I have many nice images of Mountain Bluebirds but almost without exception they’re all on unnatural perches such as fence posts, wires or nest boxes. This one chose a perch that I like better.
1/2000, f/6.3, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light
This past July while I was photographing Ferruginous Hawks from my pickup in the Centennial Valley of Montana this adult male flew in and landed on an old weathered snag right in front of my window. By this time it was mid-morning and the light is from the side and a little contrasty but the image still works well enough for me.
I believe this bird flew in so close out of curiosity. It checked me out for a few seconds, enough time to fire off a handful of shots and then went on its way.
Lovely capture, and it’s lovely to have a natural perch!
I had a serendipity experience today, by the way. The map I had appeared to show a road back to the highway from the mountain township I visited today, so I drove that way, only to end up at a private property with a very large sign threatening prosecution for trespassers! On the way back though, I noticed two separated pigeons on the road, grabbed my binoculars and it was a northern Aus. pigeon, Squatter Pigeon, that I haven’t seen before, and remembered your recent posting about Serendipity!
Really nice shot!
A fine example of ‘all things come to him who waits’ and waits and waits and waits some more.
And he no doubt was just as interested in you as you in him. And wondered why you bothered to take photos of raptors when he was around.
Sensational shot!!!Thanks for sharing!
Ron, thank you for providing evidence a Bluebird actually CAN perch on a natural object! What a beauty! The detail and composition of your image (as expected) are superb.
Until this bird I wasn’t sure they could do it either, Wally. Thank you.
I think you’re right, Ron. I notice he made sure to give you his best side…
Well that is what you say…… I believe he/she saw you, knew what an excellent photographer you are, and wanted it’s picture took!!
Very nice shot, Ron.
Maybe you’re right, Dick – the bird was just a ham at heart…