This owl definitely gave me the jaundiced eye as I was passing it on the road.
1/2500, f/7.1, ISO 640, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM, not baited, set up or called in
I encountered the bird three months ago today along Promontory Road in Box Elder County. I spent a couple of minutes photographing it but the owl was side-lit and refused to give me any interesting poses so I decided to go on my way and look for more promising subjects. The owl chose that moment as I was driving past it to perform a beautiful and languorous wing stretch to show me who was boss. I’m sure the bird was feeling just a little smug in defeating the photographer with the big eye pointing its way and it gave me the evil eye as I passed.
But I snatched victory from the jaws of defeat by quickly sticking my lens out the window and firing off a couple of bursts despite the fact that I was still moving down the road. If I had braked this close to the bird I know from experience that it probably would have taken off when my pickup rocked back as I stopped – birds don’t seem to like that. Besides, by then I’d have missed the wing stretch.
I posted another image of this owl several months ago but this is a different pose.
In these wars of will with birds I’m usually the loser so it was nice to come out on top for a change.
I love this shot! You were a winner that day Ron!
“I’m sure the bird was feeling just a little smug in defeating the photographer with the big eye pointing its way and it gave me the evil eye as I passed.” I wonder about this when birds seem to react to my binoculars pointing towards them or the squirrel in the back yard perks up when I look at it.
Being aware of where another being’s gaze is directed might just save one from danger or lead one to tasty morsels.
Pam, “being aware” is a good thing – whether you’re the hawk, the potential prey or the photographer!
This post made me smile, great story! And I love the image: great background, great stare, nice wing movement. Amazing you captured it so well with the truck still moving. Very nice!
Todd, a little background on the image can make us appreciate it so much more. Thank you.
CONGRATULATIONS RON – just got an e-mail from National Audubon on “Tips and How-To’s – How to Photograph Raptors From a Car, by Jennifer Bogo, Fall 2016 All your information!!
Wonderful stuff with great pictures of you and your set-up.
Many thanks for doing this through them.
Thanks, Dick. I of course knew about the short article about my shooting techniques and my photos being in the current issue of Audubon Magazine but I was unaware they were using my stuff for that email until earlier this afternoon. Pretty neat.
Rare, and precious. And well worth the stink eye. Mind you, I have to deal with some guvermint officials this morning so may head into the bathroom to practise that look when I have posted this comment.
I don’t thing they’ll give you any trouble if you can mimic this birds look, EC.
Fabulous capture … what a face … were you wearing your Mickey Mouse ears that morning again??? lol
Ha, I was BORN with Mickey Mouse ears, Lois. I have no choice but to wear them constantly…
Congratulations on winning this round! This is a beautiful portrait and the bird’s facial expression is priceless. It made me chuckle.
Good, chuckles are always welcome in the morning, aren’t they Susan? Thanks.
A beautiful pose…love the wing position and the sassy glare…Aways like the look of weathered wood…the old post is beautiful….like the angle, too….The soft background color provides a nice complement to the colors of the bird…
Thanks, Patty. That old wooden post is on its last legs.
Shortie with the stink eye! Love it! Thanks for sharing it this morning!
Diane, I thought about using the phrase “stink eye” in my title but I think Laura has ownership of it…
Beautiful shot, Ron! The pose, the owls coloring with the warm background is just great!
Glad you out foxed him! 
I like those complementary colors too, Judy. Thank you.
“I’m not happy with you – you got me with my wing down, why couldn’t you wait till I got all set up before you took the picture!!”
Great shot Ron!
Thanks Dick, for the caption and for the compliment.
Some would say the sun angle is all wrong, but with this view and this look, it is all “right”. From my perspective, this is an award winner. Wonderful light, great background. Absolutely love it. Thanks for making my morning!
Frank, I actually think the sidelight makes the look from the bird a little more menacing. And I like that…
Agreed. For that look, the light is perfect and makes it work.
What a fun story to start my day with…thanks Ron!! Great photo as always
Glad you enjoyed it, Zaphir. Thanks.
Oh WOW! What a glorious image. Yes, that’s a perfect stink eye! And oh how well I know that back and forth battle of wills, winning and losing (often losing). So that’s owl 1/you 1. YAY! Personally, I don’t think there’s any real sport in the game, but they seem to enjoy toying with us lowly humans. I guess it’s a good thing to be easily amused
Just lovely!
Laura, I’m sure you have more experience with these wars of will than anyone else around here. And know the occasional, very occasional, thrill of victory. It feels oh so sweet…
Wonderful shot Ron!
Thanks, Charlotte.
That is a wonderful photo!! Great capture!
Thank you, Jerilyn.
WOW< WOW< WOW!! SO glad you came out the winner of this round so we could all see this stunning wing stretch by this bad boy, Ron!! Did you do an evil victory laugh as you were boogying on down the road?!!!
Jo Ann, I don’t recall that I laughed but I was sure feeling a little smug. I seldom come out on top in situations like this.