It’s been a long time coming this year but today (or early tomorrow morning at the very latest) I’m finally getting out of some of this oppressive heat and headed for the faraway mountains of Montana and Idaho.
Usually by this time of year I’ve been camping at least three times but this year “life” repeatedly got in the way. Our recent 105°+ temps here in Salt Lake City have taken their toll and I’m itching to find some cooler temperatures, more verdant and alpine scenery and revisit some favorite old haunts in the more northern Rocky Mountains. So if there are no more last-minute complications (always a possibility given my recent track record) I’m headed the direction the bobbling arrow points on a compass needle – “up” in both latitude and elevation.
Temperatures have been unusually warm in that area too but highs are forecast to be about 20° cooler than they’ve been around here lately and nights up there cool off blissfully. Besides, I have AC in my camping trailer if I need it, even in the remote areas I always camp – thank goodness (and Michael Faraday) for generators!.
I mention all this because I wanted to give my readers a heads up. Publishing blog posts from these remote areas is always tricky and never reliable so there may be days when I don’t post at all. If that happens don’t be concerned. I’ll post if and when I can.
1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 800, Canon 7D, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM + EF 1.4 III Extender, not baited, set up or called in
So I leave you with one of my favorite images of all time taken in the general area where I’ll be camping – a male Short-eared Owl as he’s delivering a vole to his mate and two chicks in the nest (yes, you’ve seen this one before). I like this image so much I have a large canvas print of it hanging in a place of honor in my living room. For me this photo personifies one of my favorite spots on earth and if my plans hold up I’ll be there once again late this afternoon.
Hopefully I’ll have good weather, great light, cooperative wildlife and no breakdowns. Good food, pleasant company and spectacular scenery are guaranteed.
All I can say is, “Enjoy.”
Wow–terrific image Ron. Yes, the heat is oppressive, especially when it goes on day after day. 20 degrees cooler sounds great…enjoy!
Have a wonderful time! Unplugging is an absolute must. Your audience will still be here when you return.
Enjoy your time away Ron. Keeping fingers crossed that everything is as close to perfect as possible.
Sorry to be so late, but my Internet service didn’t cooperate with anything today! DARGH!
Travel carefully, have a GREAT time and ENJOY!!!
Happy camping, Ron.
Happy and safe travels!
Have a wonderful, wonderful trip. Respite from the heat, and plenty to stir your heart and exercise (for a change) your trigger finger.
Woo hoo. Have a fun and safe trip!
Yay! Hurray! Here’s to the Escape Artist (I mean Artistic Photgrapher) …l LOVE this short-ear image…hopie tobsee it many more times…have a good trip!!!
We made it! Even got our favorite camping spot.
Congrats! I’d love to see some more pictures of your setup and the surrounding area. I think you’ve posted some in the past. I always enjoy seeing the innards of tents and campers so I can live vicariously. Unfortunately, my hubby isn’t into outdoorsy stuff. His idea of roughing it is Best Western.
Great!!! Here’s hoping there is no radio or TV..(.maybe some good tapes),few if any other campers within miles(unless, MAYBE, an interesting, quiet, welcomed old friend),no “man sounds”–,just quiet, plenty of sweet light, gentle, soft, cooling breezes (but no wind), maybe little rain at night to keep things cool and safe and to intensify colors, lots of interesting cloud formations, beautiful,intense sunsets and sunrises, no biting insects(snakes,,porcupines or bears), plenty of interesting, cooperative birds(old favorites and something new), maybe a friendly mammal or two, some beautiful wildflowers (especially for Mia, the flower girl), no mechanical problems with camper, camera gear or human bodies, good breakfasts and dinners, plenty of good, sweet water, deep sleep, good coffee and chocolate donuts….
Have a splendid trip Ron!!
I hope you have a great trip, with zero complications. It’s about time…
Ron. Take care and stay cool. You will be missed. Diana
Wishing you safe travels, reasonably cool temps and bird-filled landscapes & skies!
Ron, have a good time on your trip. The 117 temp would be too much for me. Love our Northern weather, and the cool down at nights. I am sure you will get some beautiful pictures of things you love the most. Have fun and Good Luck.
Enjoy your time, take some terrific images and we all will look forward to those beautiful pics.
I hate heat, why we moved to VT, so far haven’t been disappointed. Forward and up to the mountains!!
We’ve had mid-90s and humid here, so I completely understand the desire to get outta Dodge! Hope this trip us everything you want — and more.
Here’s to safe travels, smooth roads, and minimal bug guts on the windshield.
Hit 105 here yesterday tho they are noting a bit of a cooling trend in the next few days(if you call a high of 89 a cooling trend) – I’m ready – this being house bound for much of the day just doesn’t “get it”. Love the owl photo – everything came out just right with that one!
I am SO HAPPY for you ( not to mention jealous–add 10 degrees-occasionally 15–to SLC temps, and you’ve got far southern Utah, where I am ). Maybe you could tie me onto your truck’s roof ?
I wish you a WONDERFUL , productive, and cooling trip !
I don’t envy you those temps, Kris. My daughter in Vegas endured 117° for a few days recently. No fun…
Ron- spectacular image of the Shorty. Have a great trip and come back with some winners! Stay safe out there!
Thanks, Bob. “Safe” is also a big part of the equation. So many things can happen out there but I’m as prepared for them as I can possibly be.
Hope you have a marvelous time!
Thanks, Marie.
Fabulous flight shot and I hope you have a wonderful cool time!
“Cool” is the key word there, Charlotte!
What a beauty. Safe travels.
Thank you, Sarah.
Have a great time camping. Looking forward to seeing the great photos that result!!
Great photos would be a bonus, Joanne!
Be safe & find some interesting birds. Love your blog postings!
Good. And thanks for the good wishes, LS.