This mated pair of Mountain Bluebirds has been involved in tenant wars with a variety of other species for occupancy rights to several nest cavities in this aspen tree in Clark County, Idaho (image taken yesterday morning). Williamson’s Sapsuckers, Red-naped Sapsuckers, Northern Flickers, Tree Swallows and Red-breasted Nuthatches have all shown varying amounts of interest in the cavities and the competition has been fascinating to watch and very challenging to photograph.
Each species takes over a cavity for a while, leaves, and then others claim it. And there are fights in the interim.
1/2500, f/7.1, ISO 640, Canon 7D Mark II, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS II USM, not baited, set up or called in
When this image was taken it was the Mountain Bluebird’s turn. Here the male has landed at a cavity entrance so there’s very little room for his mate who is coming in right after him. Despite the fact that we can’t see her face I really like the contrasting views of both birds at the nest cavity and I enjoy the good look at the feather patterns on the dorsal surface of the female.
I was pleasantly surprised that both birds are sharp (at least they look reasonably sharp to me on my laptop in the field) which indicates to me that the female was almost in the same plane as the male.
This is the same aspen tree where I photographed Williamson’s Sapsuckers and House Wrens at nest cavities last July and then I called it a “glory hole tree”. If this keeps up I may have to add a few more superlatives to that name.
Lovely birds and a lovely photo
Very pretty and interesting image. I like wildlife photos that have some habitat and behavior included. They tell us a bit about the life of the subject. Both being so sharp and having those beautiful color tones really make this a lovely work.
Wow! What a fantastic picture! Mountain bluebirds are one of my very favorites!!!!
Magnificent shot!
Magnificent shot Ron!
This is a terrific image, Ron. But Glory Hole tree?
That’s supposed to read, “in too many areas, there’s a serious housing shortage…” The evil iPad strikes again!!?
Let the old, holey trees stand, folks…in too many there’s a serious housing shortage and the birds need them…thanks…
That must be the “Tree of Heaven” I’ve heard mentioned…
Love the back story. I am now thinking ‘squatters with wings’.
Re the image itself? Patty’s comment said all that I thought. So very eloquently. Thank you both.
Glorious image and most informative back story, an especially pleasant Monday highlight.
Thank you, Ron
Beautiful capture! Exquisite lighting! : =)
Definitely one of your best shots.
And that light… very very close to perfection.
I didn’t know about different species of birds taking turns using a nesting site …….besides the glorious beauty you you capture, I also “tune in ” for the info—-thanks for both !
Awesome shot Ron. The composition with the two mates couldn’t be better. As for sharpness, you nailed it. Viewing your posts is a great way to start out the day. Looking forward to the next heart thumpin shot.
The birds are definitely both sharp. I love the fact that the outstretched wings on the female allow us to see that she also has some blue color. Beautiful photo!
OH! WOW! what a beautiful, beautiful shot!!! That tree has to be a bird photographer’s version of Nirvana!!! The graceful, spead wing position of the female, the bright two-toned colors of the male, the sharp shadows, the bird to bird eye contact, the texture contrast of the silvery bark, the subltey of the dark back ground…what a great image to start the day with…THANK YOU!!!!
Start working on the superlatives … definitely necessary.
Ron, you captured the color change at the end of the primaries of the beautiful female. Thanks
Very Nice Capture! Once again thank you for taking us along. CJ
Thank you, CJ.