“Bump In The Road” Postponed – At Least For Now

As of a few minutes ago my surgery has been postponed until an undetermined date.

Symptoms I’m having that are almost surely unrelated to my back and nerve problems make it seem wise to delay my lumbar laminectomy surgery until their source can be determined and the symptoms are mitigated. I’ll be seeing at least one other specialist early next week.

Thankfully (for some unknown but extremely welcome reason) my back and leg pain have subsided significantly in the last 4-5 days and hopefully that will continue so at least I have reasonable hope of being in less pain until all this is resolved. I’ll look at that as a silver lining in an otherwise gloomy outlook.

I apologize for the premature alarm in yesterday’s post but as far as I knew then the surgery would happen on Monday and I didn’t want regular readers to wonder why I wasn’t posting daily like I nearly always do. I’ll likely be posting, at least sporadically, between now and whenever the surgery actually occurs.

And yes, it feels funny to be publishing a blog post that doesn’t include at least one photo but I figured readers deserve to know what’s going on as quickly as possible and I couldn’t think of an appropriate photo to use.

My “thinker” isn’t working as well as usual these days. 🙂





  1. Hi, Ron, I just now saw this and your previous post. I am so glad the surgery’s been postponed under the circumstances. And I hope you can get some answers through your next appointment(s). I understand quite well the complexities of having to figure things out when unexplained symptoms arise. And I wish you a speedy resolution in terms of knowing what’s up and what you need to do. In the meantime, I’m so very glad the pain has subsided some. Sending you many healing wishes!

  2. Wishing you the best and hope it turns out to be a passing non threatening thingy. In other words, just hope it disappears into the night and becomes a distant memory.


  3. As they say, there is a reason for everything. Hang tough, thoughts & prayers.

  4. Late to the party, Ron, but you were on my mind for much of the day- most of which was spent watching Northern Harriers hunting a frozen marsh (26F with winds NW18). I kept thinking how happy that would make you! Stayed until dark looking for Shorties, but they didn’t cooperate. Just means I need to keep birding. Hope your pain continues to be manageable, at least until you get more answers. Take care.

  5. Ron, I’m sorry to “hear” your silver lining comes with a different problem attached. Damn!

  6. I just tuned in. I’m behind on reading your blogs. Sorry to hear of these troubles. I wish ALL the pain away from you.

  7. I hope the specialist can determine the cause of your pain. Meanwhile, since your truck seat helps, I think you should order another and plop it down in front of your computer. You will be in the driver’s seat, can have a drink or two, and won’t have to worry about getting pulled over for a DUI.

  8. I hate that “hurry up and wait” situation. I hope you get a definite decision soon and that the complicating factors go away. Hope you have continued subsidence of your pain — that’s the best news. Take care of yourself and NO SHOVELING! 😉 😀

  9. Thanks for the heads up….hope it all works for you…I understand there will be less “Feathered Photography” but I will survive till all is well…just small bouts of withdrawal…hopefully you won’t be waiting too long and will have a speedy recovery.

  10. Whoops! Just wished you well in yesterday’s post and now noticed this. Still wishing you luck and a speedy recovery though, hopefully without surgery!y

  11. Fingers crossed your leg gets so much better you won’t need surgery. It’s a good wish anyway. Praying for you!

  12. Good news, bad news. I am thrilled that the pain has subsided. It is an exhausting soul sucker. And hope it stays gone.

  13. Like Samuel Clemens, the news of your demise is premature.

  14. OK, so where’s the awesome bird pic? 🙂

  15. SIGHHHHHHHH! Good news, bad news……. Glad they’re postponing if there are other possible risks and that they are pursuing what those might be. Also glad you’ve been doing a bit better pain wise. 😉 On the other hand, the not knowing and hurry up and wait is certainly a stressor…….. 🙁 Thx for the update, Ron

  16. That sounds pretty encouraging, Ron. Thank goodness the delay occurred for apparently good reason. “Leave no stone unturned” (or is it no tern un-stoned?)

  17. Ron As a MD I am sure your are making the correct decision. I hope your pain continues to subside. Diana

  18. I know that the postponement of surgery is double edged. Your psyche was in prep mode and now you are relieved but back in waiting mode. What a gift of less pain in the meantime. Know that every one of us, your ardent fans and loyal followers, are pulling for you. I so hope your respite will continue. Sending healing energy your way!

  19. Well that is great news Ron! Second opinions are always good. The more info that becomes available always makes the process go smoother. Continue doing whatever you are doing since it seems to help.
    Snow here out the wha-zoo! Driving from MI was terrible the other day. Eight inches of new light fluffy stuff yesterday. And guess what…more today. Below zero temps for the next several days…winter is finally here. 🙂

  20. Glad to hear the update. It’s good and bad, isn’t it? Now you get to do that lovely dance of waiting. 😀 I’m not the most patient person in the world…just ask my husband. LOL

  21. I’m glad that you’re having at least a temporary mitigation in your pain-level– for sure, pain is a BIG FACTOR in how your “thinker” is performing, with or without concomitant
    medication——I think all of your blog-followers are at least as interested in your personal situation as we are in appreciating your work…..buena suerte , amigo !

    • “I think all of your blog-followers are at least as interested in your personal situation as we are in appreciating your work”

      That possibility gives me the warm fuzzies, Kris.

  22. Glad you’re doing a little better.
    Keep us posted 😁

  23. I’m not used to being one if the first commenters here…thought something (else) had gone wrong with my iPad! But, truthfully, am glad to hear that your surgery is delayed out of an abundance of caution, and hope you remain relatively more comfortable than you have been until the time comes to proceed. Looking forward to seeing a few hawks, harriers, owls, and yes, even water birds from your archives if weather and wildlife don’t cooperate! 😉

  24. Thanks so much for thinking about us. You were right to predict we’d be concerned if we didn’t see a post from you. Best of luck in getting quick resolution so you can get back out!

  25. Sounds good Ron. At least we will get some Feathered Photography while the experts try to figure out how best to help you. Love to see whatever you come up with from time to time, but put your health needs first. Thanks for the update.
    Everett Sanborn, Prescott AZ

  26. Mary Mayshark-Stavely

    Thanks for letting us all know! So glad you are doing better and glad the doctors are wise enough to look for more information! Bon courage.

  27. Oh, this is a good news. Thanks God who listened to my prayers.

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