It’s difficult to get some folks excited about Horned Larks but when things go right I’m not one of them.
1/3200, f/7.1, ISO 500, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM + 1.4 tc, not baited, set up or called in
I’ve said before that I’ve grown weary of my own images of Horned Larks perched on rocks. They seem to almost always perch on small, low rocks (or bison poop) so I’m always looking for one on a more elevated, natural perch. Yesterday morning I found two Horned Larks on such perches so that in itself was a success. And I caught this one in a nice, singing pose with its “horns” erected – that’s three out of three in my book.
Apologies for the abbreviated post. I’ve had virtually no light for photography for most of the last ten days but this morning’s forecast is a glorious one so I’m chomping at the bit to get out. Today’s shooting destination is an hour and a half away from home and I need to be there at dawn so that meant getting up at 3:30 AM. Then to make the morning even more complicated, “technical issues” with my email ate up precious minutes.
Mind you, I’m not complaining – it comes with the territory. But it does make life interesting at times…
I think the Horned Lark is a beautiful bird. Every bird is unique! Great shot!
No JUST about it from here.
They are a beautiful bird wot I will never see.
‘They seem to almost always perch on small, low rocks (or bison poop) so I’m always looking for one on a more elevated, natural perch’ Is it just me? As I read that sentence I found myself thinking that I really don’t want to see elevated poop (of any flavour) despite the fact it doesn’t get more natural than that.
I hope your days shooting is blissful.
Ha, I actually like bison poop as a perch, EC and the more elevated the better. There’s nothing more natural than a wild western bird on bison poop…
Good weather ahead, so go for it! I love horned larks, and this image is tops in my book!
I’m glad you enjoyed the image, Jane. Thanks.
I never paid any attention to Horned Larks till I learned about them through a previous post of yours. Now I take every chance I get to photograph them. Great shot Ron!! Jer
I’m glad you now consider them worthy subjects, Jerry. I sure do.
Wonderful! Love the raised crest, yellow neckerchief and black gorget! He may be claiming territory, but he looks so joyous…maybe both! I think he ‘s saying, “Spring is here, hurray!”
He was a pretty happy sounding bird, Patty.
It’s a beauty. Love seeing all the details in this bird.
Thanks, Carol.
Good shot of the Horned Lark, as usual, I can hear him in my minds ear.
Looking forward to todays catch!
It’s funny how an image of a bird can bring up their songs in our heads, isn’t it, Dick?
Oh yeah, and that “Just A…” Them’s fightin’ words, especially when redtail follows (but any bird or critter will do).
That was my point. That’s why I put “Just” in italics in my title.
I know…just sayin’ just in case
Three out of three works! YAY for you, and OH WOW! For those of us who haven’t seen a horned lark, this three-for-three shot is delicious!
Safe travels and I wish you a perfect-light day. It’ll be a special treat to see what you do with it.
“It’ll be a special treat to see what you do with it”
I’m about to find out myself, Laura. Just got home so now I have many hundreds of images to cull. Hope there’s a few gems…
It is a wonderful shot, Ron and I also wish you luck with the light – recent storms and drizzle have been a bit of a drag tho we need the moisture!
Judy, I’m home now and the light was great this morning. And you’re right about the storms – it’s nice to see everything so green around here.
Ron: Just beautiful nature and great photography. Thank you.
Thanks, Richard.
It’s a wonderful shot Ron! Good luck with the good light!
Thanks on both counts, Charlotte.