There’s been a lot of interest from readers on Shannon’s progress since her TBI (traumatic brain injury) and she and her family are visiting me now so I thought it was the perfect time to provide an update. And a photo.
In October of 2015 Shannon fell in the kitchen of her Florida home and suffered a terrible brain injury. She wasn’t expected to survive the night but I immediately flew to Florida hoping against hope that I’d be there ‘in time’. But Shannon’s always been a fighter and on my 5th day at the hospital we finally heard those wonderful words from one of her surgeons “Shannon will survive,” although he made it painfully clear that they really had no idea how much mental and physical recovery she’d eventually make, if any.
But I’m here to tell you that with Rick’s help she’s made great strides in her recovery.
Shannon, her husband Rick and my grandson Ryan are here for the weekend and it’s been much too long since I’ve seen them so we’ve been having quite the reunion. Yesterday I took them to the new Wildlife Education Center at Farmington to show them where I’ve been photographing birds for so many years and of course to show off my bird prints hanging in the auditorium. Center Director Billy Fenimore kindly took a few photos of the four of us.
Shannon’s recovery has been a long, hard road (understatement) for her and her entire family but honestly she never lost her cheerfulness or her optimism and a huge part of that was due to the support she’s had throughout from Rick. They’re an amazing team!
Shannon’ physical recovery has been essentially complete but she still has some challenges. She doesn’t yet drive and she continues to work on short-term memory and cognition deficits and though she has the basics of her old spunky personality back there have been some noticeable changes that they’re both very cognizant of – to the point that they humorously refer to the ‘old Shannon’ as Shannon’s ‘sister’. And she’s the first one to admit that some of those changes have been for the better although others have been very difficult for her.
Her outlook is cheerful and she continues to work very hard on her recovery. All of us have been having a wonderful reunion and it continues until tomorrow when they head for home.
Not bad considering the fact that Rick was told by ER doctors on the night of the accident that Shannon had “zero chance of survival until morning”.
Note: Many regular readers are already familiar with the sequence of events following Shannon’s accident but for those who are fairly new to Feathered Photography and might have the interest I thought I’d provide some links to various “Shannon Updates” I’ve posted in the past. They’re presented in the order I published them.
An Update On My Daughter Shannon
Another Update Regarding My Daughter Shannon’s Medical Status
An Update On My Daughter Shannon And A Possible (temporary) Change In My Blogging Regimen
Thank you, Ron, for the past postings for those of us new to your blog. Shannon provides a model of hope and courage in the face of life’s difficulties. My best to her and your whole family.
Thank you, Ron, for adding the past posts that informed those of us relatively new to your blog. How precious, fragile and resilient is life and how heart-warming the love of family and friends. You tell the story of your daughter with grace and restraint. My thoughts and prayers go with all of you as Shannon continues her remarkable recovery and gives us a model of hope and perseverance in the face of difficulty.
Glad to hear the good news on Shannon and to see her smiling face in the photo.
So nice they could come visit you.
On another note, I went to Farmington today and was wowed by you huge photos on the walls of the auditorium.
I have such good memories of Farmington Nature Center in the past and you and Mia getting me hooked on bird photography.
Thanks so much for sharing such a personal story, and for providing an update on Shannon’s progress to all of your blog readers. As a recent follower of Feathered Photography, I appreciate the additional FP links you provided which offered to inform the rest of us, previously not in the know, about your daughter’s tragic injury and progressively remarkable recovery. I feel deeply privileged to read this very brave account. It is a heart-touching story of true grit, of personal triumph and strength of family. Cheers to you all!
It is hard to believe that it has been three years since you daughter’s horrific injury. I am so glad she is doing so well. That is a great photo of your family and everyone looks healthy and happy. Hopefully in time she will get it all back. Thanks for sharing. I have been praying for her since that terrible day and will continue. Glad you had a great visit.
What a lovely photo, Ron! I can’t believe that 3 years have passed, and how much your grandson has grown! I think about Shannon frequently- thanks for the update.
Oh, not sure I knew about your daughter, or just forgotten. I am glad she is doing much better. You all kind of have the same smile in the pictures. She is a very pretty woman. Good Bless you all.
It is great to hear that your daughter is doing so well. I wish you and your lovely family lots more luck and love!
I’ve been away from home quite a bit over the last month and it’s been hard to keep up/catch up with all the email, even from my favorite blogger. I am finally able dive into the FP backlog this evening and of course the first one I must read is this excellent news about Shannon’s recovery and her family’s visit! So happy for all of you, that this story that began with the potential to be the ultimate family nightmare has become one of family triumph. Love and hard work conquer all!
You said it all very well, Chris and I thank you for it.
The love for your family ‘spews’ out in your words and in the photo with them. Shannon surviving and improving is surely a gift and a blessing.
So glad you had such a wonderful weekend with them. Rick must be quite the guy.
Thank you for sharing, Ron
He is, Alice. Thank you.
I’m happy to hear your Daughter is doing well Ron. She is such a strong person. Pretty too. Rick sounds like a wonderful Husband. They are lucky to have each other.
You’re right, Jean. They’re very, very supportive of each other.
Wonderful news! Thanks for giving your followers an update. I am so glad Shannon and family were able to visit the Wildlife Center and see your photos on display.
Thank you, Dave. Me too.
WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL news. And a happy photo.
I am smiling so widely my face hurts. As I suspect you are.
Thanks very much, EC.
Fantastic to hear — and I can related having had a significant stroke 7 years ago and am still seeing improvement. Like Shannon, I also really worked at getting back and it pays off bigtime — Shannon’s sister will be back with time — and she’ll additionally have a new Shannon around!
I love your unique perspective on the situation, Kent. Thanks for providing it. And good for you for working so hard on your own challenges.
Thank you, Susan.
Go Shannon!
Thank you for the update and fabulous picture of the four of you! So glad they live a bit closer now and that Shannon’s doing so well. Sending love and best wishes to all.
Now stay off the computer and go enjoy your beautiful family!

They aren’t here right now, Marty. But they will be this afternoon and evening and you can rest assured they’ll have my attention…
I’m so glad you’re getting to spend some time with them!
Blessings to your whole family Ron and continual healing to your beautiful daughter
Thanks, Diana.
That is awesome Ron! I was not aware of the accident and Shannon’s spectacular recovery! Wishing you all a great time together during this visit and the very best for Shannon’s future.
Thank you, Chantal.
There is the “old” Shannon and the “new” Shannon. Whereas the “old” Shannon may be “old news”, the “new” Shannon is like a ray of sunshine breaking through a dark storm cloud…Something to be admired, cherished, enjoyed, and just to bask in the warmth, light and presence of…a walking,mtslking miracle….
Oh Ron, I’m so happy to hear about Shannon’s remarkable recovery, strength, her cheerful attitude (I could use a lot more of that in my life), and the fantastic support she has received from her family and you. I’m so happy for you all!
“I could use a lot more of that in my life”
Ha, so could I! Thanks, Sharon.
Shannon is such a beautiful woman. Her progress is very encouraging, and I hope and pray for her complete recovery.
Thanks, Ken. She’s beautiful inside and out.
I’m so very happy for all of you. I pray that more progress is on the way.
Thanks, Barbara.
The prettiest,mthe blondest(and the shortest)….
THANK YOU for the update! Even I offered my clumsy, unaccustomed prsyers for her…I remember how frightening that was…and the miracle of her survival…the long, bumpy road to recovery like it was yesterday. My prayers were as much for you as they were for Shannon and her family…because she obviously meant so much to you. Having worked in a childrens’ rehab hospital, I was very aware of the consequences of suchban injury…concerned and amazed by her coursge and that of her family. To hear that she is doing so well. Is a gift. Thank you!
PS. Shannon is definitely the prettiest of the four of you!!! (By far!!!)
Your comments made me smile, Patty – for more reasons than one.
Thanks for the update. Reading this makes a great way to start my morning. It sounds as though the support and attitudes are in place for things to continue ever upward and we hope that is so.
I hope so too, Dan. Thank you.
I had read one of your previous entries about your daughter but did not know the events that had transpired…I went back and read your posts you listed. What an inspiring message of hope and love. Miracles do really happen! The smiles on all of your faces shows the rewards of working together to overcome almost impossible odds and never giving up. I’m so very happy for all of you.
It took a fair amount of work to include those links in a logical order but now I’m glad I included them, Kathy.
So glad you got some family time!
Me too!
Ron. I enjoy your photos every day but rarely take the time to comment. Thank you for sharing Shannon’s story of triumph with us. It brought tears to my eyes. All the best to her for continuing recovery.
Lesliemfrom the southland. Imoerial Beach, CA near the border.
Thank you, Leslie.
FYI Baycrest Hospital in Toronto ON has a memory clinic that uses a program on an ipod
to alert users of their schedule. This works well with people suffering short term memory loss who retain cognative ability.
Thanks for that info, Sandra.
Thank you for sharing with us! Kudos to Shannon for her hard work recovering and also to her amazing family, working with her along the way
Thank you, Nicole.
Recalling your post after her accident, this picture is a miracle.
Our thoughts and prayers are still with Shannon, her immediate family, you and all who know her.
An uplifting post for the day.
You’re right, Wally. This photo came very close to not being possible.
Ron: I am very happy for you and your family, and wish Shannon continued improvement.
Thank you, Richard.
I’m so happy for you and your whole family, and grateful to you for providing some context in the form of your earlier posts. As a new follower, I didn’t know any of this, but it’s an inspiring tale, and a reminder that we never know what those around us are dealing with. Here’s to years of enjoying one another, and life in general.
Then I’m glad I provided those links, Shoreacres!
Congratulations to Shannon, Rick and family.
A possible sad story turned on its head (no pun intended), maybe should have used 360 degrees, to success compared to what was said by the doctors initially. What a wonderful outcome! Happy for the whole family.
Your “turnaround” made me smile, Dick!
Good morning Ron, What wonderful news. You bring so much joy to us every day with your blog. I am so happy for you and your daughter and her family.
Much appreciated, Len.
Prayers do get answered.
Beautiful smiles all around. All the best to the whole family.
Thank you, Lyle.
I’m very glad to hear that Shannon is doing well. I do think about her often. It’s really not surprising that she has experienced some changes – TBIs have a way of doing that to a person. The hardest part tends to be the recognition of limitations that result from the TBI. It is wonderful that she has a husband like Rick who has stuck with her. I continue to wish her and her family the best.
Thankfully Shannon’s very aware of her limitations, Susan. She works hard on them but she doesn’t deny the obvious or proceed as if she didn’t have them, which could be far from productive and even dangerous in some situations.
Thank goodness, Ron. So happy for all of you.
Thank you, Ed.
Shannon will not abandon the work. The brain has astonishing elasticity. Expect the best from this spirit, this family, this brain. Ad astra per terra.
I had to look that quote up, Martha. To the stars indeed.
A beautiful story indeed Ron. Thanks for sharing. Being a new follower of Feathered Photography I was not aware of this. A medical miracle for sure. Remarkable what can be done to keep us alive today. God bless you and your granddaughter and all your family.
Everett Sanborn, Prescott AZ
Much appreciated, Everett. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing. Sending continued healing thoughts for Shannon and your entire family.
Thank you, Heidi.
Good news!Kudos to Shannon for her perseverance and to her loving family for their support! May their journey to recovery be paved by prayer and success.
It’s been a lot of work for them all but it’s paying off, Charlotte. Thanks.
AMAZING and WONDERFUL! I surely do remember that time and still think of Shannon from time to time when I get my “morning fix” of you blogs..
Other than the original accident things certainly came together and have continued to do so for Shannon and family which, sadly, doesn’t always happen.
It sure doesn’t “always happen”, Judy – far from it. We’ve been very lucky in that regard.
What a beautiful story and family. I think Shannon takes after her dad. All the very best to you all.
If so I’m glad that a few of my traits escaped her, Sarah! Thanks.
God Bless you all and hope & pray keep going as well as possible !!
Thank you, Raymond.