This apparent contentment of parent and offspring just struck me, though when I think about it I know it’s just a temporary illusion. When these youngsters are hungry, which is most of the time, the racket they make and their sometimes rambunctious behavior are far from harmonious and peaceful.
1/2500, f/8, ISO 800, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
But still, the scene looks tranquil enough and that’s the thought that first comes to mind when I see the image. The photo was taken three years ago today as the adult swam past me at Bear River MBR with one of its chicks on its back. But I know this apparently peaceful mood is only temporary and the cacophonous, loud and even irritating calls of hungry chicks begging for food are likely to break out at any moment (there were two more chicks nearby).
Occasionally these days I revisit older grebe photos like this one because it’s been two years since I’ve been able to watch such behavior at Bear River (or anywhere else for that matter). Largely because of construction at the refuge it’s been dry as a bone out there and nesting grebes are nowhere to be found.
On the (mostly) bright side we had a real gully washer in northern Utah last night which brought enough rain in the valleys to cause significant flooding. Maybe the storms will put some water in the ponds at Bear River and elsewhere, though it will be far too late for nesting birds.
- I’ve posted somewhat similar photos in the past but this one is new to my blog.
- A few days ago I talked to a DWR employee who told me that he and several friends of mine who work for the division were recently at Bear River attempting to band ducks and geese. But they had to abandon their efforts because it was so dry at the refuge they couldn’t even put their airboats in the water. That’s pretty damn dry when you can’t even float an airboat…
Wonderful shot Ron! It’s dry in the t. Louis, MO area also almost no water anywhere.
The parents need ear plugs lol. It is a wonderful picture.
It is a very calm-inducing shot.
I agree, Arwen.
No kidding. I went up there last night to see what I could see and was amazed at how dry it was. Thanks for the explanation. And only a couple of years ago it was closed for flooding. Go figure.
And then I remember when the entire refuge was wiped out by severe flooding in the 80’s and didn’t reopen for years, Stephen.
A very peaceful photo, indeed. From your description of the noise these birds make, I’d rather not hear the audio!
Yes, it really rained yesterday. We need more and more rain.
Thank you Ron. Hope you are feeling better.
Thanks, Alice. I don’t find the noise from begging chicks very pleasant after spending much time with them.
I forgot all about looking at email this morning! I love this shot, and the tranquility of it, even knowing that the tranquility is probably only momentary. I’m glad you finally had some rain, and hope that it helped to replenish Bear River as well as anywhere else that needs it.
Thank you, Susan.
A calming image for the soul. Thank you. We should start seeing all the Grebes here in the Salish Sea soon.
I hope you have better seeing them this year than I have, Lyle.
The back-brooders always blow me away. Thank you so much.
Sigh on the lack of rain. We too have been sadly lacking. So much that our annual fire season started before winter has finished.
The same kind of thing is happening here, EC. It’s scary as hell.
Agreed. And our currently in power political party wants to build MORE coal mines. Which down right terrifies me. And makes me ballistic with rage.
A splendid image, Ron! That big chick was probably not welcome on mom’s back after another day or so. So sad about the water conditions. An airboat can almost make it across a parking lot!
You’re right, Ken. The youngster had about wore out its welcome. Thank you.
That chick has the look that says ‘Mom loves me best!’ Mom has the wild eye look…must be thinking ‘When will this be over!’
Great photo! The water color is great with these two.
Yup, that youngster probably came out on top (literally) after playing the grebe version of King of the Hill.
Ron – good morning. Beautiful post. That is about as adorable and perfect as a wildlife photo can get. If I had taken it, it would be framed and hanging somewhere in the house. That chick looks so serene and contended riding on mom’s back.
Everett Sanborn, Prescott Arizona
I’m glad to know you like it that much, Everett. Thanks very much,
Beautiful photo but you post makes me sad. I grieve the loss of the wetlands at BRMBR I hope they can return.
I hope they can too, April. But with all the vegetation out there now I think it’ll be more complicated and take longer than just flooding it with water again. What a mess!
Beautiful even if deceptive!
That is dry when you can’t do an air boat! Glad some rain came even if a gully washer. We’d take that also;)
Judy, I live on a hill and during the storm I thought the road in front of my house might wash away – it was almost a river out there. They’d put a new layer of “pavement” on it only a few hours earlier the same day so it hadn’t really had time to “cure”.
Yikes! Cousin in St. Anthony, ID said they had a dandy with some hail yesterday also – BIG storm apparently………
Ron: Absolutely a beautiful image. It makes my heart sing. Thank you.
A singing heart is both rare and welcome. Thank you, Richard.
These days, I’ll take even the illusion of tranquility.
Fabulous shot, Ron. I love the perfect reflection of the two and the composition is spot-on! And the chick is pretty damn adorable (as long as it is quiet, right?).
“These days, I’ll take even the illusion of tranquility”
Well said, Marty – especially in these times.
I’ll never get tired of your back-brooding Grebes, Ron. Thanks again for providing a wonderful start to my day!
I never tire of them either, Diane. Especially since I can no longer see them and haven’t been able to for over 2 years.