The bold harlequin face pattern and unique courtship behaviors of the Lark Sparrow make it among my favorite sparrows to observe and photograph.
1/2000, f/5.6, ISO 500, Canon 7D, Canon EF500mm f/4L IS USM +1.4 tc, not baited, set up or called in
I found this one last month as it perched on an old, gnarled and dead sagebrush stump that is traditionally claimed by meadowlarks as a singing station.
Populations of this species in the east are rapidly declining but those populations were likely only possible in the first place because of forest clearing for agricultural purposes. It is suspected that the species is now returning to its natural range as many of those cleared areas slowly revert back to forest.
The courtship behaviors of Lark Sparrows are markedly different from those of all other songbirds. Two years ago I was able to photograph some of them and I published a lengthy post about those behaviors 18 months ago. If you’re relatively new to my blog and haven’t seen this post before you might consider checking it out. I think it’s worth the trip…
Love those soft rich plumage colours and patterns. And revisited the mating sequence. I wonder whether he presents her with the twig to give her something to ‘bite down’ on in the same way that early surgery patients were given something to bite on. Sorry, flippant mind at work. Thank you for both posts. Thank you lots.
Thanks for reposting your other blog. I had it saved in your folder and again wonder how you got both birds’ cloacae. And I wonder how the male ever got situated while the female waited with her twigs. Thanks
What a beautiful face it has! Reminds me of pastel art!
I’m very fond of the sparrow. This is such a pretty little bird.
They have quite a distinctive face, don’t they, Arwen?
Yes and I don’t think many people think about how cheeky they are.
I raised an English sparrow from fledgling to release. Very inquisitive little guy.
I also visited your prior post and photos. Just astonishing – I so appreciate how your photos are unique, absolutely beautiful and so enlightening! Guess I’m running out of compliments, but you know I mean it all. Great work, Ron – thanks for taking the time to post these and to provide such thorough notes.
Those are very kind words and I appreciate them, Alison.
Beeing a “newer” to your blog I went to see the post that you have mentioned and I am amazed.
Very interesting behavior.Great photos.The perfect definition of the right place in the right time.
The trip was very rewardable…
Thank you.
Thank you, Jorge. I’m glad you liked that post – I thought the behavior was fascinating and that was the first and only time I’ve seen it.
A wonderful shot Ron!
Thanks, Charlotte.