Red-tailed Hawk (and a new blog post, finally!)

Server issues have prevented me from publishing any new posts for the past five days but things have now progressed to the point that I thought I’d give it a go again.  There’s still some tweaking to do down the road so today’s post will be a bit of a test.


red-tailed hawk 9961 ron dudley

1/2500, f/6.3, ISO 640, Canon 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS II USM, not baited, set up or called in

I found this juvenile dark morph Red-tailed Hawk yesterday morning as it was nestled down in a tree at Farmington Bay.  At first it was largely obscured by branches and leaves but it raised its wings and flapped a little when it decided to adjust its position on the perch.  I love the coloration of this particular bird and always appreciate getting wispy clouds mixed with blue sky in the background.   I’m less than pleased by the out of focus yellow leaves in the lower foreground but I’m so fond of the plumage colors of this hawk that I decided to share anyway.

Soon after this shot was taken I began to creep forward in my pickup to get a little better light angle and naturally the hawk chose that moment to move a few feet on its perch which really showed off its wings but I missed those shots because I had a steering wheel in my hands instead of a camera.

I hate to think of all the shots I’ve missed in the past because of the complexities of trying to drive and shoot at the same time.



  1. Since I had so much fun identifying the different Red-tailed morphs while traveling in the west, your photo was especially interesting to me. We don’t have these variations in the east. Your bird seems to match the “intermediate” in Sibley’s, with its rufus breast and mix of light brown under the wing.
    Magnificent picture!

  2. Thanks Ron
    I’ve never seen a dark morph RTHA. Very handsome.

  3. The unfocused leaves almost give it an ethereal fire look. I can like it.

  4. Magnificent! I’ve never had a good look at a dark morph Red-tail. What a beauty!

    Yes, steering definitely gets in the way of photographing! We need designated drivers!

  5. Glad to have your blog back up, Ron.

  6. Woo-hoo is right! I was another of those “forbidden” to view this post yesterday and it was killing me because Red-tailed Hawks are my favorite raptor…this beauty was well worth the wait! This has to be one of the most gorgeous photos of a Red-tail I’ve ever seen, and I kinda like those fuzzy golden leaves near the bottom–gives it an ethereal quality. So glad your server issues are resolved, Ron…and thanks for sharing this wonderful birding moment with us.

  7. Hurray ! Your blog is a wonderful way to start my day–I’m glad for its return, and hope for no future glitches !

  8. Howard and Jorge, This is an issue a few folks are having that is a “leftover” from my recent server problems. Some of it has already been fixed and hopefully the rest of it will be today. Please let me know if it continues to be a problem for you!

    Thank you for the feedback. Very sorry for the inconvenience.

  9. Jorge H. Oliveira

    Like Howard I also received that message “Forbidden – Users from your country are not permitted to browse this site”. I tried again and after some minutes everything went back to normal. What a relief.
    I have missed your photos and lessons. Glad you are back.
    By the way that bird is beautiful.

  10. Woo Hoo.
    Welcome back. And I perservered and this time was allowed in. And my reward was huge.
    Thank you.

  11. I got an odd error message this time: “Forbidden – Users from your country are not permitted to browse this site.” ….but…but…I live in Houston.

    So I scrapped off part of the address (“red-tailed-hawk-and-a-new-blog-post-finally/”). Then I tried again. And everything worked fine. If your response rate is low this time, be aware that something is still malfunctioning. But the hawk photo is GORGEOUS! You did a spectacular job on a spectacular bird.

  12. Welcome back! I too, missed your daily fare. I like the eye and those under feathers. Have you ever tried driving with your knees – I shouldn’t give you any ideas for bad habits tho.

  13. Welcome back to you and Mia,Ron! .Missed you beautiful photos and observations.

  14. He’s a beauty … what a joy to see him … and you posting again!!! YAY!!!

  15. Lovely!!! So glad you’re back up – I’ve been missing my daily fix from you.

    Thanks, Ron

  16. I like the out of focus leaves. I think it gives the photo a mystical, artistic look. Especially with the clouds in the background, it is kind of just a continuation of them. And I am glad you are back. I have really missed you the past few days.

    • And I’ve missed “being here” too, Michelle. In my absence I’ve realized that I’ve become somewhat addicted to my interaction with all of you!

  17. An absolutely gorgeous photo. I’m just hoping that the cops don’t invent a DWS (driving while shooting) ticket… Also glad to see that you were able to get this post up. Hope the sailing is smoother from here out.

    • Susan, Believe me I never do that on paved roads (well, almost never…). I’m usually talking about dirt roads that are deserted or nearly so. Fairly often it’s on what we out west call “two tracks” – not really roads at all.

  18. Wow, Ron – magnificent bird and I love the photo! Interesting how the wispy out of focus leaves almost look like it could be a light source for the breast of the hawk…

  19. Love the intense look in the Hawk’s eyes. Beautiful shot.

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