I don’t have many Christmassy photos but this one certainly has the feel of the season. Some will have seen it before but I don’t think it matters much on this special day.
The Song Sparrow was feeding on ice-encrusted seeds on a very cold January morning at Farmington Bay. The sparrow’s mouth is full of seeds and ice and there’s more ice falling next to his long, straight tail. The bird is fluffed up in an effort to keep warm in the extreme cold as he was stoking his furnace by eating the seeds. I love the way he’s squatted comfortably down on the twig as if he’s prepared for a long session at the buffet table.
Birds always struggle to survive in conditions like this and when I’m out there and experiencing the same conditions (from the relative warmth of my pickup) I often think of how lucky we are to have life so much easier.
And during the holiday season we really pamper ourselves which for me makes the contrast seem more extreme. And even inequitable. So this time of year I always try to be extra-appreciative of what I have, including but not limited to a warm and comfortable home, plenty of good food, family and good friends. And that “good friends” part includes many of you, those who follow and contribute to Feathered Photography.
Literally for generations my family has used “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Holidays” as almost interchangeable greetings of the season so it’s a tradition that I continue to follow, despite some folks feeling differently about it. We may not all celebrate Christmas in the same way but I take no offense with either greeting and whichever one I may use I’m sincere with my accompanying warm wishes when I say it.
So Merry Christmas my friends. And Happy Holidays too.
Seasons greetings to you to Ron, and wishing you and yours good health at happiness for 2019!
Merry Christmas Ron!
Your friend, Tim
Also a very Merry Christmas to you! I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your site and all the wonderful information you continue to share with us. I’m constantly recommending it to my friends and family. Here in central Illinois we did not have a white Christmas, but my family and I recently visited the Emiquon Nature Preserve and the water was blanketed in snow geese, thousands of them. They were also visited by about six bald eagles who danced merrily over the water in search of fish. It’s a great location to spend a quiet morning reflecting on the world around you. May you have a Healthy and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas to you Ron, belatedly.
Thank you for your hard and dedicated work to post daily. I look forward to your post on a daily basis. I love to hear your comments as well as your readers.
And thanks to and for you Ron!
Thank you for all the Christmas and holiday wishes, everyone!
My SoCal birds clearly are not as hardy as your ice-bound Song Sparrow — I set out the feeders when it was @ 56 deg this morning and didn’t see anything but a Yellow-rumped Warbler and 3 pesky squirrels until it hit 60. (And no Cooper’s Hawk nearby to take the blame.) But when they did finally all show up, it made Christmas Day brighter, just as your posts make every day brighter. Thanks, Ron, for sharing your wild world with us, and Merry Christmas! (Oops, Coop just flew thru yard, looking for Christmas brunch…. )
Thank you, Ron. And thank you for your year round presents of birding joy. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Late to the party (a long, long night).
LOVE this image – though it is the very opposite of Christmas here. As we swelter over the next few days I suspect I will come back to bask in that cooling beauty.
Happy everything and many thanks Ron.
Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays, Ron!
Merry Christmas Ron! Thank you for a lovely Christmas post.
One of the best parts of my day. I so enjoy your work and appreciate the asmount of toil involved. Have a Merry Christmas and a Joyous and Pleasant New Year.
Merry Christmas, Ron and a Birdy-New Year! Happy Travels my friend.
Wonderful shot — love the ice crystals on the branches. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays right back atcha, Ron. And the same to this wonderful community. May all who are hungry and cold find food and warmth.
Merry Christmas, Ron! This shot is Christmas-card perfect.
I may not comment often, but I’m always here. You’ve provided a daily bright spot during a rough year. In all your aspects: behaviorist, photographer, teacher, and occasional political commentator, I’m very grateful that you are out there doing your thing and sharing it with us.
A Beautiful Image..thanks for the great blog all year! And of course…Merry Christmas to you too!!
Wishing all a Merry Christmas – may good cheer be yours.
Merry Christmas, Ron. Thank you for doing what you do.
Beautifully captured as always! Happy Christmas and Merry Holidays to you and your family. Doesn’t really matter how you say it, it’s the thought that counts and we’re all wishing you the best and a wonderful New Year.
Merry Christmas, Ron! Your photographs and stories of birds and mammals, aways brings a smile to my face. A heartfelt thank you, and may your new year bring more exploration of what is so vital in understanding the web of life and our participation!
Thank you Ron, for your generous Holiday sentiments and Seasonal observations. Every day of the year is infused with friendship and goodwill thanks to Feathered Photography.
Merry Christmas and than you for a year of wonderful bird photos and words that inform and inspire.
Want to wish you a Merry Christmas. This is the first Christmas season that we have not had snow on the ground for a long time. Kind of nice, and sure the snow will be here next month!
Merry Christmas, Ron! Thank you for making our lives nicer every day.
Perfect picture

Merry Christmas Ron and to your family
Merry Christmas to you Ron. I visit with you every day and you make every day special.
Merry Christmas!
How appropriate! My first bird of the day this morning was a singing Song Sparrow! Merry Christmas, Ron, and thanks for the joy and wisdom you share every day.
Merry Christmas Ron! Thanks for a great year in photography and of course the photo is perfect!…
Same to you and all the numerous fans of Feathered Photography. We know that mornings would not be the same without your morning gift Ron. Thanks again.
Merry Christmas to you and Mia, and may 2019 be as successful as possible for both of you!
Ho, ho, ho
A song sparrow
To bring us joy and cheer.
My Christmas wish to you is this:
good heallth and pics next year.
Merry Christmas,Ron!
Ron, Thank you for sharing your craft and knowledge with us! I so enjoy, every day of the year, reading your blog, admiring your fantastic photos, and learning from your commentary. Enjoy the Winter season and best wishes for a good new year!
Merry Christmas to you and yours Ron
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Ron. Thanks for all the great photos and stories this year, and I’m looking forward to more in 2019.
Ron, a very Merry Christmas to you and your family. It has been an enjoyable first year following Feathered Photography.
Everett Sanborn, Prescott AZ
Merry Christmas to You and all the ‘Feathered Photography’ friends I’ve gotten so accustomed to ‘seeing’ each morning! Perfect photo for today! Love the ‘cover my cold feet’ pose whenever I see it. After celebrating Christmas with my children last evening and new (and only grandchild) hopefully I can celebrate with a few feathered friends today!
Happy and cosy Christmas day to you too Ron.
Beautiful catch. I love it.
the same to you and yours Ron!
Wonderful Christmas photo, Ron……..:) Yes, most of us do have it easy compared to the wildlife this time of year. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you and yours and all who visit here!
Thanks, Judy. I hope you have a wind-free Christmas day!
So far not wind – a bit of fog……..