It’s as if this little guy was deliberately putting my skills as a photographer to the test.
I’ve reached back into my files for this series, taken on June 24, 2015 in Box Elder County. I posted several of these photos years ago but most of them are new to my blog and they’ve never been seen as a series.
Most of them were taken at or near 1/3200, f/7.1, ISO 640.
On that morning this juvenile Burrowing Owl and several of ‘his’ siblings were out enjoying the morning sun and testing their takeoff, flight and landing skills by going on short flights. Since it happened five years ago I can’t remember for sure if all of these photos are of the same sibling but I believe they are because they’d often take off and then return to the same perch.
As per usual with me one of my primary goals was takeoff and flight shots but Burrowing Owls are small and quick so more often than not I was too slow pulling the trigger.
But this little guy gave me a wink almost like he was putting me on notice that the action was about to begin.
He bowed his head as if to mislead me about what his plans were and then…
took off as if he’d been shot from a cannon.
I was able to get a single sharp flight shot without clipping any body parts. In my book that’s passing the test. With flying colors.
But four minutes later he was on the same perch again and ready to see if I could repeat my performance. This time he tried to make it a little harder for me by looking around in different directions so he wouldn’t signal his direction of takeoff.
Just before he launched he gave me a sly look suggesting that he had confidence that he’d outfox me this time.
But I got lucky and started my burst of shots at just the right time so I was able to get another takeoff and…
flight shot. These two look almost identical to the first takeoff. In fact their similarity is uncanny.
Six minutes later he’d returned to the perch for yet another go at it.
But this time one of his siblings out of frame to the left took off and this was his reaction. He decided to follow that bird in flight so…
he quickly turned on his perch and…
took off in the opposite direction.
Because his takeoff direction was completely unexpected I didn’t have enough room on the left for an ideal composition in the only flight shot I got. But he’s sharp and I didn’t clip any body parts so I was more than happy with the results.
Obviously I was being a little facetious with some of my narration for this post. I’m sure he had no intention to test my photography skills. His only interest in me was to make sure I wasn’t a threat and perhaps I was also an object of his curiosity.
Sometimes just for the fun of it I take tongue in cheek liberties with my narration. It’s what I do.
Wow!~ Just Wow! She definitely has to be a she with her teasing and coquettishness! Way too sweet to be a male. I love burrowing owls! Have lived by them in Lubbock, Eastern Colorado, and really miss them here in Virginia.
So my ponderings now are with the question of, “Do I want to create beautiful photographs or do I want to report or capture action and beauty without “manipulation” which so many photographers thin is absolutely necessary but seem to run us “naturalists” out of the running?”
That last one looks as if he’s calling to his sibling, “Hey! I just had so much fun with a photo guy!”
What a wonderful set of shots, Ron. I love the commentary as well.
He’s definitely trying to yank your chain. 
Chain yanked, Marty. He won more than once. I just didn’t post those shots, in fact they’re now in the graveyard where they belong.
Owls are a wunnaful, wunnaful start to any day.
I strongly suspect that if he/she was a little older and not contentrating so hard on take-off and flight you would have been stymied. Probably on several of these shots. The turn, pirouette and take off for example has a degree of difficulty well over 10.
I am more grateful than I can express that this time you were the victor.
Thanks, EC. Yeah, if he’d been really trying he could have come out on top. He did more than once anyway.
I’m here for your photos and commentary — and Lyle’s take on it all, too.
But really, is there a cuter raptor than the Burrowing Owl? And this little one being so seductive makes “her” even more appealing! Great sequence, Ron, thank you for bringing this owl back into the limelight.
“is there a cuter raptor than the Burrowing Owl?”
Not that I know of, Chris. And they have a personality to match.
These are beautiful, thanks for bringing them to light. I like the madonna pose, and the sassy open beak photos.
You had my hopes up that you found some out and about this year. I have found a couple burrows but they are away from the road (better for the owls safety) too far for my camera.
I looked for you up in the mountains this morning, April. Your hummer was looking for you too. He wasn’t as cooperative as he usually is.
My experience with Burrowing Owls this season is exactly the same as yours.
I am discouraged at the moment with my photos. We also are building a new flight cage (passerine) in the yard yesterday and today. I am being a hostess and providing food and cold drinks.
I hope you had a good morning, it was beautiful and cool.
Yeah, I’d call it a good morning. Had some fun with a kingfisher and got some shots I like of a different hummingbird feeding on nectar. It was a beautiful morning and not crowded at all at first but by about 9 there were too many people there for me. But then any amount of people is too many for me…
Ahhh… that wink
My take on this is, if you didn’t get that the first time, I’ll give you another chance
Love something about each picture.
Enjoy your day
Thank you, Diana.
Lovely action. Rascally bird!
Rascally indeed.
Spectacular series, Ron. Thanks!
Thank you, Dan.
And what a fun game it was. Not sure who gets the MVP award: the owl for MTO’s (most takeoffs in one game) or you for BTFP’s
(best takeoff and flight photography In one game). Let’s make it an Owl World Series tie. Kudos also to the announcer for the gripping play by play descriptions.
Lyle, a tie with an owl is actually a win in my experience. I’ll take it!
What great shots, I really enjoyed this post and series of shots!!
I think the wink was just to put you on notice that he was going to test your skills! VBG!
Many thanks for shring.
Thank you, Dick.
WOW! Wonderful set of photos!
You were up to the challenge that day! Does seem like it was “toying with you” even if we know better……
The last series with it apparently “talking” to others is fun………
Judy, he was definitely talking to (or at) the sibling that took off. Thank you.
Sensational series. Love his expressions before take off. Looks like he is saying, Ok Ron, no way you’ll keep up with me this time. But you sure did and then some. I always think the smaller the bird the harder to follow the take off.
“I always think the smaller the bird the harder to follow the take off”
With no exceptions that I’m aware of that’s exactly the case, Everett. Thank you.