- Today’s post is an abbreviated one. Computer related problems that could potentially be a big deal for me have demanded my attention and my time.
A few Common Goldeneyes including adult males, adult females and 1st winter birds of both sexes have been wintering on a pond near my home. They’re quite wary and in order to keep their distance from fishermen and others along the shore they spend most of their time in the center of the pond so close-up photos of them don’t come easy.
1/8000, f/5.6, ISO 800, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
But when an individual bird feels the need to forage for food nearer the shore they occasionally provide better opportunities. Two weeks ago on New Year’s Eve this adult male was doing exactly that when he rose up on the water and performed a wing flap in good light and at a perfect angle to me. I particularly like the pose and the green iridescence on his head that so often eludes me. I have far more shutter speed than I needed but just prior to this performance I had been photographing other birds in different lighting so I didn’t have time or opportunity to make any camera adjustments.
While staring at the photo as I compose the text for this post I notice that I made an error during processing – hate it when I do that! Can you spot my mistake?
The water surface isn’t quite level so I should have rotated the image clockwise to make it level. At this point I don’t have time to reprocess the image and correct my error so it’ll just have to be a learning experience for me (and perhaps for some of my readers).
My attempt at making lemonade out of a lemon…
As for your horizontal nit, well, life is messy, isn’t it?
Like Patty said, computers are EVIL! They lull us into a false sense of security for a little while (when they work like they’re supposed to work) and then, WHAMMO! When we least expect it, they hammer us. And we’re putting these EVIL beings in our cars? REALLY? We’re depending on their abilities for almost every aspect of our lives? REALLY? EGADS! Just goes to prove that, as a species, we’re not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier!
Harkening back to your nit, just because you CAN fix it doesn’t necessarily mean you should
And thanks for your ongoing help with my duck ID skills!
Sorry to be tardy–I’ve been down with the flu. I’m not a good sick person…it annoys me mightily!
I love this pose! I never would have noticed the water if you didn’t say something. I never would have noticed.
Sorry about your computer problems…Smart phones, tablets, iPads, computers…they are all evil, all in cahoots, and all hate us!!!
Ron: The image could be correct as is: ripples and whatnot do not always go straight across, but more often at an angle. – unless you have a horizon we cannot see.
I realize that, Richard. But the water well around the duck is a little off and it shouldn’t be.
Well, crap on a cracker about your computer issues. I’m so sorry that it seems to be a major problem. Hopefully, you won’t lose anything.
As far as “Lawrence Duck” (anda onea anda twoa…), I don’t see any goofs. This is a great shot!
And feel free to take a couple of days off to take care of yourself.
It may come to that, Marty. Backing up files now.
What the heck is this????
“Kmmmm” ??? Proves my point!!!! Don’t know where the heck that came from–or why it’s under my name…evil iPad is trying to get even, I suppose–PATHETIC!!!
“Kmmmm” ??? Proves my point!!!! Don’t know where the heck that came from–or why it’s under my name…evil iPad is trying to get even, I suppose–PATHETIC!!!
Ha, it looks like you and that iPad of yours are having a pissin’ contest, Patty! Good luck.
As someone whose head, perspective and life are rarely level, I actually prefer photos that are not in perfect alignment. Make me feel right at home. That is one spiffy duck!
Made me smile, Porcupine.
I need to get out to “the pond!”
Shooting’s usually not very good there either, Stephen although occasionally things do work out.
This is an absolutely glorious bird. Wot I will not see except here.
Megathanks and lots of wishes that the ‘puter’ issues get sorted quickly, easily and inexpensively.
“quickly, easily and inexpensively”
It’s looking like none of those terms will apply to my fix, EC. It’s a real bummer I’m afraid…
I am sorry. Hiss and spit.
Ron, I think this is a great shot. Like one of your readers said: “conducting an orchestra” could describe this Goldeneye.
Hope you find an easy and quick solution to your computer problems. We all rely on our computers to some extent and I can imagine that you do a great deal. Good luck.
Thanks, Alice. But for me “easy and quick solution’s” never go hand in hand with computers. Not ever! This fix may take a few days…
I am a computer professional. Can I assist in some way with your problem/strategy? You have my email address – I don’t have yours. Feel free to contact me offline and I volunteer to give you as much assistance as I am able. Love featheredphotography.com and hate when the technology gets in your way!
Art. it looks like my computer is going into the shop tomorrow. I’m backing up files right now. Thanks very much for the offer of help and I may take you up on it down the road.
I thought you your mistake MIGHT have been related to background/foreground and depth of field. I know that you like to selectively sharpen the subject in order not to sharpen the background/foreground. The background/foreground look maybe a little funky in that respect but that obviously that wasn’t it. Do you use masks in Photoshop to select the subject only and what type do you use, if you don’t mind?
Art, the background isn’t as creamy as I like for two reasons – it’s a fairly large crop and this time I didn’t have the time to mask and selectively sharpen the bird, which I very often do.
And yes, when I selectively sharpen I mask the bird in PS. Not sure what you mean by “what type”…
Bird, water–both beautiful!!! ( I wonder what composer’s symphony he’s conducting?)…..
Whatever it was it must had had a fast tempo. His wings were really going!
Beautiful Photograph!! Fell behind on many of your blog posts and I’m now having fun catching up! Loved the prairie falcon photos.
Thanks, Joanne.
Beautiful – Hope your computer problems aren’t major – I’m just getting back up to speed from “blue screen” episode……..
Judy, I thought of you yesterday afternoon when it happened. I don’t have the blue screen but I may have lost some important “stuff”. We’ll see…
I was fortunate on data with continuous back up – the rest of it has been the pits………. Good Luck!
That’s what I was doing when the glitch reared its ugly head – backing up my images.
DAMN – not what I said and, I’m sure, not what you said either!
Great shot Ron!
Thanks, Charlotte.