Early spring must be here.
1/2500, f/7.1, ISO 500, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM, not baited, set up or called in
Yesterday morning Black-billed Magpies were building and refurbishing nests which is always a fun but challenging time for me. There’s little if any spring growth yet so anything fresh and green is at a premium. Spring colors may still be nonexistent but spring behaviors are definitely beginning to pop.
I caught this magpie taking off with nesting material in its bill. I like the takeoff posture, the bird is sharp and my exposure on the difficult blacks and whites is pretty good. The wingtips aren’t sharp but I’m OK with that.
1/2000, f/7.1, ISO 500, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM, not baited, set up or called in
In the next shot in the burst the magpie hadn’t made much progress which I believe is an indication of the springiness of the twigs it had been perched on. They were so flexible the magpie didn’t gain much momentum from pushing off with its legs and feet.
In my view the primary weakness of this image in particular is the dark area directly behind the magpie’s black head which prevents the head and bill from standing out as well as they otherwise would have.
But I’m still happy to have both shots. After a long winter with few birds and even fewer interesting behaviors to photograph they give me hope.
Those are beauties with the highlights and iridescence, but I agree with comments about the one over the fireplace. Hope you are feeling better.
I’ve never seen one of these birds, but what a glorious creature. The photos are compelling; I just can’t stop looking at them. I never would have expected to see that wonderful teal mixed in with the black and white.
These “bad boys” are such elegant clowns…love them and you sure caught them in their iridescent beauty…my favorite is still the one you have over your fireplace…
Yes, that’s still my favorite too, Patty.
Ron. The detail you caught in the nest material and the bird are exceptional even for you. Thanks diana
We don’t have Magpies here, so your beautiful photos are one of the reasons I wish I was still living in Utah (OK, maybe the only reason).
Yup, I know what you mean, about both parts of your comment, Lyle.
Yet another of ‘your’ birds that I love to see. Love that wing spread, and the irridescence.
If Spring is coming your way I hope that autumn is finally getting ready to shove her ugly sister summer out of the door here.
EC, I keep walking back the months in my mind to see where you are in your summer. And to see when your current nightmare might be over.
In some truly wonderful (and long awaited news) the fire closest to us is now finally out. Eighty days later.
Good. That’s at least a beginning to the end. For this year at least. Hopefully…
Can breathe again…

They are such gorgeous mischief-makers.
No argument there.
You have catchlights, you have the beautiful spread of those primaries, and you have several hues of iridescence. I’d call that a win.
Overall I’d call it mostly a win too, Marty. Thanks.
Love the little iridescent highlights and the clear shape of the black head, neck and upper body on a bird with both black and white. Wonderful that you were able to be out there shooting, let alone shooting very well.
I don’t know how well I shot but I tried, Nancy!
I noticed magpies hauling “stuff” a few days back tho not here yet – OK with me!
Sparrows down in Belt were doing some of their spring breeding activities so spring IS on it’s way! Nice shots! 
Thanks, Judy.
Spring is only 22 days away, but looks like your Magpies are ready now. Looks like you were out currently to take these, and if so that is a good sign. Love the Magpies and wish we had them here. As I have said previously I have only seen them in Taos NM. We have seen some of this same pre-spring activity out back with the House Finches who you can tell are exploring for possible nest sites.
Yes, I took these photos yesterday, Everett.