I get many requests for use of my images. It’s been my long-standing and strict policy to donate image use for conservation or environmental education purposes but to require a reasonable licensing fee for all other uses. For me it’s a matter of principle, much more than it is the money.
On September 21, 2012 I received a rather unusual image request. It was from PS (I’ll just use his initials), a Systems Administrator for the AV8B Harrier program at China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station in California. The AV8B Harrier is a military “jump jet” capable of “vertical or short takeoff and landing” (V/STOL). Because of its unusual flight capabilities this aircraft is a very impressive ground-attack aircraft. One of the definitions of the phrase “to harry” is “to disturb or distress by repeated attacks: to harass” so it becomes obvious how this aircraft came by its name. And anyone who’s familiar with the flying capabilities and aerial hunting tactics of the Northern Harrier (the raptor) can see why the two share the same name.
PS was in the process of designing computer systems for use in training Marine Harrier pilots and asked to use some of my images as backgrounds and other uses. He was interested in some of my Northern Harrier images and because these programs are very patriotic in theme he also asked for some Bald Eagle photographs. Even though his request had nothing to do with “conservation or environmental education” I agreed to donate the use of my images (without a licensing fee) as a small token of support for these military pilots. I basically gave him carte blanche access to my entire portfolio and let him choose the images he would use. My only condition was that he send me copies of the final graphics he worked up for use in the program (I make this request to have a memento and to have a record of how my images are used). PS agreed to that condition.
Below are the seven images I sent him on October 3, 2012.
Bald Eagle 2172
Northern Harrier 3923
Bald Eagle 2473
Northern Harrier 1804
Bald Eagle 4202
Northern Harrier 8903
Bald Eagle 0878
After sending the images to PS I waited six weeks for him to send me the final graphics that included my images. When I had heard nothing back in that time I emailed PS on November 16, 2012 and reminded him of our agreement. His response was “Things are still in the works. But I have not forgotten about you. I’ll get things out to you when it’s complete.” Given the situation that seemed reasonable to me so I sat back and waited. And waited. I decided to not contact him again and see if he lived up to his word (I got the faint impression that he wasn’t too happy about being “reminded”).
It’s now been almost a year and a half since I sent PS the images and I haven’t received the finished graphics or an explanation for the extreme delay. I will not contact him again. Sadly, it’s not particularly unusual for folks who are allowed free use of my images to not live up to their end of the bargain but I found this one to be more disturbing than most.
A sad state of affairs…
Note: This video clip is a long one (almost 12 minutes) but there may be a few readers who are interested in seeing a demonstration of the dramatic flight capabilities of the AV8B Harrier at the Mirimar Air Show. Both plane and pilot are very, very impressive.
Ron, back in the day, loyalty and integrity were expected. Now sadly especially when related to the government of our wonderful country they both seem less common. I am sorry. But I delight in seeing your NOHA again. He looks as fearsome as the airplane. Thank you.
Agreed. Times have changed, haven’t they Diana?
Too bad. Maybe P.S. was very sick or had an accident. Maybe he wasn’t able to complete the job and is too ashamed to admit. Most likely he is just a jerk and only out for himself.
“Maybe P.S. was very sick or had an accident.”
Susan, you and I think alike. That’s exactly (part) of what I just said in an email to Lane, below. All kinds of awful things could have happened with PS to explain this. But I agree, that scenario is a long shot. It’s most likely that he just didn’t think it important to keep his end of the bargain because he got the images for free. He’s probably forgotten all about it. And I simply refuse to remind him a second time…
Ron, I work for the AF; if this person represented themselves as an amployee of the DoD, then you really need to report it, because not only was it unethical and disappointing, it may very well have been illegal. The DoD has a lot of rules regarding procurements in order to protect others from just this kind of situation. I think you can get my email address from your blog; please let me point you in the right direction. There is no excuse for this behavior, so please don’t walk away from it. Best, Lane Hatcher
Thanks, Lane. I’ll be in touch via email.
For whatever it is worth Ron, I am an amateur carver. I carve, as you know, decorative decoys as well other birds. I’ve sold 5 carvings. I was told by another carver ALWAYS expect an up front deposit on any carving a person contracts for. Made one mistake that I wrote you about.
Your images are EXCEPTIONAL, EXCELLENT, images and should be valued, $$, on each one or don’t share!
I know that is tough, but there are so many images out there that DO NOT HAVE THE QUALITY OF YOURS, that is why you should have a value on each image you project. Hey, if they want a lower quality so be it, they just will have to pay the value you place on each image.
I feel for you Ron! Good Luck!
Thanks for the advice, Dick and you just may be right. I just have such a hard time charging educational and conservation causes but I’m now rethinking that policy.
Hiss and spit. And repeat.
Those are great images. Since digital photography became widespread and donations by amateurs has become so common, it has resulted in so many publishers or organizations who used to pay, say they no longer can afford to. They might have millions of dollars for new nature centers or other things, but as long as so many people are willing to give away images (which are usually inferior), all donating does is ruin the profession for those once able to make a decent living. I recommend placing a monetary value on images and not contributing to their total devaluation.
You make an excellent point, Rob. My thoughts on this are morphing…
He may have been putting together a proposal as a government contractor, which was not accepted. Either way, he should have honored your agreement. Seems, at this point, you can charge for thier use if you find that they, indeed were used. First ‘payment agreement’ was copies for free use. That ‘payment’ was not made and the price now goes up to $$. Send him a bill! Your work is excellent and worthy of the honor of honesty in any deal.
That’s a tactic I hadn’t thought of, Cheryl. I’ll have to think about it.
Seems to me our military is all about Honor so I think you should hold them to their agreement. Suggest you send an email to the Commander of the China Lake base with a link to your post. Here is a link to his email and contact information. http://www.navair.navy.mil/nawcwd/nawcwd/contact_us.htm
Dennis, Actually I don’t think this guy is in the military – he just does contract work for them. He apparently has no rank. Thanks for the link. I’ll check it out but I’m not sure what if anything I’ll do about it…
I’m awfully sorry your experience with this schmuck turned out the way it did. About a year ago, someone was encouraging me to increase my prices on one of my pod sites. His rationale was that the pricier they are, the more they will be valued. I don’t know if that reasoning fits your circumstance … heavens, just looking at these magnificent works of art should belie that thought … but maybe there is some truth in it. I could go on with freebie experiences and being a good guy myself, but won’t bore you. Just … food for thought.
I’ve had similar thoughts on freebies, Lois. I might have to change my operating procedure.
These are CLASSICS!!! Incredible!!! I sure hope you hear fro PS soon and that he acknowledges the treasures you’ve so generously shared with him…if not, may he rot in hell….the sooner the better!!!
Sounds like you’re as upset as I am, Patty!
Sensational shots Ron! It’s a sad commentary when someone does not keep their word. I think it may be the deteriorating morals that I see in our society. I was shocked to hear how many think it’s perfectly acceptable to lie. We’re it not so. Lacking integrity! !
My sentiments exactly, Charlotte.
I must say he picked a group of GREAT photos. What a shame that you can’t trust anyone!!
Thank you, Ellen.
Great Images and so very nice of you to offer them for free.
To put it bluntly, that sucks, that he never got back to you. Just know we all appreciate your images…!
Yes, it does suck, Bill. Thank you.