Sorry folks, no birds today. An experience in the mountains yesterday morning is causing me to go off on a tangent.
Early yesterday morning while I was looking for birds in the west desert mountains I came across this disturbing scene. The camper(s) had obviously spent the night on private land that was clearly posted with multiple “no trespassing” signs. Apparently the owner of the beat-up old Honda was still sleeping inside the tent.
For years the landowner had allowed camping in this area on both sides of the road but continued abuse of his land and his generosity by campers and other recreationalists was apparently his motivation for declaring it off limits several years ago and I don’t blame him.
When I used to visit this area before he posted it I’d often find garbage strewn around, cans and bottles in the firepits and elsewhere and vehicle tracks where there were no roads. But some of the worst abuse was from folks who insisted on using the area too early in the spring when it was still incredibly muddy. Deep ruts were everywhere, especially on the other side of the dirt road which we can’t see behind me.
The sign this person was camping right next to reads:
Private property both sides of the road
No off-road travel any motorized vehicle
Violators will be prosecuted”
The landowner has posted several other signs in this area similar to this one. The signs are stamped out of heavy metal in an attempt to prevent gun nuts (ammosexuals if you prefer) from blowing them to smithereens. Needless to say, those signs are expensive and the landowner is very serious about preventing further damage to his land.
Low-brows like this camper make me angry. In the past I’ve camped in this area myself but because of inconsiderate slobs like this person I’m no longer able to do so. In Utah Criminal Trespass is generally charged as a class B misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1000 fine but this person is unlikely to be caught and prosecuted because the area is relatively remote.
OK, rant over. And yes, I feel better.
- Several miles further up the road after it enters National Forest I came across an unattended campfire in a dispersed camping site. I couldn’t see obvious flames from some distance away but the fire was smoking heavily. There were no vehicles or camping paraphernalia at the campsite so apparently the camper had permanently left the area earlier that morning with the fire still active. A recipe for disaster, even this early in the spring.
- I certainly don’t equate typical gun owners with “gun nuts” or “ammosexuals”. I’m a gun owner myself. I’m referring to a specific and far too common type of firearm psycho who can’t resist blowing holes in almost everything he sees, especially if it causes vandalism and expense to others. My good friend Jim DeWitt (Wickersham’s Conscience) has documented some of their nefarious activities here.
I was hoping your rant might also include Lead ammo. It is killing our birds in record numbers.
I love all of your pics and your blog is great too. Very educational.
Yes, garbage as you mention but the thing that really upsets me is the dog poop and poop with toilet paper beside it. Disgusting pigs! Oh oh! Don’t get me going!
Unfortunately I suspect there will be a lot of people breaking the law and not respecting the land with this corona virus and the parks being closed. I have heard of friends’ family members going off to their second property in other provinces despite pleas from the locals to stay away, because if they bring a virus with them or set sick, they will overwhelm the health system in small communities. Imagine how much revenue it could bring in to an area if the authorities fine them. I need to stay positive, but appreciate your rant.
And this is why we can’t have nice things!

Yup, or at least one of the reasons.
Guns are much less common here. Most homes don’t have them. Just the same signs are frequently shot to pieces.
The self entitled are a subset of our species that I really, really struggle to like.
I’ve given up wasting my time trying to find something to like about that particular subset, EC.
I agree with Marty, EC. I no longer even try.
As a Rhode Island ammosexual who has a Utah permit to carry, I would have let off a couple rounds to wake them up and then told them they had 10 minutes to pack up and get off my property !!
Gary, since you’re from Rhode Island the property most likely wouldn’t be yours. And shooting that close to a campsite is one way to get yourself shot – you know those ammosexuals…
What Judy said. I’m just tired of it. But ammosexuals did make me hoot with laughter, so thank you for that.
Arwen, Jim DeWitt should get credit for “ammosexuals”. I liked it so much I shamelessly stole it from one of his blog posts.
Definitely worth stealing!
I can just hear the justifications he might make:
I know the owner;
I am the owner;
I didn’t see the sign;
I’m not hurting anything;
My car wouldn’t start;
and, wait for it:
I’m practicing social distancing.
We all know what he really is: a low-life who paradoxically regards himself above the rest of us.
Paradoxically indeed!
Well, as you saw here, and sadly we’re seeing in many many other places across the country “You can’t fix stupid”
That’s right.
Many, many
years ago on our first camping trip my husband and I set up camp very late at night. We were awakened by the sound and vibration of dirt bikes. We had parked right smack on their dirt trail
Boy, did we feel stupid and embarrassed. Lesson learned, know where your camping and if it’s allowed.
We’re fixed
With some people, You can’t fix stupid
Everyone makes honest mistakes, Diana. But far to many don’t learn from them.
Thank you for the post, Ron. We all need reminding that property, whether private or public, should be protected and respected.
Exactly, Melanie. If the rights of landowners aren’t respected by a few the rest of us pay the price.
The same philosophy as those who currently don’t think stay at home or other restrictions apply to them….
MT finally fined a group of partier’s who had been told to disburse repeatedly. All I/ME/MY – piss on you and everything else…… Too bad you couldn’t get the license # and report it with photo’s…. GRRR! Glad DeWitt put out the documentation the Curlew’s – They are not near as common here as they used to be
“The same philosophy as those who currently don’t think stay at home or other restrictions apply to them”
Exactly, Judy.
Curlews don’t seem to be as common here as they used to be either. I’m really curious to know if they’ve come back to Antelope Island in good numbers this spring but I can’t get on the island because of coronavirus-related regulations.
I agree with you, Judy! I hope Ron reported the trespasser to the property owner.
I didn’t, Melanie. I have no idea who the landowner is.
Interesting post Ron. To some folks signs mean nothing. Guy figures out there nobody will see him so he sets up his camp for the night. And if land like this had not been abused this land owner would have continued to allow people to camp there. Unfortunately it only takes a few idiots to spoil things for everyone. The people who did not properly put out the fire are the real dangerous people. Knowing you, I am assuming you put that fire out.
Yup, if that type thinks they can get away with it they’ll almost invariably try.
My sympathies are really with that landowner. Many of them barely scrape by and this guy tolerated the abuse of his land for a long time before he was forced to spend a significant amount of cash for all those expensive signs. I hope they were at least a tax deduction.
Idiots! I think there is no other word for people who are so deliberate in their ‘so-what’ attitude and actions. The governor closed 40+ state parks here yesterday because of vandalism, littering, over-crowding…some just don’t care about anything as long as their satisfying their whims. Last week I drove to one park where the turkey vultures gather and roost upon their return. Cars were parked on grassy areas, trash, litter, the picnic tables had large groups of people sitting together, as some were leaving there were hugs being passed around. Of course the governor is the ‘bad guy’ here because ‘he can’t take my rights’ away from me’…some people will never get it. I never did get my yearly pictures of the vulture tree…there were about 30+ roosting in it but I stopped before entering, turned around and left. It is a great area for people to use…lots of biking and walking trails, a lake, pond, etc. but now sadly inaccessible for all. Like I said …idiots.
“Idiots” works for me, Kathy. Perfectly. So does “assholes”.
It seems with the campgrounds closed campers are winging it in open areas.I have seen people camping on BLM and probably private more on this trip than any other time. Also the ATVs and dirt bikes are a menace on the back roads. They are out in huge numbers. I have had several near misses on curves with idiots going full blast around blind curves. Some of the open areas around St George where ARVs are allied to tear everything up are so crowded it looks like a road rally with spectators.
I’m very unhappy to hear that, April.