A Contemplative Bluebird

A short post today. I’ve been jabbering too much on my blog of late.


1/1250/ f/6.3, ISO 800, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in

This is the male Mountain Bluebird I photographed a little over a week ago near his nest cavity in the mountains. I posted a different photo of him on this perch five days ago but I thought this pose was worthy of its own presentation.

I don’t know what he was looking at near the crotch of the broken limb but whatever it was it really captured his attention. He held this head position long enough to allow me many photos of him in this seemingly contemplative pose.

It isn’t Rodin’s The Thinker but it still makes me wonder what birds might think about.





  1. Patty Chadwick

    Very, very, VERY NICE!!!👏

  2. Jean Hickok-Haley

    Great shot.

  3. Nice Pic Ron. I’m a big believer in animal cognitive abilities, especially in birds. Would be nice to know what all animals are thinking…

  4. I am very glad and totally unsurprised to read that others (the world over) have less than no problem with your jabbering. None. Nada. Zip.
    And love the bluebird as well.
    I suspect that if I did know what birds (and most species other than our own) were thinking I would want to crawl under the nearest rock and hide.

  5. Arwen Professional Joy Seeker


  6. The votes are in and Jabbering wins by a landslide! 😉 Truth be told, I’m thrilled with anything you post, Ron.

    My guess is that there’s a snack in that crevice and he’s waiting for it to make itself a bit more accessible.

    Thanks for “The Thinker” reference. Now I get to recall my extreme fortune at visiting Rodin’s house and seeing the Gates of Hell and his (or was it Camille Claudel’s?) larger recreation of that figure. 🙂

    • “My guess is that there’s a snack in that crevice and he’s waiting for it to make itself a bit more accessible”

      Marty, I actually wondered if he was listening even more intently than he was looking. Either way, you may be right.

  7. Jabber away! It’s better than listening to me talk to myself, the cat, the bird…….

    Beautiful pose and photo.

  8. I’ll go with “To be or not to be…”. Or “Hmm, interesting lichen”.

  9. Beautiful shot, Ron……. 🙂 I for one enjoy and learn as much from what you call “jabbering” as I do the photos and specs! 🙂

  10. I often wonder what birds are thinking. Many times I catch them contemplating stuff and I wish I could crawl in there to see what’s going on. Of course, the danger is I might not want to come back out!
    I NEVER, EVER tire of your ramblings. Not EVER!

  11. Never Ever get tired of you so called jabbering Ron !!!

  12. Contemplative, like a squirrel fixated on defeating the latest bird feeder puzzle.

  13. Yes, what is he thinking ❗️ I love when a picture of an animal is put up and asked to give it a caption. People’s comments can pretty funny 😁
    No complaining about a long post from me😜

  14. A most memorable photo! The colors glow with just the right amount of green. 🙂

    • I was lucky to get any green in there at all, Kathy. The trunks, branches and twigs are really thick in that area, which is why so many of my shots of the bluebirds were ruined by shadows.

  15. Mary Mayshark-Stavely

    This Blue Bird glows! Made me smile…thanks for this and all your photos…and I enjoy your words too!

  16. Everett Sanborn

    Maybe not Rodin’s, but maybe Dudley’s The Blue Thinker? Beautiful birds and as I mentioned previously, they look even better matched up with the White Birch or Aspen.

  17. Great shot as always! I think we are all allowed a little anthropomorphism, especially during these times!

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