The behavior isn’t a mystery to me but it will have to remain so to my readers until tomorrow. I’ll explain why.
It isn’t my style to be coy or evasive about anything but today I have no reasonable choice. It was my intention this morning to fully document a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk behavior I photographed a few days ago but in preparing the post I realized that it was going to take about 15 photos to document adequately. As I began to process the images it slowly became apparent that it was going to take more time than I had allotted to process that many images and write the text.
So today you just get a preview image. And a bit of a mystery.
1/2500, f/7.1, ISO 800, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
At first glance it might appear that this is nothing more than a raptor landing on or jumping to a rock. But the unusual leg posture and asymmetrical wing positions might suggest there’s more to the story. And there is. It wouldn’t take me 15 photos to document something as simple as that. Or perhaps it’s about to snatch prey with its talons. There are many possibilities, you may think of one or more of your own.
I picked this photo out of the rest to post today because I think it’s interesting enough to act as a standalone. I actually like it a lot, only in part because this may be the best view of the underside of a fully deployed alula (winglet) I’ve ever seen .
At the conclusion of tomorrow’s post I’ll use my best Paul Harvey voice and say “And now you know the rest of the story”. But for now a mystery it will have to remain.
Note: I was never a fan of the politics of Paul Harvey, far from it. When I learned that he often sent advance copies of his radio script to J. Edgar Hoover for review and approval that sealed the deal. But he was a staple on American radio for over 50 years and growing up in conservative Montana farm country his distinctive baritone voice, catch phrases and emphatic style were a significant part of my life (and the lives of countless millions of Americans). I loved his voice and delivery but as I became older and a little more sophisticated in my world view I often squirmed at his point of view, even as a teenager.
As an adult it just made me angry so I no longer listened to him.
I’m late to the party but I promise I have not yet peeked at today’s follow-up post. You still have me guessing. In addition to Paul Harvey, do you remember Walter Winchell? “Good Morning, Mr. and Mrs. North and South America and all the ships at sea…let’s go to press!” He was a big fan of Senator Joe McCarthy and called Lucille Ball a communist. Doubt he’d have had much interest in a mysterious hawk.
Ken, about the only things I remember about Winchell was his gossipy bitchiness and his alignment with McCarthy. I wonder if he and Paul Harvey were friends…
Ron, this is a great shot! I looked up alula but don’t know if I’ve identified it on this bird. Interesting that the attachment on alula compared a bird wing to an airline wing. As for your mystery, I’ll try not lose any sleep over it but I also like being the person with the answer to the mystery vs. the one that has to wait for the answer…..oh well!! Thank you, Ron
Alice, the alula is the little “mini-wing” or flap sticking out from about the middle of the leading edge of the left wing. I linked to it in my post in case you missed it when you “looked it up”.
Oh, you big tease!!! I’m thinking all sorts of scenarios, including an imaginary trampoline.
I’m looking forward to you saying, “And that’s the way it is…” tomorrow.
Marty, admittedly the cliff hanger was a bit of a dirty trick but I came up against a wall and it seemed like the best alternative.
SPECTACULAR shot. For which I will (reasonably) happily endure the cliff hanger.
Thank you, EC.
Ahhh, the sage, the lichen, the rocks and a redtail–such a glorious image! That intensity in her eyes! WOW! It doesn’t get a whole lot better than that except if the redtail had fresh blood on her talons, beak and feathers! I have my theory about the rest of the story, but we’ll see if I’m right tomorrow!
As for Paul Harvey, not only no, but HELL NO!!
Thank you, Laura. Will you fess up if you’re wrong?
Of COURSE I will, Ron! I don’t have a problem being wrong. It happens every now and again!
For me it happens every now and again and again…
It has a startled, loss of balance look.
What a neat picture! I have no idea what this youngster is up to, but it reminds me of footage I’ve seen of foxes hunting in the snow – same purposeful intensity. Whatever the goal, one thing is clear: learning to be a hawk is serious business!
“learning to be a hawk is serious business!”
It sure is, Robyn. Many of them don’t learn fast and/or well enough and pay for it with their lives.
My guess is stuck in a spider web.
Time will tell…
Hmmmmmm? Something of interest for sure whether spooking him or something to be attacked!
Great shot of the hawk – lots of detail of it’s ventral side and oh, those talons! Yeh, Paul Harvey had some good things to say BUT! Got going on a subscription he was pushing to Imprimis years ago which also has some interesting articles but most isn’t how I perceive things…..
It certainly gives a clear view of how the far right thinks! WOW!
Thank you, Judy.
You mention Imprimis. Harvey was considered a huckster by some. This from Wikipedia: He endorsed many products “including a supplement that was claimed to improve vision (Imprimis, my add) but was later the subject of a Federal Trade Commission enforcement action against the manufacturer (but not Harvey himself) for misleading claims made on Harvey’s show”.
Alulas out, claws extended: looks pretty ominous. I’m drawn to the vertical ring bars, too. Can’t wait for Mystery Falcon: The Sequel.
I remember my father tuning the truck radio to Paul Harvey when I worked with him during summers in the ‘60’s. I’m surprised “The Rest of the Story” didn’t start until 1976. Seemed like he used that line forever. He was a real right-wing nut. No doubt he would have idolized you-know-who.
“Right-wing nut” is right, Lyle – disguised in a voice that seemed benign or even comforting.
I first started listening to him on the school bus in Montana on the way into town as an elementary student. Every bus driver we had seemed to be a fan and always had the radio cranked up so everyone could (had to) hear him.
Great photo! And I agree with Dick, the bird looks like she’s going after something below her. Hmmm … what can it be?
You’ll know soon, Joanne.
Awe Stuck! I really enjoy this photo.
Once again… “Thank you” for sharing with us.
Good. Thanks, CJ.
I think the hawk just heard the voice of Paul Harvey on a rock climber’s radio and he is rushing to turn it off!
Its not the voice, its the intent that is not healthy to hear.
This shot is just an outstanding action shot capturing this Red-tailed in full blown hawkishness.
I love it.
I’m glad you like it, Dave. I have a soft spot for it too.
I never knew that about Paul Harvey. I enjoyed listening to him too. I think I know what is happening, but we shall wait and see. I love learning. Because knowing is half the battle. GRIN
Arwen, Paul Harvy was also “a close friend of Senator Joseph McCarthy and supporter of his search for Communists” if that tells you anything.
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I need to go wash my mind out with soap now. Soap with LYE! Which is more than a little ironic
Love this image for so many reasons, Ron. As you know, I have a very large “soft spot” for juvenile RTHAs…I’ll be staying tuned in for the rest of the story
Always happy to have you visit, Christine. Thank you.
You have my curiosity piqued! First off I really like the photo…the intense look, feet up, and that wing display. Those rock and sage combo is really eye-catching also. Now to wait for the answer…
. I have a similar look and stance of a red-tail in a set that I took about three years ago…now I wonder… On another note…I understand what you mean about Paul Harvey…great voice but…
There’s just something about the combination of sage, rock, lichens and raptors isn’t there, Kathy.
“Great voice but…” sums it up well.
OK, you got me. I know you wont say until tomorrow, but the look and position I would guess that there is something below the rock he/she is about to pounce on! BTW this is a great shot!
I’m glad you like it, Dick. And you’re right, I won’t let the cat out of the bag before you’ve seen the rest of the images…