There will likely be some changes at Feathered Photography for a few days.
Later this morning I leave on another camping/photo trip and depending on weather, birds and other factors I may be gone through the weekend. In the past I’ve always pre-scheduled posts to be published in my absence but this time I’m going to attempt to post from the road. It may or may not work because it’s new technology for me and the fairly remote area I’ll be visiting has very limited and sporadic cell phone/internet service.
If I’m able to post during the trip each one will likely be short with only a photo or two included. And those images will have to be processed on my laptop so the photos may not look as good as usual (I find laptop processing to be relatively unreliable). If I’m unable to post, Feathered Photography will obviously go deafeningly quiet until my return.
Not having to work up posts before I leave on these trips eliminates a boat-load of pressure from me just when time is at a premium because of the demands of trip preparation. I hope the experiment works but either way Feathered Photography is likely to look different until my return.
On another, unrelated note…
I seldom (if ever) get very personal on this blog but recent events call for a temporary blip in that pattern. My daughter Shannon lives in Florida and sometimes a year or two passes when I don’t see her and that’s painful for me. But Shannon and her husband Rick have been visiting for a few days and this old bird photographer is absolutely delighted about that. Grandson Ryan had to remain in Florida due to the demands of college and work. He was missed. A lot.
Image Copyright Mia McPherson, used by permission
Shannon stole her dad’s heart on the day she was born and hasn’t returned it yet. Yesterday in the hustle and bustle of preparations for getting ready to return home she obliged her father’s request for a few photos to commemorate her visit and this is one of them. I miss her already.
Looking at this image as I’m composing the post made me realize how the photo contains many of the major elements of my present and past life – daughter Shannon of course (my only child), one of my favorite bird images over the fireplace, a ceramic pot made by one of my high school students, books about my Dudley family history (which I’m very involved in), a small table I built when I was doing more carpentry than photography and a ceramic Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that is the spitting image of a beloved pet who died at only 5 years of age from a severe heart murmur.
Yes, I realize that it looks like I’m wearing a magpie hat reminiscent of some of the women’s hats popular in the early 1900’s. But at least there’s a bird in the photo to keep my Feathered Photography tradition alive…
Ok, enough of the personal stuff. I have to finish packing and hit the road. Please wish me more luck with birds than I had on the last camping trip.
Mr. Dudley,
I have been following your blog over the last few years without commenting. (I believe the term is a “Lurker”) Anyways I have loved to see all these photos, and hear of your adventures. I am living in Florida now. Finishing my last few years of residency. I hope you know the great impact you had on my life by being such a great teacher at highland. It launched me into a great career that a love very much. My wife also an honors bio alumni and talk about you, and are having fun raising some hooligan kids who can love and respect the outdoors. I see some great birds here in the Everglades, if you come visit let me know I’d love catch up as I don’t see you at Westside Nursery or Farmington bay when I’m out hunting any more. I think a “Feathered photography- Florida edition” should be in the works.
Bridger Jensen
The photo tugs at the heartstrings and your daughter is gorgeous – happy that you had a good visit. I think this is going to be an amazing trip, with the migrations starting up.
Shannon is beautiful, and that magpie hat is verrrrry becoming…
I hope you have a great trip with plenty of birds and cooperative weather. Don’t worry too much about posting. You deserve a vacation.
Good luck on your trip. Thank you for sharing this bit of personal life too. Your daughter is lovely and your love shines through.
Such a sweet photo. Your Daughter is adorable!
Good camping and photographing.
Thanks for showing us your special moments. Enjoy your trip Ron.
Beautiful lady! Have a wonderful and successful trip!
Have a good trip. You’re a lucky man to have a loving family and a full life.
Jack Cowan
Have a WONDERFUL trip away. A trip filled with co-operative birds.
Love the photo of you and your beautiful daughter. A pride and happiness filled photo. The very best kind.
I am so glad you had a chance to spend time with your daughter, and a beautiful daughter she is. You look like such a proud Dad. I wish you great luck on your trip and I hope all the birds come running your way and pose correctly for you.
I am so glad you had a chance to spend time with your daughter, and a beautiful daughter she is. You look like such a proud Dad. I wish you great luck on your trip and I hope all the birds come running your way and pose correctly for you.
And, don’t forget to have FUN!
Ron – have a wonderful trip & don’t worry or feel pressure to do a daily blog while gone. I’d much rather you were 100% wrapped up in enjoying your trip. Also LOVE the “portrait of you & your daughter (she’s gorgeous!!) & the info on all the items in the photo that have so much meaning for you!! “See” you when you get back!!
Is that a Magpie? I thought it was a halo!!! What a great photo…so many special elements…a beautiful blond, (which you CLAIM is your daughter), a wonderful, miniaturied King Charles, that incredible image of a most elegant bird, and your own smiling self! You say your grandson is in college??? And that GIRL is the mother of a college KID????? Impossible!!! I hope your trip is successful and the birds, weather and other two-leggeds are cooperative and good to you. We’ll survive until you get back, so don’t “should” on yourself– just try to relax and enjoy yourself… And be safe.
PS. I notice that she has dimples, too
Great photo of you and your beautiful daughter who, by the way, resembles you alot! Have a great trip.
Thanks for sharing a bit of your personal life. I appreciate it very much. Your daughter is beautiful and the two of you look great together. I love the image on the fireplace and until you mentioned the magpie hat, I hadn’t noticed that one could see it that way. I wish you all the luck and great joy during your trip. I’ll miss your blogs if you are unable to post, but hope that if that is the case, you can forget about it until you return and not feel any stress about not posting. We’ll all still be here, grateful when you are able to post.
“if you are unable to post, but hope that if that is the case, you can forget about it until you return and not feel any stress about not posting”
Wow, you know me pretty well, Sharon. I’ll try not to stress if that happens.
And what a nice comment. Much appreciated.
Best wishes for safe travel and a wonderful experience. Many thanks for the personal aspect! Look forward to your posts, soon or when you return.
Thank you for the good wishes, Jane. I hope I’ve got birds to post when I get back…
Hi Ron,
I will be visiting MY only daughter in two days, and your post makes it even harder to wait. I’m very much in tune with your personal “note”. Please enjoy your trip, and thank you for sharing!
I think it takes a father of a daughter to completely understand, Dick. Thanks.
I love how your soaring spirit is made manifest by the bird flying behind your head! Nest building, no less….
Yep, that bird and its mate were nest building fools for many weeks, Deborah. I had lots of fun with them and they raised a successful brood.
Have a wonderful trip Ron and good luck!!
Thanks very much, John.
Wow! Two people I love and adore! You both look great! Hardly have changed. Families are the best! Have a safe journey and happy photo shooting!
Thank you, Marsha. I had a great visit with your dad and Marie recently. Really enjoyed it!
Hi Ron: Great post. Thanks for sharing. The comment about your daughter stealing your heart the day she was born and not returning it yet certainly is a feeling I understand completely. I feel the same with my daughter. Families are GREAT!
“Families are GREAT!”
They certainly are, Keith. Nice to know that you have a similarly wonderful daughter. Thank you.
The personal note is most welcome. It is good to know more about the person responsible for one of my two favorite blogs. Your guess about the second one is correct. Have a great trip.
Thanks very much, Dave. I’m hoping that we can both learn more of the “personal stuff” about each other if we can meet up sometime this summer.
lovely magpie to match your lovely daughter. Safe travels to both of you.
Thanks very much for the very nice sentiment, Rich.
Wonderful post Ron! Many thanks for sharing.
We have one daughter, she is the queen of all, I understand fully!
Have a great camping trip, photograph a ton, and we’ll look forward to your rewards!
Another thing we share, Dick – a daughter we adore. Thank you.
May your trip be safe and full of great adventures. May the birds and other wildlife be plentiful and cooperative. Bottom line have a good time Ron.
Many thanks for the good wishes, Mark. At least on this trip if we don’t find birds there’ll be plenty of luscious scenery to photograph.