I’ve been overwhelmed by the support shown by my readers regarding my daughter Shannon’s recent accident so I’d like to provide a little more background and an update.
Earlier this week Shannon fell in her kitchen and hit her head on the hard marble floor. The injury was severe and the outlook dire. At the hospital her husband Rick and son Ryan were initially told that she had “zero chance” of surviving her injury. As soon as I could make arrangements I flew to Florida to be with her (where I am now).
Thankfully since that time there’s been significant improvement in her outlook. Today we finally received a definitive diagnosis after several false starts. Shannon has a subdural hematoma. After major surgery and several other medical procedures we now have some realistic hope that she will survive and slowly get better. How much better remains to be seen.
Recovery will be a long, slow road and many potential complications could cloud the picture but tonight we at least have hope for a much better outcome.
A fairly recent photo of the two of us taken on one of her many visits to Utah to see me.
Until this trip to Florida I hadn’t been on an airplane in 25 years (I despise flying). Shannon always wanted me to visit her of course but she understood and accepted this idiosyncrasy of her dad and she never nagged me about it. One of the thoughts that keeps going through my mind is that I look forward to teasing her about the lengths she was willing to go in order to get me to Florida.
I can hardly wait for that conversation.
I too wondered why no posts from you.
I’m sorry to hear about your daughter.
Sending positive thoughts and prayers.
I didn’t know why you were taking a break but now I know. I remember the photo of you and Shannon from an earlier blog and my prayers for a full recovery have been added to the rest. Take care of yourself Ron.
SO sorry Ron. Will send good karma your way for your family!!
Hi Ron!
Sorry I have not been on my internet in Days! Mia has kept me inform how Shannon and you and Ryan and Rick are doing! Many prayers are being said here in Va.! also Teresa living in Ga. Has kept a candle and prays going down there since I called her.( She and her sister and I met you when I came to see Mia)! I will try to keep better watch on your Site here ! My prays that God is surrounding you All in Flo with his LOVE and HEALING! Take care Sybill
Ron, Prayers! thanks for the update!
Thank you all so much for your support and kind words. At this point Shannon continues to improve, though very slowly. She has many challenges ahead of her.
My prayers are with you and your daughter.
Jack Cowan
St. Louis, Mo.
Sending positive thoughts your way for Shannon’s continued healing and recovery. I can only imagine what thoughts were going through your head on that dreaded flight. Hugs.
Good to know that your humour is still there and that your daughter is recovering from that accident.
Hope that everything turns out for the best.
My thoughts are with you both.
I am sooo thrilled to hear of your good news of your daughter! Take your time, all the time needed to focus on her and your family… we, your fans will be ready to welcome back your posts when ready. But for now, I completely understand your place for focusing on her and yourself. Continual prayers will be sent your way!
Ron, Nancy and I both send our best wishes to Shannon for a rapid, complete and complication-free recovery. Our thoughts are with you.
Jim & Nancy
Great news! Sending energy that it continues to get even better – maybe even at the speed of blurred wings.
I don’t think I want a marble floor. Wood gives a lot more.
Thanks for taking the time to post. Glad to hear that you have some good news, and hope for more soon.
Thanks for the update. May each day get you closer to your conversation. Remember to take care of yourself as well as your family.
Good Morning Ron, Thank you for the update on your daughter. You have become such an important part of my morning routine that I really miss you. I am so glad to hear a positive report on your daughter.
You, she and her family are in our prayers for continued healing.
Thanks for the update and hopeful news, Ron. Along with all your other fond fans I’m keeping Shannon in my thoughts – as well as Ron and Ryan and you, sending blessings and hopes for the best possible outcome. Don’t bother trying to “be strong” any more than you feel; all you need to do is love.
oh Ron..I, too, missed the original post where this was mentioned. My heart is with you….and Shannon and her family…and
the outpouring of support is just that reciprocal thing…”what goes around, comes around”.
Look at how MUCH joy you give us via your photographs on a daily basis.
Keep breathing and my thoughts are with you and Shannon
All my best wishes for a relatively seedy and healthy recovery for Shannon and many plane trips to Florida in your future.
Ted Culotta
Glad to hear the positive news. I don’t know which neuro team you all used, if it wasn’t Dr Sawins group, I am sure a similar group helped her. They do a lot of neuro work there and the nursing staff is excellent on their neuro unit.
I pray and believe she will be on her way home soon. And you will be again, facing your flying fears!
God bless you both,
Ron: I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter’s accident. Our prayers will be with you and your family as she works through her recovery. Hoping for the best!
Thank you for the update Ron.Sending Shannon and all your family healing thoughts and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Oh, Ron! I am so sorry to hear this! There is nothing worse than something happening to your children. Modern medicine is amazing in what it can do, and she has you at her side. I hope she recovers quickly. Many hugs to you and yours.
I am confidant Ron she will recover and do well, with all the prayers and positive vibes that are on your web page, along with the tough Montana stock of her father how can it not be!
All positive thoughts and prayers to you and your daughter!!
Continued prayers… <3
I’ve had many a patient recover completely from a subdural hematoma,especially in a younger person. My thoughts are with your daughter.
Hello Ron, for some reason I must have missed your initial post about the accident. What an awful story and how terribly worried you must be… So good to hear that her outlook has changed for the better. I wish you all the best and strength for the coming period ! Finger crossed ! Best, Hans
Ron. Thanks for the update. I think as a physician that you are correct in your prognosis. I’m happy for you both.
You both remain in my prayers.
Hope is always good. Will keep your family in my thoughts and watch your blog for (much appreciated) updates on Shannon’s condition.
Thanks for the update. Fearing the loss of your child is the worst fear I can imagine. When a doctor starts thinking about rehabilitation, that’s like winning every lottery in the whole world in the same minute. We all breathe a sigh of relief with you.
After you heard the initial terrible news this diagnosis and the promise of a better future must seem like the best gift. I hope the news continues to be positive and that you get to have that conversation soon. Lovely photo and thank you for sharing this important ant time with us.
Thank you so much for this update. I am so very pleased to hear better news, and will keep fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you all.
It seems we come from very similar families. My father would have reacted just as you did – he would have flown AND he would have taken great delight in teasing me about it at the very first chance he got.
Thanks for the update Ron. Glad that there is improvement & pray that there will be continued improvement.
As we get older there are all the lectures at the olde folks home about falling. So I alway fear falling, especially in the bathroom. Never even though of falling in a kitchen. Never think of young people falling either.
Thankfully she is improving.
Oh Ron … I’m just so sorry that this beautiful sweet young lady has to go through this … but how happy I am to hear there’s improvement. You can just see from the picture what a darling she is … and I’ll bet she’s a fighter too. Not wild about flying myself, but very proud of you for making the trip … ya done good. Bless you both … please keep us posted and I’ll keep all of you in my prayers.
Glad to hear this better news. Hoping better news is a trend.
Good news on! Hard to believe we can be so seriously injured in your own home. I’m sure the road to recovery will not be smooth but doable. Hope she hangs in there and overcomes the ordeal. ill keep you all in my prayers!
That’s good news! Continued prayers for her recovery. I’m sure the road to recovery will be rocky but hang in there
Praying for your daughter. Glad you made the flight. Love your photos.
Thanks for the update, Ron. With everything else happening for you right now, I am glad you took the time to write. Like everyone else, I too was wondering what had happened and hoping all was well. Positive thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
Prayers for your daughter to continue doing better day by day.
Thank you so much for the update. I know there are so many folks out here who have been touched by the positive energy you have relayed each day by taking the time to share your precious connection to the natural world. I know my day begins each morning with a smile as I view the results you so generously present to all of us. Prayers and healing energy continue to come your way for you and your daughter, and her husband and son as well. We are with you and yours in spirit Ron, many blessings.
Ron, you and your daughter have been in our thoughts and prayer since your last posting… Thank you for the update and sending much strength and speedy recovery to your daughter.
Hope is sometimes all we need to carry us through…best wishes to you and your family.
Bless your hearts! Thank you for the update. May you feel the love and support of your followers! Praying for a speedy recovery for Shannon!
Thank God, Ron!! I will continue to pray for Shannon – God works miracles every day. Having come to know you, I’m sure Shannon has your fighting spirit!!
Okay, that is much better news, and we will take it and run with it!! Shannon continues in my prayers, as well as you and other family members.
Please keep us posted when you can. I know Shannon will love having that conversation with you when she is able. Love to all.
Blessings!! Jane+
Sending positive thoughts Ron and Shannon for a continued recovery.
Ron..thanks again for updating us and for sharing, once again, the picture of you and your beautiful daughter, Shannon, standing there in front of your fireplace. One thing bothers me though. Why are you wearing what seems to be a Magpie on your head? I’ve heard of people wearing Toucans (or was it toupees), but a Magpie??? Have you ever spoken to Donald Trump about this? Or your therapist???
Thanks for the update Ron! Sending positive vibes! One step at a time!
Dear Ron, I hope the news will only keep getting better. I know how it feels to wait anxiously in the hospital to have news about your kids, so I do not envy you.
I hope you get to have that conversation sooner than you think. Positive energy & thoughts for your daughter & family.
Thank you for letting us know Ron. I have been thinking of your Daughter all day. I’m glad surgery was successful. I wish her nothing but the best. Sounds like Shannon has a wonderful, supportive family. That is a big plus, and will help out big time with the recovering process.
Thank ypu….
Ron, I’m glad that there is some better news, and dearly hope that things continue to improve. Quite a reminder of how fast things can change. I’ll be thinking of you both….
Thx for the update, Ron. One of those “weird” things that can happen. Glad to hear her prognosis is better now that it was initially. Will continue with good thoughts and prayers for all of you and hope you do get to have “that conversation” with Shannon.
Ron I’m so sorry about your dgt. My prayers wil included her recovery and that you will be able to fly home ok.
Prayers continue for quick ‘& complete recovery.
Thanks for the update, Ron. That’s a very motivating news and I am in happy tears. Hope that Shannon will get better and better soon. Take care!
Yay Shannon, something positive!
Thanks for the update. We’ve all been anxious about her condition and it’s encouraging that the news is positive. Thoughts and prayers for her recovery and hope that you and her family are doing alright as well.
As a parent, I thinking of you and hoping for the best. Agree with all the above. Glad you can be there for her. Johanna van de Woestijne
Thanks for updating us on the much improved prognosis for your daughter’s recovery. I can’t even imagine how you and her family must have felt after the first assessment. You really must hate flying if you passed up opportunities to visit your daughter in Florida — there are a lot of great birds there, you know!
Thank you for the update on your daughter. We will pray for her recovery, steady and sure.
Sending healing thoughts, and hope…xo, Christine
I am so glad to hear that Shannon’s outlook is better. I know it’s a long shot for full recovery, but I’ll keep my prayers headed in that direction. It’s also good to see that you are thinking humorous thoughts. That says a lot about how much better the prognosis now is.
Ron.. you must know that you, and your daughter have a load of support from all your
loyal friends… many that you have never met. The early news is most promising, and
we all hope that the improvement is steady, and that someday you will be able to tease
Shannon about the lengths she was willing to go to get you on a plane to Florida… We
are all pulling for her speedy recovery!!! We await some further good news… ;-)))
Ron, We went through a similar thing with our son 16 years ago. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers for continued steady progress. What a beautiful daughter and what a special photo of the two of you that you posted.
So relieved–as surely you and your family are–to get this news, Ron, thank you for taking the time to let us know. (And I’ve been debating about putting tile in my kitchen to replace very old vinyl flooring–this pretty much makes the decision for me, since I’m sort of accident-prone and live alone. So sorry, though, that Shannon’s situation is my cautionary tale.) Keeping positive thoughts for her continued improvement!
Ron, thanks so very much for taking the time to give us an update! You and Shannon have been in my thoughts a great deal, and I remember the lovely photo of the two of you from before. That’s been in my mind’s eye, as well. Interestingly, my cousin has just emerged from a 6-day coma, and is gradually recovering from encephalitis following a fall (in Croatia) where he injured his knee.
There is something wrenching, humbling and sometimes miraculous (in the happier instances) about comas. I’m sure you’ve heard that some say they are entirely aware of what is said around them when in a coma. I can only imagine what a difference it made to Shannon to have you there. You both will continue to be in my heartfelt wishes for a happy reunion, with her fully restored.
So very scary. I’m so glad to hear this better news.
(I hate how fast everything in your life can change.)
Keeping fingers crossed, Ron! Who knew we should be wearing a helmet, not just on bikes and skateboards and motorcycles, but in the kitchen! Very scary stuff indeed – my heart is with you and yours.
Thank you for the update. What a tragic accident. I am so glad to hear you now have some hope, hope is a good thing! I will continue to pray for more good news.
Let’s hope the news keeps improving for your daughter Ron. Wishing you both well.