Burrowing Owls on Antelope Island are often a hit or miss proposition. Occasionally one can find an accessible burrow occupied by multiple birds and get just close enough for quality images without disturbing the owls. But more often than not they’re difficult to find – especially in a location where the angle of light is good in the morning when I prefer to shoot.
1/2000, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc
This bird was one of a family of owls on the north end of the island that would occasionally sun themselves in the early morning at the top of a sagebrush perch. Here the owl had momentarily lost its balance while changing position on the branch and I was able to catch a pose I liked as it recovered. I love backgrounds like this that the island and the bokeh of my lens often provide.
These birds are ambassadors for birdwatching!
What sage/background/bokeh? I’m fixated on those yellow eyes!
Owls are such special birds, and this is a wonderful capture. Thank you.