More than most birds kestrels are known for listening to the beat of their own personal drummer. So on Christmas morning I was flabbergasted when this male immediately filled my stated request when asked.
I was just beginning to drive across one of the two small bridges at Farmington Bay WMA when I noticed him perched on my right on one of the many metal and wooden posts in front of the bridge. He was extremely close and at eye level but he was on the wrong damn side of the bridge where I could only see him through the far right corner of my windshield and on that side he was back lit anyway. The bridge was too narrow and confining for me to maneuver my pickup for a shooting angle on him and even if I could the light angle would have been simply awful.
As I inched forward I kept getting closer and closer to him and he didn’t fly off so out of extreme frustration I pointed with my finger at another very close post on the ‘good’ side of the bridge on my left and loudly said to him “C’mon bird, fly over to that post!”.
1/1600, f/9, ISO 400, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
And immediately that’s exactly what he did. Here he’s on the exact post (out of several others, most of which are ugly yellow metal posts) I had been pointing at just a few seconds earlier.
But I had to get off the bridge for a car coming up slowly behind me so I pulled a few feet forward and off the right side of the road which gave me an even better light angle. But now I was too close for him to fit comfortably in the frame while I was shooting horizontally so I had to shoot vertically which I really, really don’t like to do.
He never did turn around on his perch or even look directly back at me before he flew off after prey but I got excellent plumage detail in good light and we can at least see his face. But perhaps the most exciting thing about the encounter was just being this close to a wild kestrel at eye level.
Given the circumstances the only significant mistake I made was not asking him to turn around on his new perch and face me. Next time I’ll make that request.
I might even say please.
Well, what a beautiful photo of a beautiful bird. Thanks Ron, as always, for sharing.
Sharp and detailed. I love this shot. As for requests, I have asked birds to turn or just appear. If only those Spam ads would listen to my request to disappear.
Spam ads and phone calls. I know how you feel, Jane.
A kestrel? Listening to a request? Who knew?
Glad he was willing to play along. 
And I really like the vertical shot! And those slightly floofy feathers!
Thanks Marty. I certainly didn’t know
This looks as much like a painting as it does a photo…like one of Audubon’s more natural and life-like poses. Incredible image.
Much appreciated, Jim.
Agree – bird whisperer! And the expression on the Kestrel’s face is very cheeky – almost daunting you! “Yeah, I moved for you – but you’re getting my backside bird man.” bwahhahahahha!
Yup, that’s probably exactly what he was thinking.
Now you have the kestrels trained how about working on the harriers?
Ha, training a kestrel is a contradiction in terms.
Lynnette’s right … Bird Whisperer! You’ve captured all the colors of striking Sir Kestrel in a wonderful pose. I think he’s looking back with a “This is as good as it’s gonna get, so take it now” attitude.
Thanks, Chris. Believe me, I’m no bird whisperer. This was a one shot deal but I’m superstitious enough to try it again…
He is spectacularly beautiful and to be so close would have had my heart pounding (speaking of personal drummers).
How absolutely wonderful to have come across a co-operative kestrel. Without doubt the exception which proves the rule.
EC, to me a “cooperative kestrel” almost seems like a non sequitur.
I think he wanted his photo taken, and his coy poise a bit deliberate. Beautiful shot, almost looks like a painting.
Thanks, Mark.
WHAT AN EXQUISITE SHOT ! Right down to the curved shadow cast onto
the pole underneath him, completing the sweep of his body and tail–those
rich colors and patterns positively make me salivate….
Thank you, Kris. Don’t drool on your keyboard…
Beautiful detail! Bravo, bird whisperer!
Ha, I wish!
What an embarrassment of detail. I’m scanning up/down, zooming in/out. Sounds like you have a bit of Dr. Dolittle communication powers. Next time please extend him my good wishes. In Kestralese, of course.
Lyle, I’ll have to see if Rosetta Stone has a program specific for learning kestralese. I’m still far from fluent in it but I’m working on it…
Thanks, Judy. With birds, kestrels especially, there are never any guarantees of wins.
Excellent photo of one of my favorite guys and what an effort you put forth to get him. Fun story and I kid you not, just recently I did the same. I was down at our Willow Lake and as I got out of the car I saw a male way up on a wire. I yelled out, “Come down here and give me a tree perch, I don’t want to take your picture on that wire.” And sure enough he did just that and then gave me photo ops on three or four different trees before flying off.
Wow, quite a coincidence Everett. Maybe kestrels are evolving to have better manners…
What a treat! I think that kestrel knew you were a friend, even if only briefly.
Could be, Cathy. He’s certainly seen me and my pickup many many times.
Your handsome Kestrel’s agreeableness makes up for the many, many times they take flight just as the focus locks on them…
Or just BEFORE focus locks on them…
What an obliging little Kestrel you found! I just love this photograph and your story behind it. Merry Christmas Ron!
Thank you, Melanie.
Wow! Looks like a page out of Audubon’s album.
Thank you. I don’t know about that but it sure provides a good look at some of the distinctive field marks of the male American Kestrel.
What a warm gift this cold grey morning! Thank you Ron for this and the many photos I don’t write about. I enjoy them so much! À bientôt ,Mary
It’s cold and grey here too, Mary. Thanks.
Just beautiful!
Thank you, David.