I’m guessing this bird had to make some adjustments for a significantly altered center of gravity during takeoff and flight.
I’m still camping in Montana and Idaho and so far I’ve been thoroughly skunked for quality bird photos to post on my blog. The only photos I brought with me were taken six days ago in northern Utah so this series is from that day.
1/4000, f/7.1, ISO 500, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not ?baited, set up or called in
I found this juvenile Red-tailed Hawk on a rock outcropping at about the perfect distance for takeoff and flight shots. Based on the diameter of her tarsi I’m going to call ‘her’ a female – what say ye Laura Culley?
The instant I saw her in my viewfinder I marveled at the size of her engorged crop. I’d say she’d recently been feeding on something other than just voles. I was afraid she was so full she’d just sit there and digest her meal rather than take off.
1/4000, f/7.1, ISO 500, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
But before long she obliged me.
1/4000, f/7.1, ISO 500, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
This is probably my favorite shot of the takeoff series.
After she took off I managed to get several flight shots but I’m not including them because that’s just too many photos for me to process in the field on this woefully inadequate laptop.
PS – As I’ve been composing this post in my camping trailer very early this morning I haven’t been able to resist opening the door and looking out at the moon and stars. They’re breathtaking.
I’m no night sky photographer but on an impulse I braced my lens against the trailer door and took a few shots.
This is one of them.
The comments are “right on”!!
I would not say that your trip so far has been a loss with you posting photos such as these. So enjoyable to see. Thank you, Ron
What a bummer! If Centennial Valley has been discovered that’s a real tragedy. Maybe it was just a Labor Day phenomenon. The absence of raptors and the dryness are the other sobering things. What’s plan B? John
That takeoff picture and the moon…. made my day
That moon is swoon-worthy!!! Magnificent! You may not think you’re a night sky photographer, but this image says otherwise. I would be thrilled to see a few days of moon and stars.
Ms. Hawk is quite lovely as well. So nice to see a well-fed bird.
Whoa, Ron! Yes – the Red-tailed is gorgeous but that moon shot is breathtaking.
A hugely different centre of gravity. And if I had attempted any activity after a meal like that gravity would definitely have come into play.
And oh, that moon…
You might have been skunked so far on the bird trip but I would be very, very surprised to learn that you are considering a ‘wasted’ trip.
Ron, what a wonderful picture of the moon! The Hawk picture is great too. Almost every night I sit in my yard and watch the moon and the stars and see the space station travel by. Some nights there are clouds in our sky to block the views, but love those wide open spaces. Hope you are enjoying the area.
That is a full crop, make me happy to see. I am jealous of getting out of town into nature. I hope to go “tenting” soon. The winds put off plans a bit. You will have to soak up some extra for me.
Sorry it isn’t birdier.
I agree with all the comments!
Stay safe.
Love the Red-tall shots, but especially that moon shot!
Really, those are impressive hawk (and crop) photos—she is a well-fed beauty and the takeoff shot is a wonder — and your moon shot is spectacular. Glad you’ve had clear skies to this point, hope they continue and your bird luck takes a turn for the better today.
Oh yes, Ron! Not even a shred of a doubt in my mind that’s a girl and what a BEAUTY she is! And look at those lovely feet! SWOON
Just FYI, that crop is only about 2/3rds full. Mariah gorged so much in my first year that her crop bulged over the top of her (folded) wings! She would have been grounded for awhile that day if it weren’t for me! While there’s room for more, I’d guess a cottontail turned into a hawk that day–presto chango! LOL!
Love the presto-chango comment, Laura.
She look like a good hunter. Hopefully, she will make it through her first year and beyond.
Very nice waning moon. Looks like a good boat for the owl and the Pussycat to chart the fall waters.
Hi Ron – you’re descriptions of the starry sky have me longing for a long-overdue remote sky view without city lights. Sounds like you are having a lovely time! Love these hawk shots, the 2nd is my fav. Your moon shot is fab too.
A new laptop might be in order if you continue to take to the road in your trailer
Terrific takeoff shots, and that moon is outstanding. Enjoy!
Was there a tennis court near where you photographed that Red-tail? The payload in that Hawk looks like someone smashed a ball down its throat. The eventual pellet could be epic.
Those have to be award winning takeoff shots. Superb.
Beg to differ on your night sky photography skill. If bird photography doesn’t work out for you….
I wish you stars by the bajillion……mot people alive right now have never in their lives seen what you’re seeing– and I’m old enough to remember stardust
skies, myself. I’m happy for you ! Hope you find some birds, as well……
NICE Hawk shots! Obviously well fed…
Moon shot IS lovely – nothing quite like the starry, starry nights away from all the light pollution…..
At least not totally skunked….. “Haze” a.k.a. smoke, to start moving in today – appears it may already be there……
Judy, so far it’s clear here but I can see haze? to the east over the Tetons.
Someone had a hefty meal, beautiful red tail. Moonshot excellent. Thanks.
Thank you, Sarah.
Nice Red-tailed shots. If she was human you would assume she is pregnant. I’ve never seen a raptor with a crop like that. Very interesting. Glad to see you are enjoying that beautiful night sky while out there without city lights. Hope your luck on finding birds and wildlife change starting this morning.
Thanks, Everett. I’d almost forgotten what night skies are SUPPOSED to look like.