A Milestone For Feathered Photography

Eight years ago today, on August 18, 2010, I published my first blog post on Feathered Photography. It’s been a helluva ride.

That first post received very little attention and deservedly so. It was poorly organized, not particularly well written and my text didn’t explain what was going on in my images very well. And of course nobody knew it was even out there (which looking back was probably a good thing for my ego). I had no followers or subscribers, I wasn’t posting links on social media and at that point search engines like Google didn’t even know Feathered Photography existed so very few people ever saw the post.


Eventually I received a grand total of two comments on that post with the first one coming from Richard Ditch, one of my early bird photography mentors (in other words it came from a friend). The second comment wasn’t made until eleven days later and it was the last one I got.



With that first post I felt a little like this upside-down Short-eared Owl in an aerial dogfight with another owl. I thought I’d bitten off more than I could chew and was in way over my head. I obviously didn’t know what I was doing and even though I worked hard on that post I thought it accomplished very little, if anything. After all, if no one was going to see my posts, why publish them at all?

But it was a start and I stuck to it. For the first few weeks I didn’t post every day but as my readership very slowly grew (I know how many folks visit my posts from my blog stats) I soon began to post daily. Over time I think my writing skills improved significantly, often with help from friends and my readers themselves, and so did my photography skills – all of which brought in more viewers as time went by. And more viewers means more thought and dialogue about birds and critters, about environmental concerns, about ethics in the field and about photography so I see it as a good thing for all concerned, including me.

So here we are today, eight years down the road. In a few minutes when I click on the “publish” button for this post it will be the 2,352nd Feathered Photography blog post I’ve published (just typing that last sentence reminded me of how much I struggled just to come up with a name for my blog). Within those posts have been over 10,000 images and my posts have been viewed 1.84 million times by folks all around the world.

To put that last statistic in perspective during my 33 year high school teaching career I probably only had about 6600 students, give or take. The difference is I spent an entire school year with most of them.

Thinking about all this has reminded me of just how much learning has been going on around here for eight years now and believe me I’ve learned as much as anyone. That makes this old teacher very happy.

Take a bow, readers. Many of you with your knowledgeable and insightful comments have contributed mightily to this effort. And I mean that.





  1. Congratulations Ron!!!
    My input to your blog may have dropped off quite a bit, but its not because I stopped reading them.
    I never miss a one. 🙂


  2. Happy anniversary Ron!! I am a late comer to your blog, but happy to be here. I enjoy your photos, your writing and the way you approach photography. It’s my hope that one day, we’ll meet and get a photo together. Until then, I read most all your posts…even if I don’t comment on them all. Thank you for being a part of my daily morning ritual 🙂

    • Thanks, Zaph. Yes, One day I’d enjoy meeting you. You’ve been a very fast learner with your bird photography. Some folks never do get it, they just don’t learn for some reason, even though many of them are smart in other areas. Go figure…

  3. You rock our world on a daily basis, Mr. Dudley ;-D
    Karen in Eugene, Oregon

  4. Ron, what might be the blog that had the most comments/responses?

    • Jake, Check the “Most Popular Posts” list in the right column of my blog. My posts are listed there in the order of “popularity” (# of comments it got). The number of comments is the number in parentheses and they’re listed in order with #1 at top.

  5. Hi Ron,
    as a “former” high school student of yours, I find reading your blog everyday as enjoyable as your Biology and Environmental Sciences classes at South High. They were my favorite classes during my High School years, and I love learning more about our avian friends and seeing your wonderfully capture images. Thanks so much, and here is to another eight years of great Feathered Photography.

  6. Robert (RJ) Davis

    What a beautiful personal accomplishment. I love your blog for many reasons. Your photography is excellent, your commentary always informative, and inspiring. I also appreciate the friendship, caring and sincerity among your followers. Many of us would not be aware of each other, but for your personal dedication and generosity, the skill and talent you have devoted to Feathered Photography. Many heartfelt thanks for sharing your daily/yearly passion for learning and teaching.

  7. Ron,
    Congratulations on your anniversary and thanks for all you do in teaching us all about the wonderful world of birds. I discovered you quite by accident several years ago when I was searching for information on ageing bald eagles. Your first series and the updated one are excellent. Here in central Illinois along the Illinois River eagle watching has become a favorite winter past time for me and I’m amazed at the increased number of juveniles we see here. Last year I took a Master Naturalist program and I’m always recommending your blog to my MN friends. Continue the good work, you are an inspiration to us all.

  8. I’m a catch as catch can (or when I need to based on life circumstances) reader, and rarely comment. That said, I appreciate all the elements you bring together on your blog: top-notch and unique imagery, fascinating insight about behavior and biology, and provocative discussion of ethics. It’s all (more than) good!

    Kudos to your blogging stamina and content–that’s no easy feat! Congratulations on this milestone and thank you so much for sharing all these elements (and then some) here.

    • Thanks very much, Kim. More than once I’ve thought I’d used the last of my “stamina” but somehow I always found just a little bit more. Blogging has been quite the experience for me…

  9. Judy Eberspaecher

    You’ve come a long way Baby!
    I’ve been following you for only about 2 1/2 years but I’ve learned more from you about birds and photography than from anyone else. I love the way you write, often including comedy and politics but it’s your knowledge of your subjects and how to make them ‘pop’ that kept me coming back.
    I feel like I know you and that we are friends and sometimes I wish that were true – especially now when you feel down some days, I could give you a hug.
    Keep posting, keep going out in your truck in the field and sharing with all of us who live far from your great birds. The image you used in today’s post is one of your most interesting. I stared at it for some time before I figured it out. Great shot, even from 8 years and several cameras ago!
    Thanks, Ron.

  10. Congratulations Ron. I love your blog, your images and look forward to my daily Feathered Photography fix.

  11. A little late to the party. Congratulations on your 8 year anniversary‼️
    I’m a newbie and love everything about your blog😁
    Cheers to many more years of seeing your beautiful pictures and hearing the stories that go along with them.
    Have a great rest of your day

  12. Ron: Thank you very much for this post. I found it very interesting. As I do almost all your posts.

  13. I’ve enjoyed your blog for several years and have pointed friends to it as well. And, I just bet you were an outstanding teacher to lucky students. Congratulations.

  14. Jorge H. Oliveira

    Congratulations Ron and thank you for all the beauty you send to us every day.

    And a special thanks for helping to solve a misunderstanding that occurred between me and Patty back in June 2014. Your action not only clarified the

    situation but greatly contributed to better knowing a wonderful human being that become my friend.

    I will never forget it.

    • Wow, I’d almost forgotten about that incident, Jorge. I’m so glad we all were able to clear the air on that one, I know that Patty thinks a very lot of you.

  15. I was directed to your blog by an excellent birder and dedicated Audubon member. She couldn’t have made a better recommendation. Like so many others, I have become addicted to your daily posts and am learning a bunch about birds, photography, integrity, honesty, and to be careful with knives. For my money, You are the best thing on the internet.

    • The knife part of your comment brought a big smile, Lyle. I’m pretty good at that old “do as I say, not as I do” thing… 🙂 The finger injury is almost completely healed already. I’m very surprised.

  16. Congratulations, Ron. I may not comment a lot, but I’m always hanging around. It seems I learn something from you everyday. Today’s lesson was perseverance. Thank you.

  17. Eight years and counting…congratulations! I love your blog because you not only inform, but you challenge your readers in both direct and subtle ways. That is what makes you a great teacher. Thank you for sticking with it.

  18. Congrats on your 8 years. I so enjoy your photography and your stories. Here’s to many more years!

  19. A very, very happy blogoversary to you (and many more to come). I have been blown away by the warmth and the wonder of the blogosphere. I have learned from other bloggers, laughed with them, wept with and for them. And made friends. Friends I may never meet in the flesh, but good friends. Cherished friends.
    Your blog is an education and delight. As I so often say here, megathanks.

  20. Happy blogging anniversary! I’m so glad you’re still here, educating us about birds and sometimes other wildlife. Here’s to many more years of continuing this path.

  21. FP is my favorite blog with everything I need to get the day off on the right note: wonderful images of gorgeous raptors and other birds & wild things, excellent (and often new-to-me) information about behaviors and biology, intelligent “conversation” with and among your readers, and the occasional righteous rant about wrongheaded environmental actions, policies, and human behaviors, etc. Yep, it’s all there and I’m so glad I found you some years ago (thru Hawkwatch, I believe)! Your work is unparalleled, Ron, and we are all the richer for it. Many thanks for persevering these last 8 years — often thru personal pain & sacrifice — and long may you reign! 😎

    • I loved your comment, Chris. Yes, “intelligent conversation” is important to me too, as I’m sure it is to most of my viewers. Interesting to know you found me through HW, which reminds me I haven’t paid them a visit for a while to see Galileo and some of my human friends who work there.

      • 😁 Perhaps it’s also time for a Galileo pic so we can all see how well he’s doing in his “ambassadorship” … one of my (and possibly everyone’s) favorite raptor rescue stories!

  22. Congratulations Ron! Your blogs are always interesting and your photos beautiful. This photo has been one of my all time favorites. I hope that owl didn’t land on his head. Lol

    • Debbie, in this photo both birds are a little soft and the light was harsh but despite those significant flaws it’s among my favorites of all time. Thank you.

  23. Congrats on your 8th year!! Thank you for writing such an educational and inspiring blog. You are a first class photographer and you have managed to create a blog that is welcoming and encouraging. Sites like your’s have a positive influence on people, make us think a little more,and therefore are truly good for the birds!

  24. Congratulations and thank you. You bring joy to my morning every day. I love the pictures and the information. Thanks for being such a good teacher.

  25. Congratulations Ron, aka Feathered Photography, so very glad I found you and this community!

  26. Congratulations Ron! You have brought joy, enjoyment and wonderful information to Thousands, it is you who should take a bow!


  27. And, of course, Laura!!!

  28. While I’m at it, I also want to thank you for your honesty and integrity(especially appreciated in these corrupt times), for invaluable friendships formed with other Ron Dudley fans, and for leading me to Eagle Eyes McPherson,Mia..Ellie Baby,Roger Burnard and Jorge…

  29. Congratulations Ron! I thoroughly enjoy your blog, choice of subject matter and most of all, your wonderful photography. Cheers to you. I look forward to following you for many years to come.

  30. Congratulations and thank you for all your hard work. I am glad you stuck with your second job in life. It has been a very pleasurable experience for me. I think my daughter found your work years before I did on a bird search and then I saw your work on a Facebook site. Your photos encouraged me to get back into photography. I spent 10 years in the black hole of wildlife rehab, but when I stopped being as involved, your blog has helped fill the void.

    • You’ve done a lot of great work with your rehab, April. It may have been stressful for you but we do appreciate it. I suspect your “patients” did too, on some level… 🙂

  31. Congratulations on a job well done! This is the only blog that I look at every single day. Not only are your photos beautiful, but you provide an outstanding resource for people to learn something about the planet we all share. Education is a vital first step in a desire to care for all creatures in their environments and in helping us all work toward the goal of a healthier world. We appreciate your presence in our lives each day.

  32. Happy Anniversary, amigo!

    Know that for me, as well as many here, these posts and the imagery within, are a highlight of our day. Thank you.

  33. Congratulations! Your pictures are inspiring to me as an aspiring bird/wildlife photographer. I think I found your blog a few months ago while looking for information on Sphinx moths. Great job!

    • I photographed a lot of those moths a couple of years ago, Aidan. But they were always on Rocky Mountain Bee Plant which has been very difficult to find since then. I saw my first couple of Sphinx Moths this year just this week in the mountains but didn’t get any photos of them.

  34. I hear you about wondering whether it’s worth it to publish a blog if you don’t know anyone is reading it. We have a blog, and I refer people to it all the time because of the section on Hueco Tanks. But I have no idea if anyone ever reads it. I don’t have blog statistics or anything like that. I appreciate how much I’ve been able to learn from your blog. I’ve come to have a greater appreciation of what’s involved in good photography, have gotten caught up in the ethics discussions (which I’m glad you have), and have gotten to see species and behavior that I will probably never see in the wild. I hope you are able to continue your photography and blog for a long time. My mornings are better for getting to read your blog posts.

  35. suzanne Mcdougal

    Thank you, sir. I have been following you for at least half of those years and have made you my benchmark (which I have yet to meet). You are a high standard to emulate, and a good writer.

  36. This is a wonderful blog, pictures and comments site. I would hate to be up and early in the mornings taking pictures and posting good for you. I really am happy you have had a good 8 years, even with a problem or two! Keep doing what you love and we will try to follow along.

  37. Congratulations and happy anniversary.

  38. I love birds and have truly enjoyed all your photos. I look forward to another 8 years of seeing such beautiful pictures of these incredible creatures. thanks, ron, for all you do!

  39. Nicely Done. I never miss a posting. You do outstanding work.

  40. HAPPY BIRD-DAY! You’ve come a long way, Baby! I can only echo what Dick and others have akready said…THANKS most of all for sticking it out! For frozen fingers,ears and nose, ungodly early hours, tricky weather, disappointing bird-free trips and gas money wasted, lack of sleep, delayed donuts, uncomfortable pretzel positions, endless patience, sweating bullets over what to write, hours spent researching “to get it right”, educating your loyal fans–with, miraculously, something new EVERY MORNING!!!…the list goes on and on. I discovered you, serendipitously, while trying to find some info on Golden Eagles eyes and aging….Who knew!!!

    • Yup, you get it, Patty.

      Thanks for correcting my memory. I was thinking you found my blog during a search for eagle feathers but instead it was eagle eye color

      But don’t worry about one thing. I never let my photography get in the way of my chocolate donut (I only eat them when I go shooting, never at home).

  41. Ron–I’ve been with your blog for less than a year, and have marveled at your ability to produce a beautiful, entertaining and educational post every day for that long. Eight years! Like other followers, Thank you and congratulations on your accomplishment.

    • It makes me tired just to think about it, Nancy. I’ve had discouraging moments and even some that have made me very angry but most of it has been positive and upbeat and a significant part of that credit goes to my readers.

  42. Congratulations are in order for 8 years of staying with it, but especially for providing us with your photographic expertise and teacher insight. It has been fun to be witness to your evolution as a bird photographer and to gain nuggets of information from your experience. The up-front attitude and honesty of your photography has, is and should be the mantel of all photographers who care about wildlife. Wishing you and us many more years of excellent pictures and wonderful reading your blog.

  43. Keep up the good work. I have been reading your blog for a couple years and thoroughly enjoy it. I am a lerker, but wanted to write today. You are an inspiration to me and have helped my birding education. You make me keep in mind that I have not kept up my own blog. I better get cracking. Thank you.

  44. Congratulations on eight amazing years, Ron! I can’t recall what “bird search” led me to discovering your blog, but I’m so grateful for your passion, dedication and ethics! When I had ankle surgery a few years ago I “birded” your archives to help me stay sane while I was unable to get out in the field. Thanks again for making a difference every day!

    • “When I had ankle surgery a few years ago I “birded” your archives to help me stay sane”

      I loved hearing about that, Diane. A new function/use for my blog posts, medical therapy. Kind of like a therapy dog in the hospital… 🙂 That thought makes me smile.

      • It was great therapy for me 2 years ago when I was stuck home for the entire summer after my TIA. My family would not trust me being out in the field alone, many people suffer a full stroke within 3 months of a TIA. Your blog helped the restlessness of being home bound.

  45. Beth Ann Doerring

    I am so glad you kept it up! I thoroughly enjoy your photos, knowledge, and humor, as well as the comments. Congratulations on eight years and many, msny more!

  46. Ron, you wake me up every morning. When in the field working with no internet, I have up to 10 blogs of “Feather Photography” just waiting faithfully for me.

    I “found” you in my search of learning more about being a better photographer. You have added greatly to that. You have mentioned many times that the technical info or a blog on the mechanics of photography is boring to most of your readers. I say maybe not. Many little things stick in ones mind while taking photographs, even with the point and shooters.

    So blog on and I will keep learning.


    • “I “found” you in my search of learning more about being a better photographer”

      I’m happy to know that, Jake. Folks here have a lot of varying primary interests including birds, behaviors, ethics and technical photo stuff. It’s nice to know what brought you here and it encourages me to continue to include those kinds of posts and that kind of info.

  47. Re your reply– I had Dean Collett as a teacher of German ( 2 years )– and he was the first educator I ever remember being such a personal friend to students–plus he was
    a great teacher in the bargain– I’ll bet you and he were fine friends– wish I’d had YOU as a zoology teacher, but you were TOO YOUNG at that time !

    • Kris, not too long after you had him for German Dean became a counselor and a very, very good one. Students and parents adored him and he was highly respected by his colleagues. Yes, we were friends.

      Yes, Highland opened in 1956 when I was 9 years old and still living (mostly) in Montana.

  48. Happy Blogiversary! Coming to your blog is like seeing a good friend every day. There are too many reasons to mention why I love your blog, but know that my life is much richer after each visit. Here’s to another 8 years (and another, and another). 🙂

    BTW, I have read that first post, as well as many of your earlier ones, and you are much too hard on yourself (surprise, surprise). 😉

    • Thanks, Marty. But as far as I’m concerned the only redeeming qualities of that post are the behaviors and the shrikes themselves. My text and organization make me cringe.

  49. Happy “Birthday” to Feathered photography and its artist/writer/photographer ! I first found you when I googled a particular species’ feather which I wanted to include in a painting.
    An image of yours was among the many on the page that came up…….I was taken by the grace of your identifying “handle” and so googled Feathered Photography—and you’ve
    been my regular morning wake-up ever since. I love not only the beauty of your work and the specialized information you impart , but also the quality of sharing that comes from
    your regular gang of followers . I was living in Prescott, Arizona at that time ( hello, Everett ) and was SO DELIGHTED to find out that not only do you live in my hometown of SLC,
    you even taught at the high school –Highland–from which I graduated ( 2nd class–about a thousand years ago ) Thanks for all you give, every day, with seriousness AND humor !

    • Wow, you’re the third person I know of why found my blog through a feather search. Maybe I should do more posts on feathers… 🙂

      If you were at Highland High in those first years I’ll bet you remember Dean Collett? He was and is an institution at that school.

  50. Congratulations on 8 years Ron! That’s quite a run. I haven’t been with you for THAT long for sure – can’t remember how I came across the blog – must have been looking for “something” but I thoroughly enjoy the education and wonderful photo’s you provide. This is the only blog I follow most every day and it makes the start of my day positive as well as getting my brain working. The amount of work you have/do put into it is a testament to your willingness to share and learn – I love the interaction between everyone that you generate.

  51. Ron, good morning. From the first time I logged on till now I have greatly admired your blog. I cannot imagine it being any better than it is. Being a fairly new follower myself I don’t know whether you did it all on your own or used professional help? My guess is that you have done it all on your own? Congratulations on the 8th anniversary of its debut. As I write this I am hard pressed to remember who led me to your blog. Can’t remember who, but I thank him or her for doing so. Best wishes for at least another eight years of outstanding photos and educational script.
    Everett Sanborn, Prescott AZ

    • Everett, there’s no way in the world I could have done this “all on my own”. My photography has improved partly because I’ve had many generous mentors, knowledgeable readers have helped me with technical bird info and my writing skills and Mia is my technical guru when it comes to setting up and maintaining my blog. I couldn’t have done it without all of them. They have my heartfelt thanks.

  52. have loved to follow your blog THANKS!

  53. Congratulations Ron. Wow! 8 years. For someone who has trouble putting together a blog post once a week or less frequently, I am amazed by your ability to produce daily posts with such high quality images and informative text. I hope your health issues are resolved soon.

    • I think part of my motivation is that posting has just become something I do, Dave. It’s become a “habit” and no one’s more of a creature of habit than I am…

  54. Betty Sturdevant

    I hope you keep up the journey as long as you can. I have certainly enjoyed my time as a viewer and learner. The photography is unmatched in my opinion and your artistic eye a great part of the effort. Reading your blog has really enhanced my knowledge of the natural world. Thank you so much for all your work.

  55. Can’t tell you how glad I am you stuck with it…you sure have enriched my life. If I don’t start my day without checking out your blog first thing, it seems like there’s something missing all day. Many many Thanks Ron. On top of the best Photos your blogs are so educational. I’ve been birding for many years and I’ve learned so much from you about birds and their behavior.I look forward to your blog every day. Thank You again.

    • “I’ve been birding for many years and I’ve learned so much from you about birds and their behavior”

      I’m delighted to hear that, Steve. There’s just something fascinating about bird behaviors isn’t there!

  56. I’m glad you shared the link. I still remember HOW I found you, but not when. I had a feather I was trying to identify. You had a post that mentioned something about the types of feathers (I am fairly sure it was you.) Or I found you during that search. That was a while back. Been a fan ever since. You have improved in your blog posts since then. However! I still learne things from that post so some things never change. Happy anniversary!

  57. Warmest congratulations, run! Your blog has brought me enormous pleasure for many years now. And I’m always happy to recommend it to new friends.

    May this coming year be graced with good health, comfort, and lots more photography!

  58. I Love your blog. This photo of the short-eared owls is amazing! Now my curiosity is up about the photo(s) you posted in your first blog entry. What was the behavior of the shrikes that Rich had never seen in over 30 years of bird watching? Here’s to many more years of Feathered Photography!

  59. Ron. Thanks for your creation. Your posts always brighten my morning

  60. Congratulations on such a great blog. I don’t comment often but am a daily reader. I admire all your hard work and knowledge. Thanks so much.

  61. Wow! What an accomplishment, and what dedication! Congratulations!

  62. What a marvelous accomplishment Ron, you and your blog have made this world a better and a more enjoyable place for hundreds of thousands of people. Thank you.

  63. Congratulations on your success! I am a fairly new follower to ‘FeatheredPhotography’ but it has fast become a favorite to read with my morning coffee. It is like sharing that morning coffee with a friend and that requires a lot from the writer. Blogging is not an easy feat. I’ve heard some comment to the opposite but much is required to be successful…knowledge, well thought content, candid, dedication…that is the big one…dedication. I think you excell in that category…you are here everyday, you offer interesting information, you respond to your readers recognizing each by their name, you are up-front with your photography, you share yourself. I’m sure your teaching skills have come into play here. There probably is much more but you get the idea…you have made it the success that it is! Kudos! 😊

  64. Ron – Congratulations on the 8th Anniversary of your Blog Postings. I don’t know quite when I started reading your Posts but it has been a few years now. I would like to thank you so much for your perseverance in sharing your photographs and insights on the World of Bird Photography. As usual I will be here waiting each morning early to see what is new in your life of finding a new and interesting bird. Please keep it up as you have a large and growing band of viewers. Thank you so much from an interested Denver Bird Watcher.

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