone else be damned.
An incredible shot of a magnificent raptor! “He” pops against that beautiful muted background.
We’re envious of your rain (let alone snow)—back to severe drought here in SoCal and no doubt “exceptional” is not far behind. But glad you’re getting some of that precious liquid!
Thanks, Chris. It’s’ a welcome if soggy relief. Probably only temporary but better than nothing.
A gorgeous photography of this magnificent raptor. Have a great day, Ron!
Thanks, Laval.
The background is perfect in this case….. Glad you’re getting some moisture. We’ve been getting a bit but not near enough either on the plains nor snow in the mountains. 
Horrible winds a few days back that a mature bald thought he was going to fly into – tossed him like a rag doll before he decided to get closer to the ground in a more protected are.
Thanks, Judy. Wind is hard on birds. It’s unfortunate that Farmington Bay WMA is in one of the windiest parts of the state.
At the risk of being ridiculously redundant again, what a beautifully stunning image! I SO love your photography.
Sorry I haven’t been around much recently. It’s really difficult to type now, I’m now at 8-1/2 months of healing with this broken femur and I’m in the fight of my life (NOT for my life) to get through another day of waiting, but the last three months have shown negligible progress on that endeavor. Yes, I’m getting help now, but it’s a huge struggle just to get through the day.
Rest assured that while I’m not commenting much, I am reading every day. Your images are a bright spot in my morning and I’m so very grateful you’re there!! THANK YOU!!
Oh and I’m so delighted you’re getting rain. It’s tantalizingly close to here but slips right by. We’re in “exceptional drought.”
Laura, when we start out in a desert and then the weather pattern turns to “exceptional drought” things are getting serious.
Laura, I’ve been thinking about you and wondering how you’ve been doing. I hope things improve very much and very quickly!
Snowing in Rhode Island today !! After some wet soaking rain last night we might be catching up on our rain deficit…..
Every little bit helps.
So beautiful!
We also have had drought condition in NW Massachusetts. It is snowing at the moment – on top of blooming forsythia and tulips! And we had some rain so our almost dry vernal pond has gained a lot of water. Hopeful events!
Thank you, Ron and please come visit if you ever come East!
I’m jealous of your pond, Mary – vernal or not.
As usual, I am struck by the color and detail you capture of birds in flight. The Wasatch range as backdrop is beautiful.
Hope your rain gauge gets a workout. The weather has turned warm and sunny enough here for this fair-weather gardener to get serious in the vegetable garden.
Lyle, it’s still raining this morning but it’s only a light sprinkle. I got my first spring tilling done in the garden a few days ago but nothing planted yet. Bought some seeds yesterday though…
This is definitely no run-of-the-mill Bald Eagle shot, Ron! Wowzers! I love the way this one’s wings are essentially at the same angles as the edges of the photograph. Plus, that little peek-a-boo of the fanned, white tail!
So glad you’re getting some rain. It gives me some hope for us, although that hope might be misplaced as we’re going to be flirting with 90 degrees on Sunday.
Marty, a couple of weeks ago we had a spell of 80° weather. That was still in March so as far north as we are it really got our attention.
Outstanding photo. I think the fact that his or her white head is completely surrounded by the very dark body and wings makes it really stand out as opposed to being against the sky. Eagles are my favorites and this one is indeed a winner.
Thank you, Everett.