Sorry folks, there won’t be any photos posted on Feathered Photography today. But I do have a pretty good excuse.
Yesterday I spent most of the day in the ER – two visits if you can imagine. The eventual (and I do mean eventual) diagnosis was epididymitis. I’ll leave out most of the unpleasant details but suffice it to say that the condition is very painful, uncomfortable and disconcerting. And it’s difficult to treat. The first time I left the hospital I had my diagnosis and an antibiotic prescription in hand but after I filled it I read the Medication Guide that the pharmacy provided and learned that levoflaxacin “should not be used in patients who have a history of a nerve problem called peripheral neuropathy”.
Well, guess what. I have a serious case of peripheral neuropathy and I had relayed that information to ER staff. Twice. I’ll be damned if I was going to take a med that could make it worse so that meant another trip to the ER to get it all straightened out. After two more hours the subscribing physician eventually apologized and gave me another prescription for a different antibiotic – cefdinir. On the way home I stopped at my pharmacy to fill it but alas, the comedy of errors continued – it was Sunday so the pharmacy had already closed at 4:00 pm.
Last night I tried to work up some images for today’s post but it’s just too painful to sit for any length of time so I abandoned the effort. My choices were to not post anything at all or to post a brief explanation. In the end (bad pun intended) I figured my loyal readers deserved an explanation – thus the unusual topic and lack of photos for today’s post (be very thankful for the lack of photos…).
At 10 am this morning I should finally be able to fill my second prescription. I hope that stuff works well and fast!
- The source of the infection was probably a fairly recent medical procedure where a urologist used a scope to inspect my urinary bladder.
- I’m sure all this is more than some wanted to know on the subject so apologies to those who may be uncomfortable with this edition of Feathered Photography. I understand because I share the feeling, in spades.
Late to the condolences, sounds like a painful condition. I hope you are feeling relief soon. Doctors the educated guess!
Ron, So sorry to hear about your pain.So glad you read the contraindications on the meds. Recently I have had to do that as well and they can be frightening, especially that catch-all “Don’t take this medicine if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.” Now, how are we supposed to know? Not too long ago I pick up a prescription only to find it wasn’t mine. Returned it. Received a $10 gift certificate for the effort and then got my prescription. We all have to be alert. Take all the time you need to heal.
I’ve heard about pharmacists making very serious mistakes, Elisabeth. Glad you noticed it wasn’t yours before you took any
Get well soon Ran. I hope it heals fast. I am so glad you checked the prescription before you took it. In 2001 I was given the wrong script at the pharmacy but I didn’t realize it until I started taking it and was rushed to the hospital due to an alerigic reaction. I am still paying for that mistake today. Turns out there is someone close by with the same exact name. I threw out the bottle and never told the pharmacy so I couldn’t do anything. It pretty much crippled me. Good luck Ron.
I’m so sorry, Debbie. That’s an awful story.
Dear Ron, what is there to say, but so sorry, feel better, and that getting older totally sucks.
It sure does, Susan.
Oh Ron. I am so very sorry. I hope the medical mayhem is gone. Soon.
Thank you, EC.
Hope you have your new prescription and are on your way to a complete recovery. I cannot imagine how painful this must be for you. I did read that it usually affects young men from 14 to 35 so you are younger than you think! Relax and feel better soon. We are all pulling for you!
I do and I hope I am, Melanie. Not feeling like it yet though.
Didn’t know what it was so looked it up…”Bump in the road”, heck!!! Sondes absolutely miserable!!! Sure hope the meds work FAST..I bet dollars to donuts(choc.of course) that prescriber did NOT pay for wrongly prescribed meds, but YOU did…they just say, “Oooops!” And you pay through the nose…so glad you checked it out…we really have to check and double check these days…sad but true…
Patty, yup I paid for the first one but thankfully it was cheap. The second one was pretty expensive however.
Oh my, this is an unhappy turn of events. So sorry for your condition, and the misery of ER and pharmacy mishaps. No one should have to endure so many insults to body and soul in a single day. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Ron.
“misery of ER”
I despise the ER, Chris. But the contradiction is… I’m sure glad it’s there.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. As a retired RN I understand the problem and the pain involved. ..not pleasant. Hopefully the new Rx will takes care of it quickly.
Thanks, Kathy.
You are in my prayers
Hi Ron, Get better soon. I went through this myself many years ago and know exactly what you are going through. Once properly diagnosed it did heal quickly, so I hope the same is true for you.
I hope so too, Dan. Thanks.
Oh, lordy, lordy. If I may recommend? Lying on the belly with a mess of good pillows, a good book, a glass of Laphroig and water by. It won’t cure anything.
Martha, I love your recommendation!! Dear Ron, I am so sorry you had this experience. You are one of the few who would actually read about a prescription. Cautionary tale for sure. What is wrong with our medical system. Not only did the doctor not listen but the pharmacist who filled the prescription apparently didn’t check your history for contraindications. This incident could have been tragic.
I always read those things, Melanie. If you don’t the possible price to pay is too large.
I normally sleep with 5 pillows as it is, Martha!
I sure hope that antibiotic goes to work fast for you, Ron. Because my husband experienced that condition, I’m aware of how painful, uncomfortable, and downright alarming it is. Gotta say, though, as excuses go, this one is tip-top!
“I sure hope that antibiotic goes to work fast for you”
I just picked it up, Robyn. We’ll see…
Ron, I read your posts daily, but don’t contribute to your ongoing discussions. You are a wonderful teacher! As a retired Family Medicine Physician, I know the discomfort you are going through. You are a brave soul. I hope you recover soon, so you can return to the passionate work of exploring nature, and vicariously, give us the experience.
Yes, I’m sure you understand, Lydia. Thank you.
Yikes, sorry to hear that Ron. I hope that you heal and feel better soon.
Thank you, Zaph.
OUCH!! After nearly dying in childbirth (and having so many friends experience similar issues), I have frequently wondered how (!!!!) we have managed to reproduce to the level of 8,000,000,000 humans on this planet!!! We’re so delicate, in so many ways, as a species. Fingers crossed that the new med works quickly to stymie the infection. OUCH OUCH OUCH…
Thanks for the good wishes, Nicky.
You are probably already aware of pain relief strategies, but here’s a link that might help or maybe at least provide a chuckle, which I hope won’t aggravate your pain.
I sure hope I don’t have to resort to that, Lyle!
Hi Ron,
Share time: I once had a bilateral epididymectomy (points if you can pronounce it). The other name for that procedure is OUCH!! In the largest font available. And, there were complications! As you would say, I’ll spare your readers the details, but I am empathizing with you, my friend. Remember, you have youth on your side!
And, thanks (I think) for the memories.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, and
I’m afraid youth abandoned me long ago, Dick!
Bad bump in the road Ron! Hope the docs get it straightened out and you recover quickly!
Thanks, Charlotte.
WOW – reading through all your fans notes – fascinating!
All I can say is that I’ve been there (a few years ago) and know some of your pain, however what the doctor gave me I was able to recover fairly quickly, although in the few days I had to deal with pain, I don’t suffer pain well.
Our heart and prayers are with you!
You will recover!
“I don’t suffer pain well”
Nor do I, Dick.
Take Care… you come first.
Physical pain is the worst Ron. Hope you are pain free soon. Your photos and morning coffee go together so well.
Thanks, Leslie.
Oh no. I’m sorry you are in pain. I hope the RIGHT meds bring swift relief. Good for you for being your own fierce advocate.
Neuropathy gives me plenty of incentive to advocate for myself, Arwen.
If I knew what epididymitis was, I had long since forgotten. I am very sorry you are having to deal with that. Clearly it must be very painful. I appreciate your providing a link – I learned something from your post today, even though it wasn’t about birds. I also can’t believe your pharmacy hours. My local pharmacy is open until 6PM on Sundays. Hope your antibiotic works well and quickly. It’s hard needing antibiotics when you have allergies (I do) and/or other conditions that limit your possibilities.
“My local pharmacy is open until 6PM on Sundays”
This is UTAH, Susan. We’re lucky it was open at all on Sunday.
I was a little hesitant about including that link because of the anatomical drawing…
A great reminder to be our own best advocate in healthcare decisions! Hope you get relief soon, Ron.
Yup, someone’s got to watch out for us and who better than the patient. Thanks, Diane.
Good Morning Ron, sorry to hear you are going through this. Sounds very painful! ( I had a similar procedure when I was 5 years old,…, when I came out of that I was so mad at my parents for putting me through it). Hoping the correct antibiotic does its job with no side effects.
Kids get it quite often, Ed. Thank you.
Sorry to hear you are in pain. Hope the new meds work quickly.
Thanks, Donna. Me too.
A morning without Ron’s Feathered Photography is like a morning without sunshine
Sounds painful Ron – sure hope the prescription and continuing medical treatments work and take away the pain and get you on the road to recovery. Best wishes – God bless.
Everett Sanborn, Prescott AZ
I appreciate that, Everett.
So sorry Ron, spent two nights in hospital last week… not fun…I’ll just pick a date from the past and enjoy one of your archival posts that I haven’t enjoyed yet. Sure hope you feel better soon. It’s always good to check your Dr.s prescription before just blindly taking it. Mistakes do you know…Thanks for keeping us informed, I appreciate that.
An archival post is an option I’ve been thinking about, Adrian. I’ll just have to see how it goes between now and tonight.
Ron So sorry for you, and for all of us missing your photos and ornithology lessons. Heal quickly Diana
Thank you, Diana.
So sorry to hear this. I hope you are well soon. An ER visit on a weekend is pretty rough.
Thanks, Sharon. It was Sunday morning so it wasn’t too bad as far as being busy.
Have had bad antibiotic experience a month ago. No fun whatsoever. All you need to do is take care of yourself. You have our love & prayers.
Thanks, Sarah.
Ron, We are all friends here, not too much information at all. Please take care of yourself and get well! You are in my thoughts.
Thanks, Sheila. In these situations there’s always a question about how much to divulge on my blog. But the fact that I grew up around nurses and with my biology background I tend to be pretty forthcoming. Probably to a fault…
Sounds AWFUL! Hate it when Dr.’s screw up on a prescription even after being told about other conditions!
Good thing you are among those who read the drug sheets – many don’t. Any time the Urologists get mucking around……….Joe (hubby) can tell you about that! Hope it clears up quickly
“Any time the Urologists get mucking around…..”
Boy, isn’t that the truth! Thanks, Judy.
Ditto to Shoreacres—“Trust, but verify”– especially with your healthcare– it’s amazing to me how often these preventable errors occur !
Thank goodness that YOU were paying attention……..I wish you speedy relief.
Kris, when it comes to my neuropathy I’m as careful as I can be about anything that could aggravate it. It isn’t any fun. So yes, “trust, but verify”!
OWOWOWOWOW! I hope you get your meds quickly and get relief even faster!!! I also hope you report both the ER doc and pharmacy to their superiors. That’s a mistake that should not be made; imagine if you hadn’t read the insert (most people don’t). And one last report for good measure: the urologist — you shouldn’t be getting an infection from a scope. (Yes, my “mama bear” side has come out!!! How dare the incompetent idiots hurt my friend Ron! As EC says, “HISS AND SPIT!!!”)
Marty, I’m not sure the doc is at fault. Even though I mentioned my neuropathy twice it was to other staff (admitting nurse and PA) and they apparently didn’t forward the info.
Actually, infections from those scopes are always a small possibility because of the tissue damage they can cause in the urethra.
Thanks for your “mama bear” concern.
Someone dropped the ball (no pun intended, although you know I’ve been waiting for a “punnitunity”) and that could have led to an even bigger problem. Grrrrr!
Oh my goodness Ron, how miserable!! Growing up surrounded by nurses this doesn not make me uncomfortable and I appreciate you still have your sense of humor intact.
As best I can I’ve gotta try to laugh through it all, Shawna. Thanks.
Hi Ron, I’m terribly sorry you are in such pain and discomfort. And I can understand how that’s compounded by the lack of fully competent care. Please know you’re in my thoughts, and I wish you a swift return to health and comfort!
I appreciate your good wishes, Alison.
Actually, this is a valuable post. It’s a reminder that we need to be involved in our own health care, and that paying attention to decisions others make on our behalf (this antibiotic, rather than that) always is important. I hope today’s an easy one; you had enough bumps in the road yesterday to last for a good while.
Thanks. I’m sick and tired of health bumps…
Feel better soon!!!
I’m gonna try…
Hi Ron! Hope you feel better SOON!!
Thanks, Joanne.