Eureka! – A Northern Pygmy Owl With Rodent Prey

A lifer of any species will make my week but a Northern Pygmy Owl with prey literally gave me buck fever I was so excited.


northern pygmy owl 7624 ron dudley

1/200, f/10, ISO 800, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + 1.4 tc, not baited, set up, flashed or called in

I photographed this spectacular little owl two days ago in the mountains of Beaverhead County, MT and very close to the border between Montana and Idaho. The bird flew across the forest service road in front of me and landed very close to the road and high up in a tree. As is typical in those habitats there were deep shadows and the setting was cluttered but for this bird I just don’t care…

I didn’t even notice that it had prey until I saw the bird through my lens. It’s obviously a small rodent and I believe it to be a pocket gopher rather than a vole. This dainty-appearing little owl really tore into its meal and we can see a piece of rodent meat on the top of its bill as a result.

These owls are incredibly small – they average the same weight as a Brewer’s Blackbird (2.2 oz). I can certainly see why they’re so difficult to find.

Finding this bird helped to make up for all the frustrations of this camping trip – big time!


PS – for those interested in the outcome of my mechanical problems with my pickup on this trip I’m actually back in the saddle again. It took a nervous drive to an Idaho Falls Ford dealer yesterday morning and $431 for a new throttle body and motor. But the peace of mind sure was worth it!



  1. Remarkable!! Congratulations Ron.

  2. Beautiful photo and a fantastic owl. I am so happy you were able to get your truck fixed so that is off your mind. Wishing you nothing but good luck for the rest of your trip.

  3. What a fabulous shot!! It’s a gorgeous owl, and to have a lifer like that I can understand would make up for a lot. I’m glad you were able to get your truck fixed, and hope you have many more wonderful bird encounters. I’m guessing that the Northern Pygmy Owl is smaller than a Burrowing Owl? Blackbirds aren’t very big…

  4. Happy dances. Rather a lot of happy dances.
    Thank you.

  5. Nice, Ron! I also see your 7D Mark II is back in operation. What did you do to fix it?

  6. Great photo!

    Looks like some rodent goo or something going on with the beak. I saw a burrowing owl a year ago that had a tumerous looking growth on the skin covered area of its upper mandible. Not sure what caused that.

    As for the unfortunate rodent, it is a vole. Note the lack of the powerful front shoulders and long digging claws on the forelegs that all pocket gophers have.

  7. Yay, and congratulations!
    Ron, regarding that beautiful photo…no apologies needed please. I note the halo edge around the owl, it’s rump, tail, left side, and head, which highlight the little owl against the background and add emphasis to the portrait. The dappled light and shadows and the woody perch add context and give the photo…one might say…emotion. If those things were not there, it would not be as moving. As a moment in time, it is interesting to contemplate. Thanks…

  8. Wow- those eyes are intense! Congrats on the lifer and thanks again for taking us along for the ride!

  9. Hi Ron,
    WONDERFUL image of one of my favorite raptors! I see Northern Pygmy Owls semi-regularly, but I have never seen one with rodent prey. AND, you have captured “the look” perfectly. Well done, and thanks for sharing! A lifer photo and a truck fixed – sounds like that old one about the country song being played backward. 😀

  10. WOW!! Oh what a spectacular little owl and YAY for a good dinner in his/her talons! I’ve never seen one of those in person (yet) so what a special treat! How exciting for you and what an outrageously beautiful shot! That would make me do the Snoopy Dog Dance, complete with ear twirlies! LOL
    As for your mechanical adventures, delighted you’re all fixed and happily mobile again! YEE HAW!

  11. Humming bird lover

    Hi! so glad you two were able to finally see and get a get shot of the Owl at last! Have a great day and time ! Sybill it is cooler today! This AM! Looking hot later! Here in Va.

  12. So, take that, Murphy!!! So glad for you !!! And vrry, very glad you had really good back up gear….That tiny owl must be real tiger to capture such relatively large prey!

  13. SOOOOOOOO Happy for you, and sharing in your joy!

  14. Congratulations and thanks, Ron. I’ve never seen a Northern Pygmy Owl before!

  15. Congratulations on both counts – your truck and the Owl.
    That would be a lifer for me as well! I understand the excitement! It is amazingly euphoric when you see a bird for the first time, when a life bird crosses your path!!
    Glad your peace of mind in back!

  16. Wow!!!always love a bird with prey. !!!! Awesome picture. Noticed you used your mark 11????? That was a cheap truck fix. You got lucky.!!! And love your pictures!!!!

  17. Charlotte Norton

    CONGRATULATIONS! Sensational find and shot Ron!


  18. Lucky you. Lucky us. Unlucky rodent. Thanks Ron

  19. Wonderful! 🙂 Cute, ferocious, little devils. 🙂 We have some Saw Whet owls occasionally and they are usually only found when a magpie is ragging them.:) Pricey fix for the truck, but, at least you’re back in business in a reasonable amount of time and didn’t have to have it towed!

  20. SWEET!!! I’ve never seen a shot like this one of a Pygmy owl. Awesome😀😀😀😀

  21. Dang, I just noticed, you’re using your Mark II… problem solved???

  22. Ah Ron, these finds, and successes getting the shot, are what make this game so incredibly satisfying.
    There is no way that we, who follow your blog can ever really “feel” the excitement that you felt at the
    moment you realized that you got this shot, nor can we know how good you feel every time you look
    back at the image, and in your mind relive the experience. However, many of us have had similar, although
    different exciting moments, and It keeps all of us excited about getting back into the field with the hope
    that we will, once again, experience that special kind of joy. Great image, as always, and my sincere
    congratulations on getting it!!! Glad to hear of your peace of mind with your Ford. That was $431, well
    spent. Only one thing left.. that bloody Mark II. I wish you well. In the meantime, bask in the glory of
    getting a spectacular shot of your little owl with dinner. ;-)))

  23. Ron – Absolutely beautiful. Thank you.

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