Short-eared Owl Perch-hunting

A couple of weeks ago I posted two shots of this Short-eared Owl perched on this frost-covered rabbitbrush.  In those images the bird was reacting to me which isn’t really a natural behavior.  A direct look toward the viewer from those strikingly colorful eyes is certainly riveting but more natural behaviors also appeal to me.


short eared owl 5776 ron dudley

 1/500, f/8, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 t c, natural light, not baited, set up or called in

Short-eared Owls hunt primarily “on the wing” – they’re typically not “sit and wait” hunters like many other raptors.  But this bird noticed what was probably a vole at the base of the rabbitbrush and its reaction to it was obvious.  It stared intently down for some time which resulted in a natural pose that I like.



  1. Super photo of how intent and patient these hunters can be.

  2. I’ve seen these birds doing just this. So charismatic! The Short-eared Owl is among my most favorite. Of course your images always impress, and this is no exception.

  3. What a sensational shot Ron!! You are truly the master!!

  4. Diana, Chris, Janice and Maria – thanks so much for your positive comments about this image.

  5. I really like this owl’s feather pattern.

  6. This is a beautiful picture Ron and I have found myself visiting this adorable little owl off and on all morning until I realized I wasn’t accomlishing anything. Thank you for saving this, I’m sure it has brightened the day for many of your fans.

  7. Just plain a gorgeous shot! Reminds me of a cat, intent on that cricket he’s about to shorten the life of. Thank you!

  8. Beautiful shot! It’s certainly intent…..

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