Willets aren’t flashy birds but right now they’re very conspicuous on Antelope Island because they’ve come up higher on the slopes for their spring mating activities.
1/3200, f/6.3, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light
The flashing wing-beats and ringing calls of these birds as they fly from rock to rock certainly get your attention.
1/3200, f/6.3, ISO 640, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light
I particularly liked this big boulder so I cropped this shot to make the rock a prominent part of the image. I like the way the Willet is walking and looking toward the boulder as it slopes away.
It won’t be long before they spend most of their time on shore and since I enjoy images of them with the island setting (as opposed to the sandy shore) I take every opportunity to photograph them on their rocky perches.
Note: I’ll be out of town for a few days and expect to have spotty internet access at best so I’ll likely be unable to respond to many comments until my return.
Dear Ron, I’ve never been a bird watcher, but I can see that I’m going to learn a lot and see many wonderful avian habitants of our world by visiting your blog. Thank you. Peace.
I imagine that their camouflague is good, with that plumage. Lovely birds – and the boulder is spectacular too.
Nice work, they’re cute little guys!
Very nice shots Ron. I’m so used to seeing them on sand and marsh, that it is rather fun to see them in a different setting.
The second image is awesome. Really shows the camo effect of the feathers.
Not to mention the forward motion one feels from the body language and shape of the rock.
Really like that one.
Beautiful photography and lovely action and angles. The rock is great too.